File #: 12-021    Version: 1 Name: 2012 Appointments to Intergovernmental Agencies
Type: Minute Order - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 2/21/2012 Final action: 2/21/2012
Enactment date: 2/21/2012 Enactment #: Min Order 2012-006
Title: Motion Appointing City Councilmembers to Intergovernmental Agencies as Outlined in File 12-021
Motion Appointing City Councilmembers to Intergovernmental Agencies as Outlined in File 12-021
Alameda County Fire Department, Alameda County Fire Advisory Commission (appointment of 2 Representatives; term of office is 4 years, staggered)
Representative:      Councilmember Gregory
            July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2015
      Representative:      Councilmember Reed
            February 21, 2012 to June 30, 2013
Alameda County Housing Authority, Housing Commission (nomination of 1 Representative; term of office is 4 years)
Representative:      Councilmember Reed
      January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2014
Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District, Board of Trustees (appointment of 1 Trustee; term of office is 2 years)
Trustee:      Councilmember Prola
            January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013
Alameda County Transportation Commission, Board of Directors (appointment of 1 Representative and 1 Alternate; term of office is 1 year)
Representative:      Councilmember Starosciak
      February 21, 2012 to February 20, 2013
Alternate:      Councilmember Gregory
      February 21, 2012 to February 20, 2013
Alameda County Waste Management Authority, Board of Directors (appointment of 1 Representative and 1 Alternate; term of office is indefinite)
Representative:      Councilmember Cutter
Alternate:      Councilmember Souza
Association of Bay Area Governments [ABAG], General Assembly (appointment of 1 Representative and 1 Alternate; term of office is indefinite)
Representative:            Councilmember Gregory
Alternate:      Mayor Cassidy
East Bay Dischargers Authority (EBDA), Commission (appointment of 1 Representative and 1 Alternate; term of office is indefinite)
Representative:      Councilmember Prola
Alternate:      Councilmember Cutter
League of California Cities, East Bay Division, Board of Directors (appointment of 1 Representative and 1 Alternate; term of office is indefinite)
Representative:      Councilmember Starosciak
Alternate:      Councilmember Souza
Port of Oakland, Oakland Airport-Community Noise Management Forum (appointment of 1 Representative and 1 Alternate; term of office is indefinite)
Representative:      Councilmember Souza
      Alternate:      Councilmember Prola
PREPARED BY:       Marian Handa, City Clerk, City Manager's Office