File #: 15-070    Version: 1 Name: Townsend Public Affairs contract extension
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 2/17/2015 Final action: 2/17/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement with Townsend Public Affairs for State Legislative Advocacy Services, to Extend the Term of the Agreement by an Additional One Year Period, in an Amount Not to Exceed $60,000 Annually
Attachments: 1. Townsend Approved Contract Feb 2014.pdf, 2. Townsend Contract Extension Feb 2015 CSA.pdf
Related files: 15-075
Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement with Townsend Public Affairs for State Legislative Advocacy Services, to Extend the Term of the Agreement by an Additional One Year Period, in an Amount Not to Exceed $60,000 Annually
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a one-year extension of the City's current contract with Townsend Public Affairs in an amount not to exceed $60,000 for state legislative advocacy services.
In October, 2013, the City Council authorized the creation of a City Council ad-hoc subcommittee in order to provide guidance on the development of a state legislative platform as well as a process through which a consultant would be selected to provide state-level advocacy services on behalf of the City.
Following a competitive request for proposals process, on February 18, 2014, the City Council directed the City Manager to enter into a one year consulting services agreement with Townsend Public Affairs for state level advocacy services.  Since that time, Townsend Public Affairs has provided excellent service to the City on a wide array of legislative matters.  This assistance has included working to secure the passage of AB 2292, Assembly Member Bonta's legislation that was co-sponsored by the City of San Leandro at the direction of the City Council, and which added broadband infrastructure to the list of projects that can be approved through infrastructure financing districts.  Townsend Public Affairs also provided excellent assistance in helping the City secure a $200,000 planning grant from the California Department of Transportation that is being used towards the development of the San Leandro Creek Trail Master Plan.  Staff from Townsend Public Affairs have also closely monitored and kept City officials and staff apprised of various legislative efforts at the state level over the past year that could substantively impact San Leandro.  Examples of these issues include: potential new statewide regulations related to medical cannabis, massage parlors, and the winding down of redevelopment agencies, among others.
Based upon these factors, the City Manager recommends that the City Council authorize City staff to execute a one-year extension of the existing consulting services agreement with Townsend Public Affairs.  The City Manager also requests the City Council approve $60,000 as the not to exceed amount of compensation for the contract.  Copies of the prior agreement and proposed contract extension are attached for reference.  
Fiscal Impacts
The proposed agreement with Townsend Public Affairs will not exceed $60,000 for one year of services.
Budget Authority
Staff proposes to fund this agreement using funds from the General Fund economic uncertainty reserve. Sufficient funds would be transferred to the City Manager's consulting account number 010-12-020-5120.
·      Amendment No. 1 to Consulting Services Agreement
·      Copy of Existing Consulting Services Agreement with Townsend Public Affairs
PREPARED BY:  Eric Engelbart, Assistant to the City Manager, City Manager's Office