File #: 12-043    Version: 1 Name: Elimination of the Left-Turn Restrictions from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/5/2012 Final action: 3/5/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for the Elimination of the Left-Turn Restrictions from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way When the Traffic Signal Upgrade Project Is Implemented at the Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard Intersection
Related files: 12-044


Staff Report for the Elimination of the Left-Turn Restrictions from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way When the Traffic Signal Upgrade Project Is Implemented at the Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard Intersection





Provides for the elimination of the left-turn restrictions from northbound Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way by adoption of an ordinance amending the City’s Traffic Code, as authorized by Chapter 6-1110 of the City of San Leandro Municipal Code.


Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed ordinance to amend the City Traffic Code to eliminate left-turn restrictions from northbound Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and onto Anza Way when the traffic signal upgrade project is implemented at the Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard intersection.




The Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard intersection was identified as one of the highest collision intersections during the past few years.  Staff successfully secured a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant to improve traffic safety at the intersection.  The traffic signal at the intersection will be upgraded with a signalized left-turn for Washington Avenue traffic.


Safety at this intersection is further compromised by a left-turn restriction from northbound Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m.  This restriction was authorized by the City Council in the 1960s to prohibit motorists from making turns from a dedicated northbound left-turn lane at the Washington Avenue/Monterey Boulevard intersection during the morning peak traffic hours.  However, today’s traffic conditions have made this restriction unnecessary.


The upcoming traffic signal improvement project at the Washington Avenue/Monterey Boulevard intersection provided staff with an opportunity to correct this additional issue.  Staff approached the Floresta Homeowners Association to explore the possibility of eliminating the left-turn restriction. After conducting resident surveys, the officers of the Floresta Homeowners Association concurred with staff’s recommendation to lift the northbound left-turn restriction.




Traffic Engineering records indicate that the two northbound left-turn restriction signs from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and onto Anza Way date back to the 1960s.  Staff believes the reason these signs were installed was the traffic signal at the Floresta Boulevard/Washington Avenue intersection lacked roadway handling capacity and was an inefficient traffic signal.  The northbound left-turn volume on Washington Avenue at Floresta Boulevard was too high and caused traffic to form an unregulated third lane, which created traffic jams back to Monterey Boulevard during the peak morning commute. With strong support from residents of the Floresta Homeowners Association, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1327 N.S. on July 7, 1961, posting the northbound left-turn restrictions between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and onto Anza Way. 


Until 1991, the Floresta Homeowners Association was opposed to merchants’ requests to lift the left-turn restrictions.  However, traffic and roadway conditions on Washington Avenue and at the Washington Avenue/Floresta Boulevard intersection have improved since the signs were installed.  The aforementioned traffic problems on Washington Avenue disappeared with the addition of a double left-turn pocket in 1995-1996.  n addition, the continuing left-turn restriction at the Washington Avenue/Monterey Boulevard intersection has created a negative safety impact.  Traffic data collected on November 29, 2011 shows that there were about 27 violators of the turn restriction during the morning peak hours. 


With this new data, and with the support of the Floresta Homeowners Association, staff recommends lifting the left-turn restrictions from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and onto Anza Way.


Previous Action(s)


                     On July 7, 1961, City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1327 N.S. posting the northbound left-turn restrictions between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and onto Anza Way

                     On May 5, 1978, City Council adopted Ordinance No. 78-26 maintaining the same left-turn restrictions between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and onto Anza Way, but allowing buses to make the left turns


Summary Of Public Outreach Efforts


Staff notified the Floresta Homeowners Association and received a letter and an email from its officers supporting staff’s recommendation for eliminating the left-turn restriction from northbound Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way.


Fiscal Impact


The cost to remove the left-turn restriction signs and poles is about $500.  The work will be done as part of the traffic signal upgrade project at the Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard intersection.


Budget Authority


Development Fees for Street Improvements (DFSI) funds in Account 120-28-190-5240 are available for this work.


PREPARED BY:  Reh-Lin N. Chen, Senior Transportation Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department

