Staff Report for a City of San Leandro City Council Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Approve Amendment No. 2 to an Existing Consulting Services Agreement with Glass Architects for Architectural Consulting Services for the Farrelly Pool Replacement Project, Project No. 2018.3420, to Increase the Amount of Compensation by $78,500 for a Total not to Exceed Amount of $496,267 and to Extend the Term of the Contract to December 31, 2021
Staff recommends that the City Council approve Amendment No. 2 to the existing Consulting Services Agreement with Glass Architects in the amount of $78,500, resulting in a total contract amount of $496,267.
The Farrelly Pool Replacement project will construct a new facility with a standard 75’ length by 62’ width, 4,650 square foot pool for lap swimming. The pool will be oriented with a 2’-6” deep shallow end closest to the facility entry for safety and to allow for swim lessons. The pool will have six lanes for lap swimming, four of which will have 6’-6” deep water, which is sufficiently deep to allow the use of diving blocks. The project also includes Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant public changing rooms and restrooms; a staff area with a first aid station and training space and a pump and equipment building. The new facility will be completely fenced off from the adjacent school property. All access to the facility will be from Gill Lane, a public alley.
In April 2018, the City entered into a Consulting Services Agreement (CSA) with Glass Architects for the design of the Farrelly Pool Replacement project for $277,127. The original scope included a replacement pool and pool equipment as well as ADA upgrades to the existing site and building.
In July 2019, the City Council approved Amendment No. 1 to the existing CSA with Glass Architects in the amount of $140,640 to design a completely new building and facility, and to design the new facility consistent with LEED Silver requirements. Amendment No. 1 resulted in a total contract amount of $417,767, a 36% increase to the original contract.
In November 2019, the City Council awarded a Contract to Tricon Construction, Inc. for construction of the project. The construction duration has been extended by a COVD-19 related shut down, supply disruptions, and related safety requirements. The construction is now 70% complete and the facility is expected to be ready to open in June 2021.
The original CSA and Amendment No. 1 addressed the estimated cost of consulting services at the time of project bidding in July 2019. Additional consulting services, however, are necessary for the following reasons:
• With the intent of delivering the project early, additional efforts were required by Glass Architects to incorporate revisions to the construction documents requested by the City of San Leandro Building Department, the Alameda County Public Health Department, and the Division of the State Architect (DSA) after the project was awarded;
• Additional efforts required to make revisions to the construction documents necessitated by either on-site conditions or coordination efforts with utility companies; and
• Extended construction administration support due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in an extended construction duration of four months.
Approval of Amendment No. 2 will provide continued construction administration support services from Glass Architects during the construction phase of the project.
Current Agency Policies
• Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure
• Support and implement programs, activities and strengthen communication that enhances the quality of life and wellness, celebrates the arts and diversity and promotes civic pride
Previous Actions
• On April 16th, 2018 by Resolution No. 2018-031, the City Council approved a design contract with Glass Architects.
• On May 6, 2019 by Resolution No. 2019-077, the City Council awarded a construction contract for demolition to Demolition Services and Grading, Incorporated (DSGI).
• On May 6, 2019 by Resolution No. 2019-078, the City Council Authorized the City Manager to Execute a Memorandum of Understanding Between the San Leandro Unified School District and the City of San Leandro for the Construction of the Farrelly Pool Replacement project.
• On July 15, 2019 by Resolution No. 2019-133, the City Council approved Amendment No. 1 to an Existing CSA with Glass Architects for the Preparation of Construction Ready Plans, Specifications and Estimates for the Farrelly Pool Replacement Project, Project No. 2018.3420, to Increase the Amount of Compensation by $140,640 for a Total not to Exceed Amount of $417,767.
• On July 15, 2019 by Resolution No. 2019-134, the City Council rejected all bids for the construction of a new Farrelly Pool that were received at the June 25, 2019 bid opening.
• On October 21, 2019 by Resolution No. 2019-176, the City Council accepted the work of DSGI for the Demolition phase.
• On November 4, 2019 by Resolution No. 2019-184, the City Council Awarded a $6,222,450 Construction Contract to Tricon Construction, Inc. for the Farrelly Pool Replacement Project, Project No. 2018.3420, Authorized the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Individual Change Orders Up to 5% (or $311,123) of the Original Contract Amount, Authorized the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Change Orders Up to a Cumulative Value of 15% (or $933,368) of the Original Contract Amount, and Appropriated $3,950,000 for the Project in Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Committee Review and Actions
• On April 3, 2019 staff presented the 50% design plans to the City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee.
Applicable General Plan Policies
• Policy OSC-1.2 Park Maintenance. Provide for the regular, systematic maintenance of San Leandro’s parks and recreational facilities to prevent deterioration, ensure public safety, and permit continued public use and enjoyment.
• Policy OSC-1.4 Priority on Renovation. Where cost savings and equivalent benefits would be achieved, rehabilitate existing recreational facilities before building entirely new facilities. A priority should be placed on renovating athletic fields and swimming pools, improving energy efficiency, and replacing outdated facilities with new facilities that are safe, attractive, and more responsive to current needs.
• Policy OSC-4.1 Joint Use Agreements. Promote joint use agreements between the City and the San Leandro Unified School District and the San Lorenzo Unified School District to maximize public access to school recreational facilities and grounds during non-school hours.
Environmental Review
This project was deemed Categorically Exempt under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) section 15310 Class 1(d) for existing structures. A CEQA Notice of Exemption was recorded on February 4, 2019 with the Alameda County Recorder’s Office.
Code Compliance Review
The following permits were issued:
• Permit B19-0925 from the City’s Community Development Department
• Permit SR 0038325 from the Alameda County Department of Environmental Health for the swimming pool and associated equipment; and
• Permit Application No. 01-118560, File 1-35 with the DSA for the perimeter fence and walls on Roosevelt Middle School.
Summary of Public Outreach Efforts
• A public meeting/open house was held on Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at Roosevelt School. Recreation and Human Services staff distributed flyers to nearby residents. The proposed project, including the pool size and depth, and the building area and footprint, was presented to the public. Staff was available to answer questions and the public was invited to submit comments or suggestions.
Fiscal Impacts
This contract amendment requires no increase to the project’s current appropriations. The total estimated project cost is as follows:
Design, Permit, and Bid: $621,357
Demolition Contract: $158,000
Utilities, Permits, and Specialty construction contracts: $320,500
Construction Management and Inspection (Staff and Consultants): $702,693
Construction Contract: $6,222,450
Construction Change Orders to date: $375,000
Remaining Contingency, FF&E, Misc: $150,000
Project Total $8,550,000
Budget Authority
This project is funded as follows:
Account No. Resolution. Appropriation Date Amount
210-62-123 Res. 2017-072, June 5, 2017 $2,300,000
210-62-131 Res. 2017-072, June 5, 2017 $1,200,000
210-62-131 Res. 2019 -094, June 3, 2019 $1,100,000
210-62-131 Res. 2019 -183, Nov 4, 2019 $3,455,000
210-62-131 Res. 2019 -183, Nov 4, 2019 $495,000 Current Funding: $8,550,000
Attachment to Related Legislative File
Amendment No. 2 to CSA with Glass Architects
PREPARED BY: Mark Goralka, Associate Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department