File #: 13-292    Version: 1 Name: AWARD Annual Overlay/Rehab 12-13
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/1/2013 Final action: 7/1/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Gallagher & Burk, Inc. for the Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2012-13 Project, Project No. 2013.0050
Attachments: 1. Bid Summary.pdf
Related files: 13-293
Staff Report for a Resolution Awarding a Construction Contract to Gallagher & Burk, Inc. for the Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2012-13 Project, Project No. 2013.0050
This contract provides for the reconstruction of various City streets along with miscellaneous street, sanitary sewer, and pedestrian related improvements.
Staff recommends award of the construction contract to the low bidder, Gallagher & Burk, Inc., in the amount of $1,771,573.00 for the subject work.
The following six streets were included in the subject project, with certain streets categorized as additive bid items which will be made part of the contract along with the base bid if the budget allows.  
Base Bid
  • Floresta Boulevard from Fremont Avenue to the Interstate 880 concrete overpass
  • Farnsworth Street from the Interstate 880 concrete overpass to 270 feet to the southwest
  • Fremont Avenue from Alvarado Street to Floresta Boulevard
Additive Bid Items
  • Bigge Street from Adams Avenue east to end
  • Aladdin Avenue from Alvarado Street east to end
  • Repair of trench settlement on Bancroft Avenue between Dutton Avenue and San Leandro Creek
Other work items included as part of the base bid were the construction of curb ramps along project street segments, installation of rubber speed cushions (speed bumps) on selected streets, repaving of pavement transition areas adjacent to the recently replaced railroad crossing panels on Lewelling Boulevard, and miscellaneous striping and pedestrian-related improvements at the railroad crossings on Williams Street, Marina Boulevard, Fairway Drive, and Lewelling Boulevard.
A total of six bids were received on June 12, 2013.  Gallagher & Burk, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive bid at $1,798,173.00 for the base bid plus additive bid item A, the cost of which was used as the basis of award.  The pre-bid engineer's estimate for this work was $1,730,000.00.  The second and third lowest bidders submitted bids of $1,946,564.20 and $1,962,048.28, respectively, for the base bid plus additive bid item A.
The proposal from Gallagher & Burk, Inc. is summarized as follows:
Base Bid:       $1,771,573.00
Additive Bid Item A (EBMUD Valve Adjustment):      $26,600.00
Additive Bid Item B (Aladdin Avenue):      $339,384.00
Additive Bid Item C (Bancroft Avenue):      $277,057.00
Additive Bid Item D (Bigge Street):      $362,681.00
Total:      $2,777,295.00
There is only sufficient project funding for the construction of the base bid streets, so no additive bid item streets are included as part of this contract.  Additive bid item A for the adjustment of various EBMUD facilities is also not included, as EBMUD has elected to perform this work with their own personnel.
Previous Actions
ยท      On May 6, 2013, by Resolution No. 2013-059, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and called for bids for the Annual Overlay/ Rehabilitation 2012-13 Project
Applicable General Plan Policies
This action is consistent with Streets and Highways Goal No. 16 of the General Plan and Action Item 16.03:  Regularly maintain City streets and traffic control devices to ensure that streets operate safely and efficiently.
Environmental Review
This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per Section 15301(c) - Existing Facilities.  The Notice of Exemption was filed with the Alameda County Recorder's Office on November 28, 2012.  
Fiscal Impacts
The total project cost including design, contingency and construction management is estimated to be $2,074,067.03.
Budget Authority
  1. $554,376.00 - Measure B Funds, Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2012-13, Account No. 144-38-341, allocated in FY 2012-13
  2. $770,902.00 - Vehicle Registration Fees (Streets/Roads) Funds, Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2012-13, Account No. 143-37-341, allocated in FY 2012-13
  3. $40,000.00 - Measure B Funds, Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2012-13, Account No. 144-36-341, allocated in FY 2012-13
  4. $514,000.00 - Gas Tax Funds, Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2012-13, Account No. 142-38-341, allocated in FY 2012-13
  5. $42,640.00 - Proposition 1B - Local Streets & Roads Funds, Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2012-13, Account No. 149-38-341, allocated in FY 2012-13
  6. $81,325.05 - Capital Improvement Projects Funds, Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2011-12 Extras, Account No. 210-38-289, allocated in FY 2012-13
  7. $19,800.00 - Water Pollution Control Plant Fund for sanitary sewer line replacements, Account No. 593-52-246, to be used for sewer-related items
  8. $35,100.00 - Neighborhood Traffic Calming Funds, Account No. 120-28-167, to be used for installation of rubber speed cushions
  9. $25,446.93 - Gas Tax Funds, Account No. 140-38-334, used for design only
  • Bid Summary - Annual Overlay/Rehabilitation 2012-13
PREPARED BY:  Kyle K. Lei, Associate Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department