File #: 20-044    Version: 1 Name: Curb Ramp Upgrades 2018-19 Accept (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/15/2020 Final action: 6/15/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Accept the Work for the Curb Ramp Upgrades 2018-19 Project, Project No. 2019.0070
Attachments: 1. Curb Ramps 2018-19 Accept Photos
Related files: 20-053


Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Accept the Work for the Curb Ramp Upgrades 2018-19 Project, Project No. 2019.0070





This approximately $800,000 construction contract installed new concrete curb ramps and upgraded existing curb ramps to current standards at eighty (80) locations in the City as part of the Annual Street Sealing 2018-19 Project.


Staff recommends the following actions:

                     Accept the work by Rosas Brothers Construction;

                     Authorize the City Manager to file the Notice of Completion;

                     Authorize the City Manager to release the performance and payment bonds; and

                     Authorize the City Manager to Release the maintenance bond upon successful completion of the one-year maintenance period.




The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates construction of curb ramps at street intersections when roadway pavement is replaced, overlaid, or treated with cape seal.  This contract installed ramps at locations where pavement work was installed as part of the Annual Street Sealing 2018-19 project.  Eighteen (18) new ramps were installed at locations where none existed, and sixty-two (62) existing non-compliant ramps were upgraded.  Where ramp upgrades occurred at signalized intersections, pedestrian crossing push buttons were relocated to meet accessibility standards. At one corner location, the project installed a new drain inlet to relieve an area where stormwater ponding was occurring.


Curb ramps are a vital component of the pedestrian path of travel and an important element in implementing the City’s Complete Streets policy. Ramps allow persons with mobility disabilities to safely cross streets, and they make the City’s sidewalks accessible, regardless of physical ability. Each ramp includes a panel of raised tactile domes to warn the vision impaired of a street crossing.




Construction is complete. The work was inspected and found in compliance with the contract documents and City standards.


The contractor achieved, and exceeded, the Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) goal by utilizing 38% of the project workforce with San Leandro resident workers.  A total of 85% of the workforce were Alameda County residents. 



Current Agency Policies


                     Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure.

Previous Actions


                     On May 20, 2019, by Resolution No. 2019-091, the City Council awarded a contract for construction of the work to Rosas Brothers Construction for the Curb Ramp Upgrades 2018-19 Project.


Applicable General Plan Policies


                     Transportation Goal T-2 Design and operate streets to be safe, attractive, and accessible for all transportation users whether they are pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders or motorists, regardless of age or ability.

                     Transportation Goal T-3 Promote and accommodate alternative, environmentally-friendly methods of transportation, such as walking and bicycling.

                     Transportation Goal T-5 Improve major transportation arteries for circulation in and around the City.


Environmental Review


This project is categorically exempt from CEQA review per CEQA Guidelines section 15301(c). The Notice of Exemption was filed with the Alameda County Recorder on March 3, 2019.


Summary of Public Outreach Efforts


                     The Notice to Bidders was published in the Daily Review, the South County Post, Vision Hispana and Sing Tao.

                     Notices were issued to twenty-three builders’ exchanges and construction data firms as well as a list of contractors that have asked to be notified of bidding opportunities via email.

                     The project was described on the Engineering and Transportation Department website.


Fiscal Impacts


The total project cost is as follows:

Design and Bid:                                  $78,500

Ramp Construction Contract:                     $799,373

Ramp Contract Change Orders                     $21,794

Street Sealing Contract:                     $1,719,109

Construction Management and Inspection:                     $154,000

Project Total                     $2,772,776

Change Order Summary


Change Order limit authorized at contract Award: $199,846 (25%)


CCO No.                     Description                     Amount                                %

1.0                     City added scope to address drainage issues

unforeseen at the time of bid                     $ 21,650                     3%

2.0                     Increase in quantities; actual measured quantities

were higher than quantities estimated at bidding                       $     144                     0%

                                          Change Order Total                     $21,794                     3%


Budget Authority


Account No.                     Source                     FY/Approp Date.                     Amount

140-38-393                     Gas Tax                     FY18-19                     $42,000

144-38-393                     Measure B Streets                     FY17-18                     $258,000

141-38-402                     Measure BB Streets                     FY18-19                     $2,130,000                     

142-38-402                     Gas Tax (Sec. 2103)                     FY18-19                     $350,000

143-38-402                     Vehicle Registration Fees                     FY18-19                     $400,000

150-38-402                     Cal Recycle Grant                     FY18-19                     $70,000

Total Project Appropriation:                                          $3,250,000



Attachments to Staff Report


                     Curb Ramp Upgrades 2018-19 Project Photos


PREPARED BY:  John O’Driscoll, Associate Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department