File #: 12-373    Version: 1 Name: BRT Project - Designating Locally Preferred Alternative
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/16/2012 Final action: 7/16/2012
Enactment date: 7/16/2012 Enactment #: Reso 2012-095
Title: ADOPT: Resolution Designating the City of San Leandro’s Locally Preferred Alternative for the AC Transit East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project (designates the City’s preferred option for BRT)
Attachments: 1. Exhibit 2 - AC Transit BRT Dedicated Lanes to Monument - Option 2.pdf
Related files: 12-372
ADOPT:  Resolution Designating the City of San Leandro's Locally Preferred Alternative for the AC Transit East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project (designates the City's preferred option for BRT)
      WHEREAS, in 1998 the AC Transit District ("AC Transit") initiated work on the "Major Investment Study" to closely examine alternatives for transit service on several transit corridors in its service area; and
      WHEREAS, in 2000 a Major Investment Study Policy Steering Committee comprised of members from all affected jurisdictions, including the City of San Leandro ("City"), was convened to provide guidance to the study from a corridor-wide perspective; and
      WHEREAS, in 2001 the Policy Steering Committee recommended a preferred route or "Locally Preferred Alternative" (LPA) for a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project that specified the corridor alignment of Telegraph Avenue to International Boulevard/East 14th Street in the cities of Berkeley, Oakland, and San Leandro; and
      WHEREAS, BRT is a mode of transit service that has some or all the following characteristics:  Dedicated Travel Lanes; Level Boarding Platforms; Off-Board Fare Collection; and Real-Time Arrival Signs; and
      WHEREAS, in May 2007, AC Transit in collaboration with the Federal Transit Administration released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Report ("Draft EIS/R") for the continued development of the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project (the "Project"); and
      WHEREAS, in July 2007 the City of San Leandro formally submitted comments in response to the Draft EIS/R, with comments focused on route alignment, traffic, parking, economic, construction, roadway maintenance, and operation impacts, among other concerns; and
      WHEREAS, in May 2010 the City of San Leandro forwarded its original Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) in order for AC Transit to complete a Final Environmental Impact Statement/Report (FEIS/R) and AC Transit developed the Downtown Oakland San Leandro (DOSL) LPA in June 2010; and
      WHEREAS, AC Transit distributed the FEIS/R for the Project in February 2012 and the City held a public meeting and submitted comments on the FEIS/R in March 2012 and subsequently approved the FEIS/R in April 2012; and
      WHEREAS, according to Federal Transit Administration rules, AC Transit is required to consider a "Locally Preferred Alternative" adopted by the City of San Leandro, to be analyzed in the Final EIS/R for the Project; and
      WHEREAS, City staff has worked with AC Transit staff to refine the Project design to the extent possible to meet City goals and to implement a project incorporating transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and vehicle improvement; and
      WHEREAS, the City's designation of a "Locally Preferred Alternative" is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to, without limitation, CEQA Guidelines section 15262.
      NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City designates the following:
(Option 2)  As introduced by AC Transit at the May 31, 2012 joint City - AC Transit meeting, a modified LPA that eliminates elements of the original LPA that will end dedicated lanes just south of Broadmoor Boulevard and will relocate stations to shorten walking distances to senior housing locations as shown in Exhibit 2. This LPA shall include the following conditions:
·      In conjunction with the commencement of the BRT service, AC Transit shall offer a frequent and continuous service on East 14th Street that allows riders to travel between the northern and southern San Leandro borders without transferring buses.
·      Prior to the commencement of the BRT Service, AC Transit shall explore and implement ideas that create a "Complete Transit Experience" for San Leandro citizens that include a more encompassing and frequent east-west service that allows transit users to reach locations such as BART, BRT, shopping, and work centers in a convenient and timely manner.
·      AC Transit shall, as soon as possible, explore the means and feasibility of extending BRT along the length of East 14th Street to Bay Fair BART, insuring the flexibility of adding such a segment in the future.
·      AC Transit shall make accommodations for a southbound East 14th Street left turn to eastbound Broadmoor Boulevard.
as its "Locally Preferred Alternative" for the AC Transit East Bay Bus Rapid Transit project.
That the City Manager is authorized to make non-substantive revisions to said LPA, subject to approval as to form by the City Attorney.