File #: 20-098    Version: 1 Name: Annual Street Overlay 2019-21 - CSA - SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 4/6/2020 Final action: 4/6/2020
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Approve a Consulting Services Agreement with Nichol Consulting Engineers (NCE) for the Design of the Annual Street Overlay/Rehabilitation 2019-2021, Project No. 2020.0050 for an Amount Not to Exceed $691,511; to Authorize Individual Agreement Amendments Up to 10% ($69,151); and to Authorize Cumulative Agreement Amendments Up to 15% ($103,726)
Attachments: 1. List of Streets
Related files: 20-099


Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Approve a Consulting Services Agreement with Nichol Consulting Engineers (NCE) for the Design of the Annual Street Overlay/Rehabilitation 2019-2021, Project No. 2020.0050 for an Amount Not to Exceed $691,511; to Authorize Individual Agreement Amendments Up to 10% ($69,151); and to Authorize Cumulative Agreement Amendments Up to 15% ($103,726)





This City Council action will authorize the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement (CSA) with NCE for the civil engineering design of the fourteen street segments, Annual Street Overlay/Rehabilitation 2019-2021 Project.


Staff recommends the following actions:

                     Authorize the City Manager to execute a CSA with NCE for up to $691,511 for the subject project; and

                     Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve individual agreement amendments up to 10% ($69,151) of the original agreement amount; and

                     Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve cumulative agreement amendments up to 15% ($103,726) of the original agreement amount.




Streets are a critical component of the City’s infrastructure and their condition is an important factor in the quality of life for residents and the vitality of local businesses. Good pavement increases the efficiency of transporting goods, improves bicycle safety and makes walking more appealing. Each day, residents are dependent upon safe, reliable local streets and roads to begin and end their daily commutes. Police, fire and emergency medical services all rely on safe and reliable roads to respond quickly to calls for service.

Currently, the City’s roadways average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) rating is 58 and the City Council has prioritized improving the City’s roadways PCI. On November 4, 2014, voters in San Leandro and Alameda County also passed Measure HH and Measure BB tax measures with the goal of improving local roadways as one of their main objectives.

As has been done since 2016 and because of the large scope of the project, a consultant will be hired to perform the topographic survey as well as the civil engineering design in order meet the City’s construction schedules. The consultant will also design upgrades to substandard pedestrian crossings along the selected streets to provide for curb ramps and crosswalks to ensure they comply with current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.




A request for proposals for civil engineering services to complete the Annual Street Overlay/Rehabilitation 2019-2021 was posted on the City’s website and emailed to firms that expressed interest in working with the City. This effort resulted in the receipt of two proposals from engineering consulting firms.  Staff ranked the proposals and checked references for the top firm. NCE was chosen based on demonstrated technical competence and record of past performance.


This project will reconstruct a total of fourteen street segments, comprising arterials, collectors and residential streets in the poorest condition at an anticipated total project cost of $11 million. A tentative list of the street segments is attached.  This list is subject to change based on information discovered during the design phase.


This contract for $691,511 represents staff’s current understanding of the work required.  Occasionally, changes to the scope of contracts are necessary to respond to new information or to include additional items of work necessary for a complete product.  In order to resolve these issues in a timely fashion and avoid delaying work, staff additionally requests authorization to issue individual contract amendments to the consultant up to 10%, or $69,151 each, and cumulative contract amendments up to 15%, or $103,726 of the original contract amount.


Current Agency Policies


                     Maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure.


Applicable General Plan Policies


                     Transportation Goal T-2: Design and operate streets to be safe, attractive, and accessible for all transportation users whether they are pedestrians, bicyclist, transit riders or motorists, regardless of age or ability.

                     Transportation Goal T-3: Promote and accommodate alternative, environmentally friendly methods of transportation, such as walking and bicycling.

                     Transportation Goal T-5: Improve major transportation arteries for circulation in and around the city.

                     Transportation Goal T-7: Improve traffic safety and reduce the potential for accidents on San Leandro streets.


Environmental Review


A review of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) will be completed during the design of the project.  Staff anticipates that this project will be categorically exempt, but the project will include mitigation measures should they be required.


Fiscal Impacts


The total project is estimated to cost $11,340,000 including design, construction, inspection, and contingency. The cost of this consulting services agreement will not exceed $691,511.  If contract amendments are necessary, they will not exceed $69,151 individually or $103,726 cumulatively without City Council approval.


Budget Authority


The project is funded as follows:


Account No.                                          Reso, Appropriation Dates & Source                                                                   Amount

210-38-419                                          FY 2020-21 Budget, General Fund                                                               $2,140,000

142-38-419                                          FY 2020-21 Budget, Gas Tax                                                                                    $1,000,000

141-39-403                                          FY 2020-21 Budget, Measure BB Grant                                                               $7,000,000

141-38-419                                          FY 2020-21 Budget, Measure B                                                                                    $1,200,000

Total Appropriation                                                                                                                                                                                             $11,340,000


Attachment to Staff Report

                     List of streets


Attachment to Related Legislative File

                     CSA with NCE


PREPARED BY:  Austine Osakwe, Senior Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department