File #: 14-060    Version: 1 Name: PACIFIC SPORTS COMPLEX JUA
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/3/2014 Final action: 3/3/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving the Joint Use Agreement Between the San Leandro Unified School District (District) and the City of San Leandro (City) for the Joint Use of Recreational Facilities - Pacific Sports Complex
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving the Joint Use Agreement Between the San Leandro Unified School District (District) and the City of San Leandro (City) for the Joint Use of Recreational Facilities - Pacific Sports Complex
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving the Joint Use Agreement (JUA) with the San Leandro Unified School District for the Pacific Sports Complex (PSC). The District's Board will consider this item at its February 25th meeting.
In 2010, San Leandro voters approved Measure M, a $50.1 million dollar school facilities bond. Included on the list of Measure M projects was renovation of the Burrell Field/Pacific Sports Complex, located at the intersection of Teagarden Street and Montague Avenue.  Renovations for this facility included installation of a new synthetic turf field upon the existing Burrell Field; new lines on Burrell Field for football, soccer, rugby, and lacrosse; an all-weather track surface with eight lanes x 400m; stadium bleachers; press box; stadium scoreboard; field lights; fencing; restrooms and team rooms; a snack bar and concessions stand; equipment storage; a ticketing facility; two natural grass combination baseball/softball fields; a small playground structure; a new water well; and new parking. The existing tennis courts were also resurfaced as part of this project. All of these facilities are more fully depicted in the diagrams and maps attached to the Joint Use Agreement; the Joint Use Agreement is an exhibit to this staff report.
The District and City have a variety of construction, reciprocal use, and maintenance agreements in place for the entire property that date back many years.  For example, earlier agreements go back to 1973 when Pacific High School was in existence. Pertaining to the Pacific Sports Complex itself (exclusive of Burrell Field), the existing maintenance agreement goes back to 1974. Reconstruction of the PSC and Burrell Field warranted a new use agreement to supersede and replace all other agreements that came before.
Program Use
The City's Recreation and Human Services (RHS) Department runs spring/summer baseball programs at the PSC, comprised of City youth and adult leagues and other teams that reserve the fields for practices, games and tournaments. In the fall, the RHS also runs a youth football program. All usage at the PSC, whether a seasonal league or one-time/annual sporting event is done on a reservation basis, with priority given to City youth leagues.
Under the proposed JUA, the District's uses for the PSC, as property owner, will take precedence and priority over the City's uses, based on a jointly approved annual schedule.  The annual schedule for the PSC will be maintained by the City. The District will have exclusive use of the PSC during the hours of 3 PM to 11 PM Friday or Saturday evenings when the San Leandro High School football program hosts games.
City program scheduling for PSC is done annually in November and December each year.  For this year, the intent is to maintain the current annual schedule with the District so that it seamlessly carries over to full implementation of the annual schedule as prescribed by the JUA for calendar year 2015. Presuming the approval of this Joint Use Agreement, City and District staff are meeting now to determine a schedule for events occurring between March 1 and November 1.
It is the City's standard maintenance practice to close for field maintenance the PSC combo baseball/softball fields from November 1 through the end of February the following year. This practice will continue under the proposed JUA.
Site Maintenance
Prior to the site renovations, maintenance at the PSC was done by the City through a contract with the District. Maintenance included weekly mowing of the two grass ball fields; daily cleaning of the public restrooms; daily trash pick-up; field prep during the baseball season; off-season field rehabilitation; on-going irrigation maintenance; and weekly clearing of the tennis courts. Annual maintenance of the PSC, including equipment and labor, is approximately $80,000 per year. This amount includes approximately $41,000 of utility charges for both PSC and Burrell Field.  In accordance the previous agreements, the City has paid these costs for many years.
Under the JUA, there are new project components at the PSC that the City is required to maintain. These include a new southern parking lot (Lot A on the Site Plan); new site landscaping (primarily in relation to the parking lots); a new small playground structure; and the new water well. The new JUA allows the District to bill the City for utility charges incurred by the City's uses at the PSC, including the potable water for the restrooms and drinking fountains, and electricity.
Staff notes that under the JUA, capital improvements would be at the discretion and provision of the District. In addition, damage to the PSC during non-reserved hours, whether due to Acts of God or vandalism, will be the responsibility of the District to repair or abate. Under the JUA, the District would continue to maintain "Burrell Field", consisting of the synthetic field, all-weather track, bleachers, concessions building, ticket building, the main restroom building (except when used by the City), and the two team rooms (except for restrooms in Building 5, during the City's use).
In previous presentations, the City Council was provided several maintenance plans and estimates. Those presentations represented staff's best estimates, given the project information known prior to the start of construction. Because a water well was built into the project (to be used on the two PSC ball fields, the site landscaping, and the City's adjacent San Leandro Ball Park), staff anticipates that net new maintenance costs will be partially or possibly even entirely off-set by utility savings.
The term of the agreement is three years, which will allow both parties to gather two years' worth of usage and utility data, and to assess the terms of the JUA in terms of impacts to both parties. Staff also notes for the City Council Section 8.2, which mentions and comments upon the establishment of a Sinking Fund for monies to be used exclusively for Burrell Field and PSC on-going maintenance, operations, marketing, and capital replacement costs. This version of the JUA would have to be amended to provide further details on such a Fund.
Previous Actions
·      Resolution 74-14 approved an agreement between the San Leandro Unified School District and the City for field and recreational facilities of Pacific High School
Applicable General Plan Policies
·      Goal 24: Aggressively pursue additional agreements with the School Districts, the Boys and Girls Club, and other agencies and organizations to ensure that San Leandro's open spaces and recreational facilities are available for public use.
Fiscal Impacts
Maintenance of park facilities and District-owned ball fields that are under a maintenance agreement are funded by General Fund monies, located within the Public Works Department's operating budget. Staff anticipates that maintenance for the PSC provided by the City under the terms of the JUA will be paid through existing budgeted funds.
Attachment(s) to Resolution
·      Joint Use Agreement
PREPARED BY:  Debbie Pollart, Public Works Director, Public Works Department