Adopt a Resolution to Approve the FY 2022-2023 Affordable Housing Trust Fund Report
• Housing and Homelessness
• Fiscal Sustainability and Transparency
The City of San Leandro’s (City) Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF Fund) Ordinance requires the Community Development Director to provide an Annual Report (Exhibit A1) to the City Council. The AHTF Report includes a status of activities undertaken with the AHTF Fund as provided by Section 66006(b) of the California Government Code.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution to approve and accept the FY 2022-2023 AHTF Fund Report.
The City established the AHTF Fund in December 2004. The AHTF Fund receives all fees contributed under Municipal Code Section 6.04.124 In-Lieu Fees, as required in Section 66606(a) of the California Government Code. The AHTF Fund may also receive monies from other sources, such as condominium conversion fees. Revenue deposited in the Fund must be used to increase and improve the supply of housing affordable to moderate-, low-, and very low-income households in the City. Funds may also be used to cover reasonable administrative or related expenses associated with the administration of this chapter.
The Annual Report includes a statement of income, expenses, disbursements, and other uses of the AHTF Fund, as well as the number and type of inclusionary units constructed or assisted during that year and the amount of such assistance provided, if any. In FY 2022-2023, AHTF Funds were used to support pre-development, acquisition and development of the former Nimitz Motel into the Lewelling Interim Homeless Shelter and Navigation Center.
Funds must be used in accordance with the City’s Housing Element and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Consolidated Plan adopted by the City Council to construct or convert to affordable housing, address homelessness and/or assist other governmental entities, private organizations, or individuals to do so. Permissible uses include, but are not limited to, assistance to housing development corporations, affordable housing loans and, grants, pre-development loan funds, public-private partnership arrangements, and administration of the City’s housing monitoring program. The AHTF Fund may be used for the benefit of both rental and owner-occupied housing.
At the end of FY 2022-2023, the AHTF Fund balance was $612,459.26. The AHTF Fund received revenue from housing in-lieu fees and interest income. There are no financial impacts associated with this action.
Attachment A: Resolution to Approve and Accept the FY 2022-2023 Affordable Housing Trust Fund Report
o Ex A1: FY 2022-2023 Affordable Housing Trust Fund Report
Grace Streltzov, Senior Housing Specialist, Community Development Department
Kerri Heusler, Housing Manager, Community Development Department