File #: 14-039    Version: 1 Name: City/District JUA for Pacific Fields
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/3/2014 Final action: 3/3/2014
Enactment date: 3/3/2014 Enactment #: Reso 2014-021
Title: RESOLUTION Approving a Joint Use Agreement Between the San Leandro Unified School District (District) and the City of San Leandro (City) for the Joint Use of Recreational Facilities - Pacific Sports Complex
Attachments: 1. Joint Use Agreement-SLUSD-City-Pac Sports BOT 1232014 -FINAL 02062014, 2. Exhibit A Site Plan - Burrell_Pac 12-Plan Joint Use Agreement Final
RESOLUTION Approving a Joint Use Agreement Between the San Leandro Unified School District (District) and the City of San Leandro (City) for the Joint Use of Recreational Facilities - Pacific Sports Complex
      WHEREAS, Section 10900 et, seq, of the California Education Code (the Community Recreation Act) authorizes cities and school districts to organize, promote and conduct programs of community recreation for the promotion and attainment of general educational and recreational objectives and to construct, maintain and operate recreation centers, including playgrounds and outdoor playing fields; and
      WHEREAS, Section 10910 of the Education Code provides that the governing body of any school district may use or grant the use of grounds of the school district to any other public entity for the purposes of such act, whenever such use does not interfere with school uses; and
      WHEREAS, the City and District hereby agree that it is one of their missions to work jointly to develop projects that provide a benefit to the City, the District and the community at large, and working jointly includes sharing resources and responsibilities prudently and efficiently; and
      WHEREAS, the citizens of San Leandro approved Bond Measure M in 2010, which included renovation of the Burrell Field and Pacific Sports Complex; and
      WHEREAS, City and District desire to provide by contract for the use of the Pacific Sports Complex by City for community recreation activities, and for the use by District for education and recreation purposes pursuant to said Community Recreation Act, as the provisions thereof exist, or hereafter may be amended; and
      WHEREAS, a Joint Use Agreement (JUA) between the City of San Leandro and District, a copy of which is attached, was approved by the Board of the District on February 25, 2014, and has been presented to this Council; and
      WHEREAS, the City Council is familiar with the contents thereof; and
      WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends approval of said JUA.
      NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:
That said agreement is hereby approved and execution by the City Manager is hereby authorized.