File #: 14-315    Version: 1 Name: Civic Center and Community Camera Project
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/21/2014 Final action: 7/21/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution to Approve and Appropriate $156,705.21 from the Information Technology Fund for a Consulting Services Agreement with Odin Systems to Install the Civic Center Security Camera System Project and to Begin the Process of Expanding the Program to Install Two Community Cameras in Two to Be Determined Locations Selected in Accordance with the City Council's Policy
Attachments: 1. SLPD Public Safety Camera System Policy 378, 2. PowerPoint 10A Action 2014 0721 Camera Project.pdf
Related files: 14-316
Staff Report for a Resolution to Approve and Appropriate $156,705.21 from the Information Technology Fund for a Consulting Services Agreement with Odin Systems to Install the Civic Center Security Camera System Project and to Begin the Process of Expanding the Program to Install Two Community Cameras in Two to Be Determined Locations Selected in Accordance with the City Council's Policy
Staff recommends that the City Council approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Odin Systems for a not to exceed amount of $156,705.21 to replace the surveillance and security camera system at the Civic Center (comprised of City Hall, the Police Department, and the City Jail) and to begin expanding the system to include two community cameras, the locations of which are to be determined by the City Council by separate action in accordance with the City Council's policy.
At a future date, the Police Department will provide the City Council with a recommendations list for two locations to expand the camera system.  Staff anticipates requesting additional funding from the City Council at that time.
The current security camera system is aging and in need of replacement. The picture quality is very low and it cannot record or store video. Staff recommends upgrading to a modern, high definition system capable of capturing and storing video.
On May 5, 2014, the Police Department reviewed a policy for implementing security cameras in the community with the City Council and received direction from the City Council for additional analyses.
The current Civic Center security camera system was installed in 1994 with two cameras in City Hall and one at the Police Department. Later, three additional cameras were added inside City Hall. The video quality is very low and the system lacks the capability to record and store video.
Beginning in 2012, staff analyzed replacing the existing system and expanding it to include several cameras, including some within public spaces to enhance public safety in a manner consistent with legal privacy rights. At that time staff found and determined that Odin Systems was the best-in-class provider for such a system.
Odin has developed highly specialized knowledge in building, designing, and implementing security camera systems for both indoor and outdoor public spaces and buildings.  Odin Systems is used extensively throughout the region by other municipalities.  Most importantly, Odin Systems integrates with existing information technology infrastructure already used by the City and the Police Department.  The contract and scope of work also envisions the City piloting and testing other Odin Systems products and solutions to determine their suitability and fitness for future use within the City's existing, and scaling information technology infrastructure.  For these reasons, the City Manager, through his designee the Information Technology Manager, found that Odin Systems is a sole-source provider.
Previous City Council Actions
·      On May 5, 2014, the City Council heard comments from the Police Department regarding the Community Cameras Policy and provided direction for further analyses.
Legal Analysis
The City Attorney has approved as to form the Consulting Services Agreement with Odin Systems and the Community Camera Policy.
Fiscal Impacts
The Civic Center (comprised of City Hall, the Police Department, and the City Jail) will be done in Phase 1 and will cost $156,705.21. Phase 2 will include community cameras in two locations and additional funding will be requested for it at a future date.
It is recommended that the cost of $156,705.21 be funded from the IT fund balance for the current Civic Center Project (Phase 1).
Budget Authority
The Finance Director has determined there are sufficient funds in the IT Fund Balance for the $156,705.21 appropriation to account 688-01-121-7410.
Attachment to Staff Report
·      San Leandro Police Department Public Safety Camera System Policy.
Attachment to Resolution
·      Consulting Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro and Odin Systems with and Scope of Services and pricing.
PREPARED BY:  Tony Batalla, Information Technology Manager, City Manager's Office