File #: 13-250    Version: Name: Washington/Monterey Program Supplement Agreement/Design - MEM
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/20/2013 Final action: 5/20/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Program Supplement Agreement No. 022-N to Administer Agency-State Agreement for Federal-Aid Projects No. 04-5041R for the Intersection of Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard/Bradrick Drive Improvements
Related files: 13-251
Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Program Supplement Agreement No. 022-N to Administer Agency-State Agreement for Federal-Aid Projects No. 04-5041R for the Intersection of Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard/Bradrick Drive Improvements


Staff recommends approval of a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Program Supplement Agreement that accepts federal funding and obligates the City to provide matching funds and complete the Intersection of Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard/Bradrick Drive Improvements.


The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), which was signed into law on August 10, 2005, established the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) as a core Federal-aid program. The overall purpose of this Program is to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads through the implementation of infrastructure-related highway safety improvements.

The Engineering & Transportation Department has been awarded $373,300 from the 2010-11 cycle of HSIP to upgrade the traffic signal and improve the traffic safety at the Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard/Bradrick Drive Intersection.

The intersection ranks high on the City's High Collision Intersections list, which is regularly monitored and updated by City staff. City staff has tried several low cost alternatives to improve the intersection safety, but the results indicated that additional work was necessary. City staff believes that signal modifications will improve safety at the intersection. To reduce left turn-related collisions from Washington Avenue and make it easier for residents to enter the neighborhood, this project improves the traffic signals by including a left turn arrow and updates the equipment to current standards.


The State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), through the HSIP, approved $373,300 in federal funding for the design and construction of the Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard/Bradrick Drive Intersection Improvements. The City must commit to a matching fund amount of $46,580 and assure project completion.

The HSIP funding was approved by Caltrans for design and construction of improvements at the intersection to provide safer conditions for both pedestrians and vehicular traffic following the HSIP guidelines. New signal equipment will be installed at the Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard/Bradrick Drive intersection and the traffic signal will be interconnected with the City's Traffic Operation Center.

Upon the City Council authorizing the City Manager to execute Program Supplement Agreement No. 022-N to the Master Agreement with Caltrans, Local Assistance staff will proceed to make funds available for the design phase of the project. This phase is estimated to cost $73,700. The HSIP grant will provide $66,330, and the City must provide $7,370 as our match for this phase. After completion of the design work, the City must execute a second Program Supplement Agreement for the construction portion of the work.

Previous Actions

* On February 5, 2007, by Resolution No. 2007-005, the City Council approved the Administering Agency-State Master Agreement for Federal-Aid Projects
* On March 5, 2012, by Ordinance No. 2012-003, the City Council amended the City of San Leandro Traffic Code, in Accordance with Chapter 6-1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, to Eliminate the Left-Turn Restrictions from Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way when the Traffic Signal Upgrade Project is Implemented at the Washington Avenue and Monterey Boulevard Intersection

Applicable General Plan Policies

* This action is consistent with Streets and Highway Goal No. 16 of the General Plan and Action Item 16.03-A: Funding for Maintenance
* This action is consistent with Traffic Safety Goal No. 18 of the General Plan and Action Item 18-02

Summary of Public Outreach Efforts

Staff notified the Floresta Homeowners Association, and received a letter and an email from its officials supporting staff's recommendation of eliminating left-turn restrictions from northbound Washington Avenue onto Monterey Boulevard and Anza Way, a major component of this project.

Fiscal Impacts

* The total project cost is $414,832
* Federal funds amount to $373,300 with the City providing DFSI matching funds in the amount of $41,532

Budget Authority

* Grant funds in the amount of $373,300 were allocated to this project in account 150-28-190. DFSI funds in the amount of $41,532 were allocated to this project for the match in account 120-28-190.

PREPARED BY: Keith R. Cooke, Principal Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department