File #: 13-490    Version: 1 Name: Staff Report: Adoption 2013 CA Building Code
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/21/2013 Final action: 10/21/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Adoption of State-Mandated California Building Standards Codes and Related Amendments
Related files: 13-492, 13-493, 13-494, 13-495, 13-496, 13-497, 13-498, 13-499, 13-500, 13-501, 13-525, 13-491
Staff Report for Adoption of State-Mandated California Building Standards Codes and Related Amendments
The Director of the Community Development Department, and the Chief Building Official, by and through the City Manager, recommend that the City Council pass-to-print the proposed ordinance amendments, and set a public hearing for November 18, 2013, to consider amendments to the following codes:  The "California Building Standards Code, 2013 edition," as amended, and that certain document entitled "International Residential Code 2012 Edition and appendices G and H, "International Building Code, 2012 Edition," with appendix Chapters G and I, published by the International Code Council, and Chapters  A2, A4 and A5, of that certain document entitled "International Existing Building Code 2012 edition," as published by the International Code Council,   and that certain document entitled "International Fire Code, 2012 Edition," published by the International Code Council with appendix chapters B, C and D.
Recommendations for City Council Action:
1.      Approve the Resolution of Findings for Modifications to the California Code of Regulations Governing Building Construction and Determining the Need for Amendments;
2.      Motion to Pass-to-Print the Amendments; and
3.      Motion Calling for a Public Hearing on November 18, 2013, to Adopt the State-Mandated Codes and Related Amendments by Reference in the San Leandro Municipal Code.
The State Building Standards Commission conducts public hearings on modifications for state agencies and state amendments that local building departments are mandated to enforce, such as requirements for disabled access, conservation of natural resources and fire safety, or life safety.  The Building Standards Commission then "publishes" the codes as further amended.  Cities have 180 days from the official "publication date" to amend the State codes or adopt the codes without amendments.  Failure of a city to adopt or amend the State codes results in the imposition of the unamended State Code at the local level.  The State Building Standards Commission set an effective date at the local level of January 1, 2014. The State codes were not readily available until late July, which leaves very little time for cities to respond.
All cities and counties must enforce model codes as revised and published by the State.  These codes are generally revised every three years by the organization that creates the model codes.  These codes are then reviewed and amended by the State to reflect the unique conditions in California.
Previously, three (3) model building codes were published independently in the United States by three model code organizations: International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) and Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI).  As a first step toward national uniformity, these model code organizations merged - forming a new model code organization known as the International Code Council (ICC).  A result of this effort was the publication of the International Building Code.  A significant number of the changes to the codes were simply to correlate with a new format.  Additionally, requirements from the various model codes were incorporated into the new International Building Code.
The proposed ordinances consist of the following:
·      Adoption of state-mandated construction codes.
·      Adoption of the appendices Chapters G and I of the International Building Code.
·      Adoption of the appendices Chapters G and H of the International Residential Code.
·      Adoption of the "International Fire Code, 2012 Edition" with appendix chapters B, C, and D.
·      A carryover of the City's current administrative and procedural amendments reformatted to correlate with the new codes.
·      Amending the Plumbing Code to prohibit the use of plastic pipes in  drain waste and venting systems.  This continues existing City policy.
·      The adoption of appendices Chapters A2, A4 and A5 of the "International Existing Building Code 2012 edition."
·      Minor Structural Amendments related to updating seismic design criteria based on San Leandro's proximity to earthquake faults and corrections to the model code structural design standards.
Current Agency Policies
The City Council previously adopted amendments to the subject Codes on November 15, 2010.
PREPARED BY:  William Schock, Chief Building Official, Community Development