File #: 13-616    Version: 1 Name: Federal Advocacy and Funding Requests
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 1/6/2014 Final action: 1/6/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for City Council Review of Projects for Presentation to the City's Congressional Representatives and Administrative Departments During the March National League of Cities Conference in Washington D.C. for Inclusion in the Federal Fiscal Year 2015 Budget
Attachments: 1. SLPD Public Safety Initiatives 2014, 2. Urban Greenway and Creek Walk, 3. SL Smart City Model 2014, 4. CDBG Home Programs 2014, 5. Next Generation Manufacturing District
Staff Report for City Council Review of Projects for Presentation to the City's Congressional Representatives and Administrative Departments During the March National League of Cities Conference in Washington D.C. for Inclusion in the Federal Fiscal Year 2015 Budget
Staff recommends that the City Council review and authorize the list of recommended local projects for presentation to the City's congressional representatives and administrative departments for consideration in the federal FY 2015 budget.
Annually, members of the City Council travel to Washington D.C. during the National League of Cities conference and lobby congressional delegates to include City projects for funding in the federal budget for the coming year.  This process, coordinated by the City's Federal Relations Representative Len Simon, may include meeting with various federal representatives, including Members of Congress, their staff and/or federal agency representatives with presentation of written material in support of the City's selected projects.  These efforts have proven successful with partially funded projects in recent years, including the Senior Community Center, East 14th Street improvements, the Davis/880 Interchange and the expansion of the Lit San Leandro fiber optic loop.  
While it is not clear as to what funding may be available at the federal level in the coming year, it is important to proceed with identifying beneficial projects to the City of San Leandro.  Staff has prepared the attached packet of five project requests:
·      San Leandro Police Department - Extension of COPS Grant
·      Urban Greenway and Creek Walk
·      San Leandro: A Smart City Model
·      CDBG and HOME Programs
·      Next Generation Manufacturing and Workplace District
The first four of the above projects were included in last year's packet of funding requests, and have been revised to include any relevant updates since last year.  The Next Generation Manufacturing and Workplace District proposal is new for 2014 and replaces the Advanced Manufacturing project request that was included last year.    
Next Steps
If authorized by Council, staff will include these funding requests summaries in the packet of materials that is delivered to Len Simon, the City's federal advocate, who will be attending the City Council Work Session on January 27th in order to discuss his workplan for 2014.  These materials also will assist in any advocacy efforts carried out on behalf of the City of San Leandro by Mr. Simon, City Council members, or staff over the course of the year ahead.  
Fiscal Impact
The fiscal impact of these requests is unknown at this time.  However, the projects identified may require some level of City funds as a match or to fill funding allocation shortfalls.  Costs of attending the National League of Cities conference are already appropriated in the adopted current-year City budget.
·      San Leandro Police Department - Extension of COPS Grant
·      Urban Greenway and Creek Walk
·      San Leandro:  A Smart City Model
·      CDBG and HOME Programs
·      Next Generation Workplace
PREPARED BY:  Eric Engelbart, Assistant to the City Manager, City Manager's Office