File #: 14-363    Version: 1 Name: APS Upgrade Sole Source Purchasing
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/15/2014 Final action: 9/15/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing a Sole Source Purchase of Polara Navigator Accessible Pedestrian Systems (APS) from Western Pacific Signal, LLC for the Accessible Pedestrian Signals - New Freedom Project to Ensure Citywide Equipment Compatibility, Project No. 150-38-344
Attachments: 1. Sole Source Justification & Dristributor of Polara DOC081914.pdf
Related files: 14-364
Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing a Sole Source Purchase of Polara Navigator Accessible Pedestrian Systems (APS) from Western Pacific Signal, LLC for the Accessible Pedestrian Signals - New Freedom Project to Ensure Citywide Equipment Compatibility, Project No. 150-38-344
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing a sole source purchase of Polara Navigator Accessible Pedestrian Systems (APS) from Western Pacific Signal, LLC for the Accessible Pedestrian Signals - New Freedom Project to ensure compatibility with the City's existing traffic signal system equipment.
On behalf of the City, the Engineering and Transportation Department was awarded a $130,987 Cycle 4 New Freedom Program grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) in May 2012.  Funding from the grant will provide for the installation of APS devices at 13 signalized intersections.  At citizens' requests, staff has expanded the project to cover 15 signalized intersections as listed below:
1)      East 14th Street and Castro Street/Sybil Avenue (Caltrans Controlled)
2)      East 14th Street and 138th Avenue (Caltrans Controlled)
3)      East 14th Street and 143rd Avenue (Caltrans Controlled)
4)      East 14th Street and Fairmont Drive (Caltrans Controlled)
5)      East 14th Street and Bayfair Drive (Caltrans Controlled)
6)      Bancroft Avenue and Callan Avenue (City Controlled)
7)      Bancroft Avenue and Dutton Avenue (City Controlled)
8)      Hesperian Boulevard and Thornally Drive (City Controlled)
9)      Washington Avenue and Floresta Boulevard/Halcyon Drive (City Controlled)
10)      Washington Avenue and Springlake Drive (City Controlled)
11)      Washington Avenue and Fargo Drive (City Controlled)
12)      Washington Avenue and Lewelling Drive (City Owned)
13)      San Leandro Boulevard and Williams Street (City Owned)
14)      East 14th Street at San Leandro Boulevard (Caltrans Controlled)
15)      East 14th Street at 136th Avenue (Caltrans Controlled)
The City's current Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) was completed in Spring 2011.  To allow the traffic signal system to function at its full potential, the City must ensure the compatibility and performance of its major components.  Through City Council's resolution, the City has established the following components as the standard traffic signal system devices:
·      Naztec Traffic Controller
·      Naztec Controller Cabinet Assemblies
·      EtherWan Ethernet Switch
·      COYOTE Dome Closure
·      Aldis Video Detection System
·      Econolite Video Detection System
·      Polara Navigator APS  
·      3M Opticom Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP)
The above listed items were initially selected by competitive bid or on a performance basis to provide for an economical and efficiently supported system.  These items are either integral components or accessory components compatible with the existing equipment.  In addition, standardizing these traffic signal system components will allow the City and/or contractors to purchase these components directly from vendors when it is advantageous to the City.  It will also reduce routine maintenance expenses, avoid extra training on new components, and decrease the inventory of replacement parts.
While the APS project is in the final stage of the design work, staff is in the process of purchasing the APS devices for the upcoming installation work.  Acquiring this equipment during this stage will allow the project to be completed in an expeditious manner.
Polara Navigator APS has been identified as one of the City standard traffic signal system devices since February 2012 to ensure that the device components safeguard compatibility, functionality, and will reduce costs.  Western Pacific Signal, LLC is the sole official factory authorized distributor for Polara Navigator APS in California.  The City, therefore, will purchase the APS equipment for the 15 intersections from Western Pacific Signal, LLC at a total cost of $110,674.62.
Under subdivision (c)(2) of California Public Contract Code section 3400, the City may make a sole source determination for a specific product in order to match other products in use on particular public improvements either completed or in the course of completion.
Current Agency Policies
Continued development and expansion of the City's Advanced Traffic Management System
Previous Actions
·      On July 6, 2009 by Resolution No. 2009-101, the City Council approved a contractual services agreement to upgrade the City's Advanced Traffic Management System
·      On November 7, 2011 by Resolution No. 2011-186, the City Council approved plans and specifications and calling for bids for the Bancroft Avenue and 136th Avenue Traffic Signal Project
·      On February 21, 2012, by Resolution No. 2012-016, the City Council approved sole source components that are City's standardized traffic signal devices
Applicable General Plan Policies
Policy 16.03-Maintenance: Regularly maintain city streets and traffic control devices to ensure that streets operate safely and efficiently.
Fiscal Impacts
The total purchase cost is estimated to be $110,674.62.  The City is expected to contribute $33,052.62 as matching funds while the MTC New Freedom Grant will provide $77,622.00.
Budget Authority
The matching funds will be funded by the appropriated Accessible Pedestrian Signals-TDA (12-13) - 150-36-006 for $33,052.62.  
·      Sole Source Justification
PREPARED BY:  Reh-Lin N. Chen, Senior Transportation Engineer, Engineering & Transportation Department