File #: 14-337    Version: 1 Name: SR Affordable Housing Trust Fund FY13-14
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/6/2014 Final action: 10/6/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Approving the City of San Leandro Annual Affordable Housing Trust Fund Report for FY 2013-2014
Related files: 14-338
Staff Report for Resolution Approving the City of San Leandro Annual Affordable Housing Trust Fund Report for FY 2013-2014
Staff recommends that the City Council review and approve the City of San Leandro's annual Affordable Housing Trust Fund Report for FY 2013-14 in accordance with the City of San Leandro's Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Article 30 of the Zoning Code, Section 6-3028).
Under the City's Zoning Code Section 6-3028 and California Government Code Section 66006(b), the Community Development Director shall provide an annual report to the City Council on the status of activities undertaken with the City's Affordable Housing Trust Fund (Fund).  The report evaluates the efficiency of the Ordinance in mitigating the City's shortage of affordable housing and recommends any changes to the Ordinance necessary to carry out its purposes, including any adjustments to the number of units required.  
Additionally, the City Council must review the annual report and make it available to the public after public notice.  The report includes a statement of income, expenses, disbursements and other uses of the Fund.  The report also states the number and type of inclusionary units constructed or assisted during the year of the report and the amount of such assistance if applicable.
The Fund's balance as of June 30, 2014 was $67,856.76.  In FY 2013-2014, the Fund received revenue of $34,788.36, which came from a $34,363 loan principal and interest repayment made by the non-profit Eden Housing on behalf of Estabrook Place, an affordable 51-unit senior rental housing development.  There were no expenditures in this fiscal year.  
No changes are recommended to San Leandro's Inclusionary Housing Ordinance at this time.  Evaluation of the ordinance is being considered as part of the Housing Element Update.
Current Agency Policies
The Housing Element for 2007-14 of the City's General Plan and Article 30 of the Zoning Code (Inclusionary Housing Ordinance).
Previous Actions
·      In December 2004, the City Council adopted Article 30 of the Zoning Code, the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance.
·      On January 17, 2006, the City Council amended the City's Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Article 30, Sections 6-3002, 6-3004, 6-3006 and 6-3014 of the Zoning Code) to expand the application of the Ordinance to include condominium conversions.
Applicable General Plan Policies
The Housing Element contains several policies applicable to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and Inclusionary Housing Ordinance:
Goal 3:  New Housing Opportunities - Provide housing opportunities and improve economic access to housing for all segments of the community.
Goal 53:  Affordable Housing Development
Policy 53.03: Funding - Actively pursue and leverage private, non-profit, and public funds to facilitate the development of affordable housing in San Leandro. Provide administrative and technical assistance to affordable housing developers and support the applications of these developers for loans, grants, tax credits, and other financing sources that facilitate affordable housing production in the City.
Action 53.03-C: Affordable Housing Trust Fund
Maintain a local affordable housing trust fund that is capitalized with in-lieu fees from the inclusionary zoning program and condo conversion fees. The fund should be used to leverage affordable housing development in San Leandro.
Policy 53.04 - Inclusionary Housing - Require the inclusion of affordable housing in new housing developments-both inside and outside of redevelopment project areas. Modify ordinances as needed to make these requirements clearer and more effective.
Policy 53.06 New Rental Housing - Strongly encourage the development of additional rental housing in the City, including both market rate units and affordable units. It should be recognized that many market rate rentals meet the affordability criteria for low- and moderate-income households. Expanded production could increase the supply of workforce housing and address the deficit in housing production for households earning between 60 and 120 percent of the area median income.
Summary of Public Outreach Efforts
A 15-day public notice about the FY 2013-14 Affordable Housing Trust Fund Report was available at City Hall, the Housing Services Division of the Community Development Department, the Main Library, and via the City's website.  Public review and public comments were accepted by the Housing Specialist during this 15-day period, from September 19th through October 6th, 2014.
Fiscal Impacts
The City received $34,363 in revenue from Eden Housing to repay a portion of the principal and interest for the development loan (partially funded from the Fund) that the City approved for Estabrook Place in July 2007.  The City also received $425 in loan interest income.
Budget Authority
The collection and uses of Affordable Housing Trust Fund monies are authorized under the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and California Government Code Sections 66001 and 66006(a).
Attachment to Resolution
Annual Affordable Housing Trust Fund Report for FY 2013-2014
PREPARED BY:  Steve Hernandez, Housing Specialist II, Community Development Department