File #: 16-366    Version: 1 Name: Staff Report for 21Tech, LLC
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/18/2016 Final action: 7/18/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a Non-Professional Services Agreement with 21Tech, LLC for Development and Improvements on the Accela Permit System (in an amount not to exceed $85,000)
Attachments: 1. Non-Professional Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro and 21Tech, LLC, 2. 21Tech, LLC Scope of Services and Pricing - Exhibit A and B, 3. City of San Leandro Request for Proposal for Accela Consultant Services, November, 2015, 4. Bid Response from 21Tech, LLC, November, 2015, 5. SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION FORM.pdf
Related files: 16-367


Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a Non-Professional Services Agreement with 21Tech, LLC for Development and Improvements on the Accela Permit System (in an amount not to exceed $85,000)





Staff recommends that the City Council approve a resolution making a sole source finding under California Public Contract Code section 3400(c)(2) and authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a Non-Professional Services agreement for the services needed to improve and enhance functionality on the City of San Leandro’s Accela permit system. The contract is valued at $85,000.00. 




The Accela permit system is used by the Community Development, Engineering and Transportation,  and Public Works Departments’ staff as well as Alameda County Fire staff to manage planning, permitting and inspection services. The system is used to calculate and collect permit fees, track plan check comments and approvals, issue permits, maintain permit and inspection history and schedule inspections.  The Accela system, a cloud computing application, was implemented in February 2015 to replace the Tidemark Advantage permit system, which was dated and no longer supported. 


In November, 2015 staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for consulting services related to the Accela implementation and selected 21 Tech, LLC as the service provider.  21Tech was able to resolve some of the major issues of system functionality to enable on-line inspections, correct workflow assignments, and establish some reporting functions and other improvements.     Additional enhancements and improvements are still needed.




Several areas need improvement and additional functionality could be added that would greatly increase the effectiveness of the Accela system. The following improvements and enhancements have been identified:

                     Integration of the City’s geographic information system (GIS) data

                     Integration with the Eden, City’s financial system

                     Creation of additional reports for tracking of activity, revenue received, building code enforcement, and permits outstanding

                     Creation of additional user groups for the Water Pollution Control Plant, Public Works and Environmental Services for comments and approvals of wastewater connections, trash enclosures and construction debris plans, and hazardous material and disposal plans.  

                     Creation of a Bank Service Fee tab within the payment module in order to collect the 2.5% credit card convenience fee.

                     Enhancements to the Accela Citizen Access portal that is used by customers to schedule inspections and interact with City services.


In November, 2015 staff solicited competitive bids to identify a consultant for Accela services. Three firms responded, including: 21Tech, LLC, InterWest, and Avocette. Given its deep expertise in Accela and GIS software, low cost per hour, and strong references, including one from the City and County of San Francisco, 21Tech, LLC was selected for the project. In addition, it is necessary for the City Council to make a sole source purchase justification to award the contract to 21Tech LLC, in accordance with California Public Contract Code section 3400(c)(2).  This new agreement would build on work 21Tech LLC already did under a previous agreement, and because it is a natural extension to a previously competitively awarded contract, a sole source finding is justified to match work done on a previously completed project.



Current Agency Policies


                     2015 City Council Goal: Advance projects and programs promoting sustainable economic development, including transforming San Leandro into a center for innovation

                     2015 City Council Goal: Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure


Previous City Council Actions


                     On July 15, 2013, the City Council approved a Consultant Services Agreement with TruePoint Solutions to Migrate and Configure the Tidemark Permitting Software System from Accela, Inc to Accela Automation/Civic Council in the Amount of $208.900.



Legal Analysis


The City Attorney’s office reviewed and approved the Non-Professional Services agreement.


Fiscal Impacts


The total one-time cost of this agreement is $85,000.00.


The recommended funding sources are:


                     $31,667 carry-over in the fiscal year 2015-16 IT operating budget.

                     $40,000 in the fiscal year 2016-17 IT operating budget.

                     $6,667 in the fiscal year 2016-17 Engineering and Transportation operating budget, temporarily funded through the IT department.

                     $6,666 in the fiscal year 2016-17 Community Development operating budget.


Budget Authority


                     The Finance Director determined there are sufficient funds in the 2016-17 IT operating budget Account 688-13-121-7410 for $85,000.00 to be transferred to 688-13-121-5120;


Attachment(s) to Staff Report


                     Non-Professional Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro and 21Tech, LLC.

                     21Tech, LLC Scope of Services and Pricing - Exhibit A and B

                     City of San Leandro Request for Proposal for Accela Consultant Services, November, 2015.


                     Bid Response from 21Tech, LLC, November, 2015.


                     Sole Source Award Justification Form.



PREPARED BY:  Tony Batalla, Information Technology Manager, City Manager’s Office
