File #: 12-097    Version: 1 Name: Facilities & Transportation Committee Highlights - 2/14/12
Type: Minutes Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/5/2012 Final action: 3/5/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting Highlights of February 14, 2012.
Attachments: 1. FCM 2-14-12.pdf
Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting Highlights of February 14, 2012.
February 14, 2012
4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
San Leandro City Hall
835 East 14th Street
San Leandro, California
Sister Cities Gallery
Committee Members:      Councilmember Cutter, Councilmember Souza (Chair), Councilmember Starosciak
City staff present:      Chris Zapata, Mike Bakaldin, Keith Cooke, Ken Joseph, Lianne Marshall, Maureen O'Callaghan, Kathy Ornelas, Uche Udemezue
Outside Presenters:      Arul Edwin, Jim Cunradi - AC Transit
Public present:      None
The meeting was called to order at 4:03 p.m.  
1.      Discussion Regarding Street Rehabilitation Selections 2011-12
Ken Joseph gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding Street Rehabilitation Selections for 2011-12.  He discussed the street selection process, preparation, schedule and the projects involved.  Ken discussed curb ramps and locations.
Discussion ensued.  Staff responded to questions from the Committee.  Councilmember Souza asked how the Triangle project will be impacted due to Redevelopment funding.  Uche Udemezue stated that the project will not be impacted because it was implemented before the State made cuts to Redevelopment.  Staff had concerns regarding the acquisition, but has been assured that there are no issues.  Chris Zapata asked what the City is responsible for in terms of miles of streets, alleys and parking lots.  Ken responded that the City is responsible for 179 centerline miles.  Councilmember Starosciak asked if all selected streets will have the same process or if there are different processes.  Ken explained that there will be various treatments depending on street conditions.  Councilmember Souza stated that staff may consider outreach to ask residents if the priority is aesthetics or getting streets fixed.  Councilmember Cutter asked why the curb ramps are so long.  Ken explained that there has to be some sight distance for safety reasons.  Councilmember Cutter asked how much notice residents will receive before construction begins.  Ken stated that information will go out in the next week regarding construction in May.  
2.      Discussion Regarding AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Jim Cunradi from AC Transit gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).  He discussed the history of the project and the issues from the community, including the San Leandro monument, parking, traffic, neighborhood access and commercial loading.  The key elements of the project are dedicated bus lanes, including visible platforms in the middle of the street for ease of boarding, advanced propulsion hybrid electric vehicles with doors on both sides, and off-board fare payment.  A public meeting will be held on March 1, 2012 with a brief presentation and open house format with stations so residents can make comments on the spot at various stations.  
Discussion ensued.  Jim responded to questions from the Committee.  He addressed concerns for streets with T-access.  Chris Zapata asked how residents will be notified of the public meeting.  Jim explained that e-mail blasts, mailings, advertisements in the San Leandro Times, and a notice on the City website provided information regarding the meeting.
3.      Discussion Regarding ACTC / City Master Funding Agreement (Q&A)
Keith Cooke gave a brief presentation regarding the provided ACTC / City Master Funding Agreement.  He explained the guidelines of the new ACTC policy regarding the use of funds.  The guidelines include:  1) timely use of funds; 2) rescission of funds; 3) projects must be used for transportation purposes only; 4) no substitutions of funds; 5) fund exchanges must be made for transportation purposes; 6) staff cost limitations; 7) Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and Complete Streets Policy must be kept up to date; and 8) pavement condition index reporting.  
Discussion ensued.  Staff responded to questions from the Committee.  Councilmember Starosciak asked staff to provide as much education as possible regarding the Complete Streets Policy to Council members.  She stated that she would like the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) to assist and give input on the Complete Streets Policy.  Councilmember Cutter asked that staff provide information and bullet points of the agreement to the City Council to start communication and understanding before the Council meeting.  Lianne Marshall suggested that staff offer to meet and have individual conversations with Council members to brief them on the information in the agreement.  Keith stated that a packet will be available for the next City Council meeting.
4.      Project Updates / Discussion
Committee members were given a handout regarding Project Updates and staff responded to questions.  Councilmember Cutter stated that there has been an offer of funding for a bocce ball court at Toyon Park and asked if that was feasible.  Ken Joseph stated that the project has already bid out, so it would require a different contractor, but that staff would notify Carolyn Knudtson, Director of Recreation and Human Services, of the offer.
5.      Public Comments
6.      Committee Member Comments
7.      Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at 5:28 p.m.