File #: 18-232    Version: 1 Name: Highlights of the Facilties and Transportation Committee Meeting of May 2, 2018
Type: Minutes Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/16/2018 Final action: 7/16/2018
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Highlights of the Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting of May 2, 2018
Attachments: 1. sign in


Highlights of the Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting of May 2, 2018







May 2, 2018

4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.


San Leandro City Hall

835 East 14th Street

San Leandro, California 

(Sister Cities Gallery)




1.                     CALL TO ORDER


Mayor Pauline Cutter called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m. 


1.A.    Attendance

Committee members present: Mayor Pauline Cutter, Council Member Corina Lopez and Council Member Deborah Cox


City staff present:  Senior Transportation Engineer Reh-Lin Chen, Engineering & Transportation Director Keith Cooke, Recreation & Human Services Director Jeanette Dong, Administrative Services Manager Kurry Foley, Interim City Manager Jeff Kay, Police Captain Jamie Knox, Associate Engineer Kyle Lei, Senior Support Services Manager Denise Lenz, Senior Engineer Austine Osakwe, Principal Engineer Michael Stella, Administrative Assistant III Jeanie Lau and City Engineer Nick Thom.


Public present:  See sign in sheet.


1.B.    Announcements



2.                         DISCUSSION ITEMS 

2.A.                       118-203 Staff Update on the Police Building and South Offices Modifications Project, Project No 2014.0481


Associate Engineer Kyle Lei provided an update on the Police Building and South Offices Modifications project. 


Committee Requests/Direction to Staff:

Evaluate relocating the cabinet in the new lobby since it may obscure the view into the children’s activity area.


Consider using all gender-neutral bathrooms for the meeting room.


Evaluate the need, cost, and storage of rectangular and round tables and ensure the lighting in the meeting room is flexible.


Evaluate the life of the flooring in the meeting room and ensure there is budget for replacement.


Consider ceiling tiles that are a color other than white in the meeting room so that they hide stains.


Ask Sustainability Manager Sally Barros in Public Works to make recommendations for green building features.


Include a green waste bin and consider sizing it for all of the City Hall complex green waste.


Offer abandoned theater items to the school district before disposal.


Consider a new CIP project to use battery banks (Tesla wall or Freewire generator) for backup power.


Include a ground-breaking event for this project.


Staff reviewed cost issues and cost saving strategies to bring the project within current budget.  Bid Alternatives will be used and furnishing and equipment contracts will be advertised at a later date to manage cost.



2.B.                     18-204 Staff Update on Capital Improvement Program Projects


2.B.1.    18-205 Street Overlay / Rehabilitation & Sealing Projects: TOD Implementation

City Engineer Nick Thom reviewed a proposal to repave Hesperian Boulevard and Fairmont Drive, including construction of improved bike lanes which may impact traffic. The team would like to conduct a public meeting, solicit feedback or conduct a poll to gather input from the community to review options available. Information will also be available during the upcoming town hall meeting and discussed at City Council.


Committee Requests/Direction to Staff:

Committee members would like the team to check with the County as there is a County project planned on Hesperian. Committee would like have the police department as well as the unincorporated areas included when the team collects feedback.  The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and the Planning Commission should review and provide recommendations.


2.B.2.                     18-206 Other Projects

City Engineer Nick Thom presented information on current projects.  Principal Engineer Michael Stella presented information on current traffic studies.


Committee Requests/Direction to Staff

Committee members would like to have press releases when major Overlay and Street Sealing projects are awarded.


The Committee members would like a complete review of the survey results for the traffic flow reversal on Euclid Avenue, and would like to explore options for a safer situation and opportunity to provide information back to the school / parents. Council Member Lopez would like to extend the Euclid survey to District 5.


2.C. 18-207 Discussion Regarding Future Agenda Items

                     I-880 Landscaping - July

                     Postpone July meeting as it is on holiday.







The meeting adjourned at 5:46 PM.