Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Approve Amendments to a Consulting Services Agreement with CSG Consultants, Inc. for On-Call Engineering Plan Check, City Surveyor, Land Surveying, and Engineering Inspection Services
Staff recommends that the City Council approve an amendment to a Consulting Services Agreement with CSG Consultants, Inc. to add inspection of the Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2017-18 Project for an estimated fee of $168,000.
In February 2017, staff issued a request for qualifications (RFQ) seeking civil engineering and land surveying consulting firms to assist with engineering projects as needed. Eight firms responded to the RFQ and CSG Consultants, Inc. (CSG) was one of three firms deemed most qualified; a contract with CSG was approved by City Council on September 5, 2017.
Four construction contracts were awarded by City Council on July 7, 2018 including a contract for $10,163,485 in roadway work on the Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2017-18 Project. These construction contracts, combined with existing commitments for encroachment permits, grading permits, and sidewalk work exceed current staff inspection capacity.
The Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2017-18 Project is estimated to require up to 1,200 hours of inspection. Staff has determined that using an outside consultant for this work is the most efficient way to supplement the current staff capacity. CSG’s contract includes this scope of work; based on the hourly rates contained in the existing agreement, the fee for this work is estimated to be $168,000, which is more than half of their current not to exceed fee.
This work can be done within the existing contract fee. However, doing so will reduce the amount of work CSG can perform reviewing plans and maps submitted for permit by outside parties. Staff requests that the not to exceed fee be increased by $168,000 so that CSG can continue to provide plan review services and meet our inspection needs for the Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2017-18 Project.
Current Agency Policies
• Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure.
Previous Actions
On September 5, 2017, by Resolution No. 2017-115, City Council awarded a $300,000 contract to CSG for on call engineering services.
On July 16, 2018, by Resolution No. 2018-081, City Council awarded a $10,163,845 contract to DeSilva Gates Construction for construction of the Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2017-18 Project.
Applicable General Plan Policies
T 5.3 Maintenance. Regularly maintain City streets and traffic control devices to ensure that streets operate safely and efficiently. The City will strive for an overall Pavement Condition Index of 76, which is the lower limit of industry best practices.
Environmental Review
This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15301(c) of the CEQA guidelines. The Notice of Exemption was filed with the Alameda County Recorder on June 8, 2018.
Fiscal Impacts
The estimated cost of the Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2017-18 Project is $12,045,000 as described below
Design and Bid $ 109,855
Construction Contract $10,163,845
Construction Management and Inspection $450,000
Construction Contingency $1,321,300
Total $12,045,000
The subject work by CSG will be funded from the project and that cost is included in the estimate above.
Budget Authority
This street rehabilitation project will be funded as follows:
Account No. Reso., Appropriation Dates & Source Amount
141-38-392-5240 FY 2017-18 Budget, Measure B and BB $1,500,000
141-39-392-5240 FY 2017-18 Budget, Measure BB Grant $6,000,000
141-39-392-5240 Reso 2018-081, Measure BB Grant $3,225,000
142-38-392-5240 FY 2017-18 Budget, Gas Tax $185,000
143-38-392-5240 FY 2017-18 Budget, Measure F (VRF) $950,000
593-52-262-5240 FY 2016-17, WPCP Enterprise Fund $185,000
Total $12,045,000
Attachment to Related Legislative File
• CSG CSA Amendment 1
PREPARED BY: Nick Thom, City Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department