File #: 14-361    Version: 1 Name: Establishment of an Arts Commission
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/2/2014 Final action: 9/2/2014
Enactment date: 9/2/2014 Enactment #: Reso 2014-094
Title: RESOLUTION Adding a New Title 24, Chapter 1 to the San Leandro Administrative Code Relating to Rules of Procedure for the City of San Leandro Arts Commission (creates rules of procedure for a newly established Arts Commission)
Related files: 14-368, 14-344
RESOLUTION Adding a New Title 24, Chapter 1 to the San Leandro Administrative Code Relating to Rules of Procedure for the City of San Leandro Arts Commission (creates rules of procedure for a newly established Arts Commission)
WHEREAS, on November 16, 2013, the City of San Leandro hosted an Arts and Culture Town Hall meeting and had interactive discussions with the community; and
WHEREAS, at its meeting of July 7, 2014, the City Council provided direction to staff to create an Arts and Culture Commission.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:
SECTION 1.      A new Title 24 entitled "Arts Commission" is hereby added to the San Leandro Administrative Code; and
SECTION 2.      A new Chapter 24.1 entitled "Rules of Procedure" is hereby added to the San Leandro Administrative Code, to read as follows:
§24.1.100:      REGULAR MEETING.  Regular meetings of the Arts Commission shall be held on the second Wednesday of each month, convening at the hour of 7:00 p.m.  When the day or the day following the day fixed for such regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, such meeting shall be held at such time as agreed upon by the Commission.
§24.1.105:      SPECIAL MEETINGS.  The Chair of the Commission shall call special meetings of the Commission whenever the business of the Commission shall so require, or at the express written request of any five (5) members of the Commission.  Written notice of the time and place and the business to be transacted at such special meeting shall be delivered by personal delivery, by mail, or by facsimile at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of such meeting to each member of the Commission, to the City Manager, to the City Clerk and to each local newspaper of general circulation, radio or television station requesting notice in writing.  No other business shall be considered at such special meeting.
§24.1.110:      MEETING PLACE.  All regular meetings of the Commission shall be held at the Civic Center, City of San Leandro, unless in the opinion of the Commission, the interests of the City and Commission could be best served by holding such meetings elsewhere.
§24.1.115:      AGENDA.  The Secretary shall prepare an agenda for all matters to be submitted to the Commission and shall distribute the agenda and related materials to all interested parties not less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the date of a regular meeting, and not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date of a special meeting
Copies of the agenda, or the Notice of Cancellation if a meeting has been cancelled, shall be delivered to each member of the Commission, to each member of the City Council, to the City Manager, and to the City Clerk.
§24.1.200:      CHAIR.  The presiding officer of the Commission shall be the Chair, who shall be elected at the first regular meeting in July of every year.  The Chair shall preserve order and decorum at regular and special meetings of the Commission; shall state each question; shall announce decisions; shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal to the Commission; shall vote on all questions; shall appoint all committees; and shall generally perform the duties of a presiding officer.
§24.1.205:      VICE CHAIR.  The Vice Chair of the Commission shall be elected annually at the first regular meeting in July of every year.  The Vice Chair shall preside in the absence of the Chair or upon the request of the Chair.  In the event the Chair shall arrive late, the Vice Chair shall relinquish the chair upon conclusion of the business then pending before the Commission.
§24.1.210:      CHAIR PRO TEM.  In the event of the absence of the Chair and the Vice Chair or their inability to act, the Commissioners present shall elect from their membership a Chair Pro Tem to serve during such temporary absence.  In the event the Chair or Vice Chair shall arrive late, the Chair Pro Tem shall relinquish the chair upon conclusion of the business then pending before the Commission.
§24.1.215:      LIMIT OF TERM.  No member of the Commission shall serve more than two (2) successive full terms of one (1) year as Chair or Vice Chair of the Commission provided that this limitation may be waived upon a finding of good cause, by an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Commission.
§24.1.220:      SECRETARY.  The Secretary of the Commission, appointed by the Recreation and Human Services Director, shall keep all minutes, prepare the agenda, and furnish all members of the Commission with a copy of the agenda, plus copies of all correspondence and other papers related to items appearing on the agenda; and shall follow all legal noticing requirements.  Items which are of general interest and not requiring action on the part of the Commission need not be included in the agenda, but may be mailed to all members of the Commission.
