Adopt a Resolution to Accept the San Leandro Public Library Foundation’s Intent to Donate and Authorize the City Manager to Expend the Donation Funds in the Amount of $800,000 to Aid in the Replacement of the Existing Mulford-Marina Branch Library
• Infrastructure
• Sustainability & Resiliency
• Fiscal Sustainability and Transparency
• Community Engagement and Outreach
The San Leandro Public Library Foundation intends to make a generous donation of $800,000 to the City for the sole purpose of supplementing the funding needed to replace the existing Mulford-Marina Branch Library. Furthermore, of the $800,000 donation, $600,000 is designated for construction and $200,000 is designated for the purchase of furnishings.
The Foundation intends to disburse the donation according to the following schedule:
A. Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) upon City Council acceptance of the Letter of Intent (Attachment B).
B. Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) fifteen (15) days prior to the date the San Leandro City Council is scheduled to consider award of a contract to construct the Mulford-Marina Library; and
C. Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) fifteen (15) days before the City is scheduled to issue an initial purchase order for furniture, shelving, equipment and/or other interior improvements for the Project.
Staff recommends the City Council adopt a resolution to accept the Letter of Intent (Attachment B) and the donation totaling $800,000 from the San Leandro Public Library Foundation and authorize the City Manager to execute all documents and appropriate the funds.
The San Leandro Public Library Foundation is a California non-profit corporation exempt from taxation as a 501(c)(3) and was established in 1992. The Foundation’s mission is to raise funds to support the City’s libraries and Project Literacy. For over 30 years the Foundation has provided supplemental funding for library services, especially when it comes to funding for facility renovations or improvements.
The Foundation has given to facility renovation projects in the past. Substantial donations to the renovation and expansion projects of the Main Library in 2000 and the replacement of the Manor Branch Library facility in 2007 helped secure the beautiful and thriving facilities we have today.
For FY 2023-2024, the Letter of Intent (Attachment B) outlines a disbursement of $300,000 after City Council acceptance of the Letter of Intent and another $300,000 fifteen days prior to the date the City Council is scheduled to award a contract to construct the Mulford-Marina Branch Library replacement. FY 2023-2024 ends near when an award of contract is scheduled; therefore, the second $300,000 disbursement may happen in FY 2024-2025. Additionally, for FY 2024-2025, the remaining $200,000 will be disbursed fifteen days before the City is scheduled to issue an initial purchase order for furniture, shelving, equipment and/or other interior improvements for the project.
Donation funding must be spent according to the Letter of Intent (Attachment B).
Applicable General Plan Policies
• GOAL CSF-3 Sustain and expand a public library system that provides a destination for exploration and discovery, knowledge and information, leisure and cultural enrichment, and life-long learning opportunities for persons of all ages.
o Policy CSF-3.1 Library Expansion and Upgrades. Support the expansion and upgrading of public library facilities and services to keep pace with changes in information technology and community needs.
§ Action CSF-3.1.A: Library Modernization Continue to pursue the modernization of San Leandro's libraries to incorporate emerging technology and best practices in library design.
§ Action CSF-3.1.C: Equipment Acquisition On an ongoing basis, secure funding for technology improvements, hardware, building furnishings, and other upgrades to ensure that the City’s libraries remain cutting edge and responsive to public needs.
o Policy CSF-3.2 Library Innovation. Consider innovative approaches to generating funds or space for new or upgraded library facilities, including public-private partnerships, colocation with other public facilities, and joint development.
§ Action CSF-3.2.A: Mulford and South Branch Replacement Continue to explore options for replacing or modernizing the Mulford Branch and South Branch libraries. Opportunities to incorporate modern new branch library facilities as part of future mixed-use development at the Shoreline and in the Bay Fair area should be encouraged and supported.
o Policy CSF-3.3 Adequate Funding. Ensure that library funding remains adequate to sustain or increase existing service levels, including staffing, programming, and technology upgrades. Maintain or exceed American Library Association standards throughout the City’s library system.
o Policy CSF-3.4 Libraries as Neighborhood Centers. Promote programs and events that affirm the role of the City’s libraries as community and neighborhood gathering places and that reflect the City’s diverse population.
o Policy CSF-3.5 Resources for Self-Improvement. Ensure that San Leandro’s libraries and other community institutions provide a setting for the open exchange of ideas and information and provide an opportunity for residents of all backgrounds to improve their skills and knowledge.
Legal Analysis
The City Attorney has reviewed these documents and agreements and approved as to form.
Financial Impacts
While the donation award will provide $800,000 over two fiscal years (in FY 2023-2024 the City will receive $600,000 and in FY 2024-2025 the City will receive $200,000), acceptance of this grant does not impact the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 or Fiscal Year 2024-2025 General Fund budget.
The Foundation intends to disburse the donation according to the following schedule:
A. Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) upon City Council acceptance of the Letter of Intent (Attachment B).
B. Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) fifteen (15) days prior to the date the San Leandro City Council is scheduled to consider award of a contract to construct the Mulford-Marina Library; and
C. Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) fifteen (15) days before the City is scheduled to issue an initial purchase order for furniture, shelving, equipment and/or other interior improvements for the Project.
This donation does not require matching funds from the City; however, the City has already allocated $4.95M in the City’s Capital Improvement Project Fund and has accepted $4.079M in California State Library grant funding that are committed to this project.
Once disbursed to the City, funds will be deposited into the 150-3803 Revenue Account and expended as follows:
• SLPL Foundation Donation, Account 150-68-100: $800,000
• Total $800,000
• Attachment A: Draft Resolution to accept the letter of intent to donate $800,000 from the San Leandro Public Library Foundation
• Attachment B: San Leandro Public Library Foundation Letter of Intent to Donate.
PREPARED BY: Brian Simons, Library Director, Library Department.