File #: 14-514    Version: 1 Name: Declaring Results of November 4, 2014 Election
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 12/1/2014 Final action: 12/1/2014
Enactment date: 12/1/2014 Enactment #: Reso 2014-128
Title: RESOLUTION Declaring Results of the General Municipal Election Held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 (accepts the statement of election results for Mayor, City Council Districts 1, 3 and 5, and Measures HH and II)
Attachments: 1. Nov 4 2014 General Election Results ROV
Related files: 14-508
RESOLUTION Declaring Results of the General Municipal Election Held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 (accepts the statement of election results for Mayor, City Council Districts 1, 3 and 5, and Measures HH and II)
      WHEREAS, a General Municipal Election was held and conducted in the City of San Leandro on Tuesday, the 4th of November, 2014, in consolidation with the Statewide General Election, as required by the California Elections Code, the Charter of the City of San Leandro, and the City of San Leandro Municipal Code; and
      WHEREAS, notice of said election was duly and regularly given as required by law, voting precincts were properly established and election officers were duly and regularly appointed and election supplies furnished, and in all respects said election was held and conducted, the votes cast were received and canvassed, and the return thereof made, determined and declared in the time, form and manner required by law regulating and controlling such elections; and
      WHEREAS, the qualified electors cast ballots at said election for the following Officials:
      City Councilmember, District 1
      City Councilmember, District 3
      City Councilmember, District 5
      WHEREAS, the qualified electors cast ballots at said election upon the following two proposed Measures:
      Measure HH -To protect/ maintain local services, including: 911 emergency response; neighborhood police patrols/ anti-gang enforcement; library programs for children, adults/ families; after school programs for children/ teens including, homework assistance/ reading programs; school police officers/ crossing guards; repairing potholes/ maintaining residential streets; and other City services, shall the City of San Leandro extend Measure Z and set the sales tax at ½ cent for 30 years, with citizens oversight, annual audits, all funds for San Leandro, no funds for Sacramento?
      Measure II - Shall the City of San Leandro Charter be amended to provide that the City Council, at its first regular meeting in January of each year, shall designate one of its members Vice Mayor, to serve for a period of one year and until a successor is elected and qualified?
      WHEREAS, a canvass of the returns of said election was made by the Registrar of Voters of Alameda County, a copy of which is attached; and
      WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Leandro met in the regular meeting place of the Council on the 1st day of December, 2014, to declare the results of said election in compliance with Section 10263 of the California Elections Code; and
      WHEREAS, the City Council finds as a result of said canvass that the number of votes cast, the names of the persons voted for, and other matters required by law are as hereinafter stated.
      NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE and declare as follows:
      A General Municipal Election was held and conducted in this City on Tuesday, November 4, 2014, at the time and in the form and manner required by law.
      There were 54 consolidated precincts established for the purpose of holding said election.
      The total number of ballots cast at said election, for the candidates for Mayor; City Council Districts 1, 3 and 5; and upon Measures HH and II; was 17,435.
      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that at said election, the following persons were elected to the following offices respectively:
      Pauline Russo Cutter, Mayor, for a full term of four years from and after January 1, 2015, and until her successor is elected and qualified.
      Deborah Cox, Councilmember, District 1, for a full term of four years from and after January 1, 2015, and until her successor is elected and qualified.
      Lee Thomas, Councilmember, District 3, for a full term of four years from and after January 1, 2015, and until his successor is elected and qualified.
      Corina N. Lopez, Councilmember, District 5, for a full term of four years from and after January 1, 2015, and until her successor is elected and qualified.
      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Measure HH received a majority of the affirmative votes cast at said election for said Measure, and is hereby declared to have passed.  The approval of Measure HH results in the adoption of an Ordinance of the People of the City of San Leandro, Enacting a Transactions and Use Tax to be Administered by the State Board of Equalization; and
      BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Measure II received a majority of the affirmative votes cast at said election for said Measure, and is hereby declared to have passed.  The approval of Measure II results in an amendment to section 310 of the Charter of the City of San Leandro, changing the timing of the designation of Vice Mayor to the first regular City Council meeting in January.