§24.1.225:      QUORUM.  A majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
§24.1.300:      CALL TO ORDER.  Upon opening the meeting and after determining that a quorum is present, the Chair shall call the meeting to order.  The call to order may be immediately followed by the Pledge of Allegiance or other opening ceremonies.
§24.1.305:      AGENDA.  The following shall be the ordinary order of business for meetings of the Commission:
1.      Roll Call
2.      Approval of Agenda
3.      Approval of Minutes
4.      Public Comments
5.      Correspondence
6.      Report of Secretary
7.      Committee Reports
8.      Unfinished Business
9.      New Business
10.      Report of Chair
11.      Commissioners Comments
12.      Adjournment
§24.1.310:      ALTERATION OF ORDER.  The Chair, with the approval of the Commission, may move items out of prepared agenda order.
§24.1.315:      SPECIAL ITEMS.  Special items not appearing on the agenda may be presented by any member of the public or Commission with consent by a two-thirds vote of the members present or by unanimous vote if less than two-thirds of the body is present, and subject to any applicable legal requirement including the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code §54950 et seq.).
§24.1.400:      RULES.  The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, except where inconsistent with the express provisions of law or these Rules of Procedure or other resolutions of the Commission, shall govern the conduct of meetings of the Commission.
§24.1.405:      ROLL CALL.  Before proceeding with the business of the Commission, the Secretary shall call the roll of the membership, and the names of those present shall be entered in the minutes. If a Commissioner is unable to attend a meeting, either the Secretary or the Chair shall be notified before the meeting.
§24.1.410:      ADDRESSING COMMISSION.  Each person addressing the Commission shall give one's name in an audible tone of voice for the records.  If the person is appearing in a representative or professional capacity such as an attorney, engineer, etc., the person shall state the name of the individual or organization being represented.  Unless additional time is granted by the Chair, all remarks shall be limited to five (5) minutes.  All remarks shall be addressed to the Commission as a body and not to any individual member thereof.  No person, other than members of the Commission and the person having the floor shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the Commission, except through the Chair.
§24.1.500:      MANNER OF TAKING VOTE.  The vote shall be taken by show of hands, voice vote, roll call, or electronic voting.
§24.1.505:      MAJORITY VOTE.  All Commission actions shall require the affirmative votes of a majority of the members of the Commission.
§24.1.600:      REFERRAL.  Upon the introduction of any new matter for consideration by the Commission, the Chair may refer the same to a committee of the Commission, appointed by the Chair to study such item of business and recommend to the Commission.  The application of this section shall be at the sole discretion of the Chair, and shall be used by the Chair to provide a more even flow of business appearing before the Commission.
§24.1.605:      APPOINTMENT.  Committees shall consist of no less than two (2) and no more than four (4) Commissioners.  The Chair of the Commission may serve in an ex-officio capacity on all committees.
§24.1.610:      MEETINGS.  Committees shall be empowered to meet with organizations or individuals as necessary in order to properly prepare their reports.
§24.1.615:      BUSINESS.  Committees shall, in meeting with other organizations or individuals, limit themselves to gathering pertinent facts and explaining previously adopted policies of the Commission.  They shall not make any commitments on behalf of the Commission; promise any action on the part of the Commission; initiate or organize any group or urge specific action by an organized group or individual, unless specifically empowered to do so at the time of appointment; take any action which would in any way compromise the position of the Commission or place the Commission in an embarrassing position before the public.
§24.1.700:      INFORMATION THROUGH CHAIR.  All information on action by the Commission shall be released only by the Secretary or the Chair, unless by majority vote the Commission shall give such authority to another member of the Commission.  Commissioners shall refer all requests for information to either the Secretary or the Chair, and shall not endeavor to interpret any action of the Commission.
§24.1.705:      INFORMATION THROUGH OTHER COMMISSIONER.  Any Commissioner may give a personal evaluation of a Commission action, as long as it is made as a private citizen and so quoted.
§24.1.800:      AMENDMENTS.  The Commission may make recommendations to the City Council for amendments to these Rules of Procedure.
SECTION 3.      The provisions of this resolution shall take effect when the ordinance relating to the establishment of an Arts Commission becomes effective.