Adopt a Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Increases in Individual Change Orders from 5% to 10% (from $97,941 to $195,882) and Cumulative Change Orders from 15% to 20% (from $293,822 to $391,763) for Washington Avenue Reconstruction, Project No. 2018.4020
• Infrastructure
This contract provides for the reconstruction of Washington Avenue from Juana to Castro Streets. The increase in change order authority will provide for the repair of two rutting utility trenches south of the intersection with Parrott Street.
Staff recommends the following action:
• Authorize an increase in the Limit to Negotiate and Approve Individual Change Orders from 5% to 10% (from $97,941 to $195,882) of the Construction Contract;
• Authorize an increase in the Cumulative Change Orders Cap from 15% to 20% (from $293,822 to $391,763) of the Construction Contract; and
On April 3, 2023, the City Council awarded a contract to Redgwick Construction Company for $1,958,816 for Washington Avenue Reconstruction, Project No. 2018.4020 and authorized the City Manager to approve individual contract change orders up to 5% and cumulative change orders up to 15% of the original contract amount.
This contract is for the reconstruction of Washington Avenue between West Juana Avenue and Castro Street, including lowering the existing high crown in the middle of the street to make the street more accessible to all users.
As part of this project, pedestrian curb ramps within the street reconstruction limits were updated to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility requirements.
Construction of the project is close to completion; however, during the final site walk-through, staff noticed that the utility trenches south of the intersection with Parrott Street had settled, causing a depression on the street surface. Because immediate repair of the utility trenches is necessary for public safety, staff recommends proceeding with the repair at this time and seeking reimbursement from the respective utility owners after the work is complete. Staff intend to use existing franchise agreements with the utilities to facilitate the reimbursement process.
The total amount of change orders executed by staff is approaching the cumulative contract change order cap previously approved with the award of the construction contract. Authorizing an increase in the individual change order cap from 5% to 10% (from $97,941 to $195,882; an increase of $97,941) and the cumulative change order cap from 15% to 20% (from $293,822 to $391,763; an increase of $97,941) will enable staff to complete repairs to the utility trenches without further delay.
Staff recommends the appropriation of $72,950 of FY 23/24 Engineering Division Salary Savings to complete the remaining work.
Current Agency Policies
• Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure.
Previous Actions
• On May 15, 2017, by Resolution No. 2017-071, the City Council authorized the City Manager to file an application for the One Bay Area Grant Funding through the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Washington Avenue Reconstruction project
• On September 16, 2019, by Resolution No. 2019-157, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute Program Supplement Agreement No. F028 with the State of California to provide $73,000 in grant funds for the design phase of the Washington Avenue Reconstruction project
• On May 18, 2020, by Resolution No. 2020-046, the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement with CSG Consultants, Inc. for an Amount Not to Exceed $248,847 for the Design of the Washington Avenue Reconstruction Project, Project No. 2018.4020; to Authorize Individual Agreement Amendments Up to 10% ($24,884); and to Authorize Cumulative Agreement Amendments Up to 15% ($37,327)
• On March 21, 2022, by Resolution No. 2022-044, the City Council authorized the City Manager to approve Cumulative Agreement Amendments Up to 25% ($62,212), which is 25% of the original contract amount
• On April 3, 2023, by Resolution no. 2023-030, the City Council authorized the City Manager to award a Construction Contract to Redgwick Construction Company for an amount not to exceed $1,958,816 for the subject project, and authorized individual change orders up to 5% ($97,941) and cumulative change orders up to 15% (293,822) of the original contract amount.
Applicable General Plan Policies
• Policy CSF-6.8 Maintenance: Ensure that sufficient funding is provided for the ongoing maintenance of City-owned facilities, including streets, streetlights, traffic signals, landscaping, street trees, storm drains, public buildings, and other infrastructure.
• Policy T-2.1: Complete Streets Serving All Users and Modes. Create and maintain “complete” streets that provide safe, comfortable, and convenient travel through a comprehensive, integrated transportation network that serves all users
• Policy T-7.2: Capital Improvements. Identify capital improvements and other measures which improve the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians, and motor vehicles on San Leandro Streets
Environmental Review
A Categorical Exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was determined by Caltrans, Local Assistance Section, on January 18, 2019, and it was revalidated on August 02, 2022.
Summary of Public Outreach Efforts
The Notice to Bidders was published in the Daily Review, the South County Post, Vision Hispana and World Journal. Staff also notified local builders’ exchanges and construction data firms, as well as a list of contractors that asked to be notified of bidding opportunities via email. The project is described on the Engineering and Transportation Department website.
Two non-mandatory pre-bid meetings were held on February 07 and 08, 2023, with potential bidders.
Prior to any construction which would affect access to private businesses or residences, the contractor provided advance notification in the form of door hangers before the work started.
Fiscal Impacts
The cost of this multi-funded project is detailed below. The budget authority section has details on funding types, accounts, and authorizations.
Design and Bid $450,000
Existing Construction Contract and CCOs $2,192,826
Anticipated CCO to correct trench failure & sidewalk repair $132,932
Construction Management and Inspection $140,000
Total $2,915,758
Contract Change Order Summary
CCO No. Description Amount %
1 Removal and replacement of old existing $36,965 1.9%
broken conduits at southeast corner of Castro
and Washington Ave, rerouting of streetlight
conduit to avoid conflicts with new Storm Drain
Curb Inlet at northeast corner of Thornton and
Washington Ave, additional cost difference for
pedestrian push buttons material
2 Removal and disposal of 60LF and 42" $24,722 1.2%
deep abandoned 30"steel encasing at Castro and
Washington Ave intersection. The extra work
for additional potholing for Storm Drain Manhole
and additional cost difference for storm drain pipe
material changed from RCP to SDR 26 to avoid
conflicts at Thornton & Washington Ave intersection.
Additionally, the increased cost for a new modified
ACFC's Manhole at Williams and Washington Ave
3 The subcontractor for traffic signal modification $0 0%
scope of work experienced longer lead time than
expected for material delivery. Add 10 additional
working days to the project to compensate for the
delay caused in delivery and allow time for
contractor to schedule and complete the associated work.
4 Grinding to achieve 2% min. and 5% max. $127,921 6.5%
slopes for new AC pavement. Remove and replace
the existing broken concrete base with AC plugs
within project limits. Remove and replace
depressed AC sections at existing PG&E
trenches at Parrott & Washington Ave
intersection. Adjust existing PG&E manholes
to new finished grade for public safety.
Place a metal coupler around existing 12" RCP
hole at NE corner of Williams and Washington
Ave intersection.
5 Increases in bid quantities, additional traffic $18,825 0.9%
control, additional inlet adjustments for concrete
ADA compliance work. Deletion of revocable bid
Item no. 13.
6 Increases in bid quantities for striping $25,577 1.3%
and signage work.
7 (Proposed Change Order): Excavation and $132,932 6.8%
CDF fill of settling trenches and sidewalk repair
Estimated Change Order Total $366,942 18.7%
Budget Authority
Account No. Source Reso/Budget Year Amount
141-38-411 Measure BB LSR FY22/23 $550,000
143-38-392 Vehicle Registration Fees FY17/18 $453,000
144-38-418 Measure B LSR FY21/22 $297,000
150-38-411 Federal Grant FY22/23 $1,048,000
165-43-256 CDBG Fund FY22/23 $494,826
Salary Savings FY23/24 $72,950
Total Appropriation $2,915,776
• A - Resolution
PREPARED BY: Bennett Sanderson, Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department, Engineering Division