File #: 13-602    Version: 1 Name: Bridge Maint and Repair 2011 Accept (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 1/6/2014 Final action: 1/6/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Work for the Bridge Maintenance and Repair 2011 Project, Project Number 12-144-38-339
Related files: 13-603
Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Work for the Bridge Maintenance and Repair 2011 Project, Project Number 12-144-38-339
Staff recommends acceptance of the work by American Civil Constructors West Coast, Inc., filing of the Notice of Completion, release of the performance and payment bonds, and release of the maintenance bond upon completion of the one-year maintenance period.
The City owns and maintains several bridges, some of which are periodically inspected by Caltrans.  Recent inspection reports for the bridge that carries San Leandro Boulevard over San Leandro Creek indicate that some of the concrete is damaged and that two pipe outfalls have caused erosion under the bridge.  Recent inspection reports for the bridge that carries Wicks Boulevard over the Estudillo Canal (located immediately north of Stenzel Park) indicate that small cracks are present in the concrete deck that should be sealed to prevent water entry.
San Leandro Boulevard and Wicks Boulevard are both arterial streets within the City.
This project performed the required maintenance on the above described bridges carrying San Leandro Boulevard and Wicks Boulevard.  Work was performed in compliance with the contract documents and is now complete.
Current Agency Policies
Maintain and enhance the City's infrastructure.
Previous Actions
·      On May 20, 2013, by Resolution No. 2013-065, the City Council approved a resolution approving Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids
·      On July 15, 2013, by Resolution No. 2013-108, the City Council approved a resolution awarding the construction contract to American Civil Constructors West Coast, Inc.
Applicable General Plan Policies
Policy 52.07:  Ensure that sufficient funding is provided for the ongoing maintenance of City-owned facilities, including streets, street lights, traffic signals, landscaping, street trees, storm drains, public buildings, and other infrastructure.
Permits and/or Variances Granted
This work was done under the following permits and/or approvals:
·      California Department of Fish and Wildlife Authorization (San Leandro Boulevard)
·      Alameda County Flood Control Permit (both locations)
Environmental Review
This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per section 15302(c):  Replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity.  A notice to this effect was filed with the Alameda County Recorder on April 21, 2011.
Fiscal Impacts
The total cost of this project is $170,000.  A summary of the cost of the construction contract with American Civil Constructors West Coast, Inc. is tabulated below.
Original Contract:      $147,080
Change Orders:      ($10,000)
Total Contract Amount:      $137,080
Budget Authority
The project was funded by Measure B Streets & Roads funds in account 144-38-339 that were authorized in the 2011-2012 budget.
PREPARED BY:  Nick Thom, Senior Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department