File #: 12-365    Version: 1 Name: Rules and Communications Committee Highlights 6/26/12
Type: Minutes Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/16/2012 Final action: 7/16/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: ACCEPT: Rules and Communications Committee Meeting of June 26, 2012
Attachments: 1. 2012 0626 RulesComm Packet.pdf, 2. 2012 0626 Rules sign in.pdf
ACCEPT:  Rules and Communications Committee Meeting of June 26, 2012
June 26, 2012
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
San Leandro City Hall
835 East l4th Street
San Leandro, California
(Sister Cities Gallery)
Committee Members
present:      Mayor Stephen Cassidy, Councilmembers  Jim Prola and Diana Souza
City Staff present:      Rayan Fowler, Information Services Manager; Marian Handa, City Clerk; Jeff Kay, Administrative Analyst; Tom Liao, Planning  and Housing Manager; Kathleen Livermore, Senior Planner; Lianne Marshall, Assistant City Manager; Sandra Spagnoli, Police Chief
Public present:      Chris Crow, Dan Dillman
Mayor Cassidy called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m.
1.      Update on Committee and Commission Digital Audio Recording Pilot
Information Services Manager Rayan Fowler reported that in order to achieve the Rules Committee's interests in digitally recording all City Council Committee meetings, while limiting the cost and staff time needed to set up the recording equipment, staff recommends conducting all Council Committee meetings in the City Council Chambers.  By utilizing the digital recording equipment in the City Council Chambers, Committee meetings would be available via streaming audio; the recordings would be bookmarked to allow listeners to jump to a specific item without having to scroll through the audio file; the recordings would be available automatically on the web; and meeting highlights could be shortened, reducing staff preparation time and increasing turnaround time.
Committee members expressed interest in moving the Committee meetings to the Council Chambers.  While supportive of a more abbreviated format for Committee meeting highlights, members expressed a preference for having some brief summary or bullet points of discussions, rather than "action" minutes.
Public Comments:
Dan Dillman suggested the use of transcription software that can be purchased at a fairly low cost, and that can capture a verbatim discussion.
Committee Recommendation:
The Committee recommends that the City Council approve holding all City Council Committee meetings in the City Council Chambers in order to digitally record Council Committee meetings; and to move to briefer, less narrative, summary highlights of Committee meetings.
2.      Discussion Regarding Website Changes
Ms. Fowler reported on the partial redesign of the City's Homepage, based on comments received from website feedback forms, and from suggestions from a sub-group of the Branding and Marketing Working Group.  The proposed changes were detailed in a memorandum provided to the Committee.
Mayor Cassidy made the following additional suggestions:  greater community diversity reflected in the photos posted on the website; faster load time of web pages; and avoidance of "menu clutter" and greater ease of navigation around the site.
3.      Continued Discussion Regarding Special Event Permits and Processes
Assistant City Attorney Rich Pio Roda described the provisions of the draft Entertainment Permit Ordinance.  The ordinance would require a permit for those wishing to hold entertainment events in commercial or industrial establishments.  The permit process would be administered by the Police Department, and would help the Planning Division monitor the use of commercial properties that do not have entertainment as a permitted use.  The ordinance is meant in part to address incidents such as the tragedies at the golf course and the tattoo party in an industrial area, as well as provide ability to monitor events.
Mr. Pio Roda reported that the draft ordinance is based on similar ordinances adopted in nearby cities, including Fremont, San Francisco, Oakland and Hayward. The ordinance is intended to give the City some oversight and controls over entertainment activities, and give the City the ability to impose certain conditions.
Committee members asked questions of staff about the draft ordinance and the issuance of an entertainment permit.
Police Chief Sandra Spagnoli described examples of problem situations and how the ordinance would proactively address such problems.  The ordinance would create parameters for legitimate entertainment promoters, and provide a tool for enforcement for the PD to address illegitimate promoters and events that it does not currently have.
Mayor Cassidy suggested sending the draft ordinance to the Chamber of Commerce to review and provide to its members, and request feedback.  He suggested bringing the matter back to the Committee in September to review the feedback received.  
Committee members requested a chart comparing the City's draft ordinance to other cities' ordinances.
Public Comments:
Chris Crow expressed concern that the ordinance restricts the rights of businesses and trumps the Zoning Code.  He stated that he believed the proposed ordinance, had it been in effect, would not have prevented the tragedies at the golf course or C & M Trailer.
Dan Dillman commented that every business in San Leandro needs to have a copy of the ordinance, and that it should be widely vetted.
In response to questions regarding the review process, Mr. Pio Roda pointed out that since this was not a zoning ordinance, it would not need to be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Adjustments or the Planning Commission.
Mayor Cassidy suggested creating some FAQs to help explain the ordinance to members of the public, provide outreach to the Chamber, and possibly hold a community meeting on the topic.
Councilmember Prola expressed concern that the City does not want to go so far that it discourages entertainment events from being held.
This matter was continued to the next meeting for further review and discussion.
4.      Discussion Regarding Daytime and Nighttime Curfew Ordinances
Mr. Pio Roda reported that changes to the current ordinance were made at the suggestion of Chief Spagnoli.  New subsections are proposed to be added to SLMC sections 4-1-305, 4-1-310, and 4-1-320.  The amendments to section 4-1-320 (penalties) would reduce a violation from a misdemeanor to an infraction, provide a diversion program option for first offenders, and require the parents of violators to attend a parenting class, at the discretion of the Police Chief.
Chief Spagnoli commented that the goals of the ordinance were to keep youth in school and to make parents accountable.  The changes comply with case law, and create consistency between the daytime and nighttime curfews.
Committee members asked questions of staff about the draft ordinance, and whether the school districts have been informed about the ordinance.  Chief Spagnoli commented that the concept has been discussion with the City and School Liaison Committees.
Public Comments:
Dan Dillman commented that parents, families, school administrators and the community should be involved in the discussion of these amendments.
Chris Crow commented that minors can exercise their First Amendment rights in any situation.
Committee Recommendation:
The Committee recommends that the City Council schedule consideration of the draft amendments to the daytime and nighttime curfew ordinance at the July 16, 2012 City Council meeting; and that staff send letters to the San Leandro and San Lorenzo Unified School District Superintendents, informing them of the proposed amendments to the daytime and nighttime curfew ordinances, and requesting that they forward the information to their elected School Boards.
5.      Public Comments
Dan Dillman suggested there be more community involvement in the Committee's discussions.
Chris Crow commented that he believed the Committee level is where many decisions are being made, and he suggested that the information related to the Committee's discussion be provided in advance of the meeting.
6.      Committee Member Comments
Councilmember Prola commented that he would like to have the agenda materials provided in advance of the meeting.
Mayor Cassidy suggested considering a timeline and guideline for dissemination of Committee agenda and backup materials a few days in advance of the meeting, and possibly scheduling this topic for discussion at the next Committee meeting.
Councilmember Souza suggested that Mayor Cassidy make the suggestion to the full Council during City Council comments at a regular Council meeting, as the other members may have additional ideas or suggestions.
7.      Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m.