File #: 13-253    Version: 1 Name: Curtain Call Lease Agreement SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/3/2013 Final action: 6/3/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Lease Agreement Between Curtain Call Performing Arts and the City of San Leandro for Space in the Civic Center South Offices for Office, Classes, and Theatrical Productions Uses
Related files: 13-252
Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Lease Agreement Between Curtain Call Performing Arts and the City of San Leandro for Space in the Civic Center South Offices for Office, Classes, and Theatrical Productions Uses
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the lease agreement with Curtain Call Performing Arts (Curtain Call) for the approximately 2,100 square foot theater and adjoining space located at the South Offices Building of the San Leandro Civic Center to conduct classes and theatrical productions and perform office functions.
The City entered into a lease agreement with California Conservatory Theater of San Leandro (CCT) in 1999 for the lease of Civic Center South Offices Building space at a cost of $1 per year.  CCT has continued to lease the space from the City, and the current lease is due to expire on June 30, 2013.  In late 2012, Curtain Call was added to the current lease at the request of CCT as CCT transitioned out of producing theater productions, and partnered with Curtain Call to share in its lease responsibilities.
Curtain Call was founded in June 2008 to bring Broadway-style theater to the greater San Francisco Bay Area.  The company has produced critically acclaimed musicals such as AIDA (2009), Into the Woods (2010), Suessical (2011), and Cinderella (2012).  In 2012, Curtain Call launched a full season at the San Leandro Theater including musicals, stage plays, and a concert series.
The mission of Curtain Call is to produce exceptional theater.  Its vision is to ensure that performance-based arts are accessible to everyone who desires to participate or attend performances by keeping ticket prices low and class/workshop tuition affordable. Curtain Call's Gift of Broadway Program provides arts education by showing free productions to students.  Since 2008, the program has served over 9,440 K-8 students in the San Leandro Unified School District.  This program is supported in part by a grant from Target Community Giving.
Curtain Call is made up of a six-member Board of Directors.  Andrea Gorham is the Founding Artistic Director.  Curtain Call's Advisory Committee includes members of CCT.
In exchange for maintaining the space, including all janitorial, Curtain Call will pay $1 a year in rent, and $600 a year for utility expenses.  The term of the agreement is from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2018.
Current Agency Policies
Approval of this agreement supports the City Council goal to support and implement programs, activities and strengthen communication that enhance the quality of life, including wellness, in San Leandro and promote a sense of community and civic pride
Previous Actions
  • On February 1, 1999, by Resolution No. 99-14, the City Council approved a lease agreement with the California Conservatory Theater for the use of the space at the Civic Center South Offices for five years
  • On June 16, 2003, by Resolution No. 2003-133, the City Council approved an extension of the lease with CCT for another five years
  • On April 21, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008-041, the City Council approved another extension of the lease with CCT for five years
Fiscal Impacts
The theater space is integrated into the building systems of the Helen Lawrence South Offices building and there is no cost-effective means of separately measuring utility use by Curtain Call.  In lieu of establishing a separate meter, Curtain Call agrees to pay an annual $600 utility payment.  The $600 utility stipend plus the $1 annual rent is revenue to the General Fund.
PREPARED BY:  Tara Peterson, Administrative Services Manager, Engineering & Transportation Department