File #: 24-498    Version: 1 Name: Shoreline VTTM
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 12/16/2024 Final action: 12/16/2024
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Adopt a Resolution to Consider a Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM 8643) for the Single-Family Element of the Shoreline Development Project, to Establish 148 Lots East of Monarch Bay Drive Between Marina Boulevard and Fairway Drive on Approximately 15.86-Acres of Land (Current Assessor's Parcel Numbers: APN 79A-590-7 and 79A-590-8; Monarch Bay for Sale Residential LLC (Applicant and Debtor-in-Possession); PLN23-0026)
Attachments: 1. A - Draft Resolution (Approving VTTM 8643), 2. A - Exh A - SFR_VTTM_8643, 3. B - Shoreline Development Project Entitlements Conditions of Approval - Reso. 2022-085, 4. Presentation


Adopt a Resolution to Consider a Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM 8643) for the Single-Family Element of the Shoreline Development Project, to Establish 148 Lots East of Monarch Bay Drive Between Marina Boulevard and Fairway Drive on Approximately 15.86-Acres of Land (Current Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: APN 79A-590-7 and 79A-590-8; Monarch Bay for Sale Residential LLC (Applicant and Debtor-in-Possession); PLN23-0026)





Staff recommends that the City Council hold a public hearing and adopt a resolution approving the matter of PLN23-0026, that includes a Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8643 (“VTTM”) to establish 148 lots, including 144 simple fee lots, two condominium lots, and two common lots, east of Monarch Bay Drive between Marina Boulevard and Fairway Drive that align with the approved plans entitled by the San Leandro City Council in December 2022 as a part of the Single-Family Element of the Shoreline Development Project (“Project”).


The subdivision process would not be completed until a subsequent Final Map is completed and approved by the City. Additional permits would be required before the start of construction.




The Single-Family Element Site is a part of the larger Shoreline Development Project, a public private partnership between Cal-Coast Companies LLC, Inc. (“Developer”) and the City of San Leandro (“City”).  On June 21, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2022-085 adopting a third addendum to the San Leandro Shoreline Development Project EIR (SCH # 2013072011) and approving a Development Agreement, Planned Development Project and Site Plan Review for the Private Elements of the Monarch Bay Shoreline Development (PLN22-0008, PLN21-0020, and PLN21-0021) (“entitlements”), which include:


                     Hotel Element: A 156,934 sf five-story hotel with 210 rooms and attached restaurant;

                     Restaurant Element: A 16,024 sf, two-story restaurant/banquet facility with third-floor roof deck;

                     Market Element: A 2,500 sf one-story commercial structure;  

                     Multi-Family Element: A five-story apartment complex with 285-units;

                     Single-Family Element: A “for-sale” development of 144 two- to three-story detached single-family homes and 62 two- to three-story townhomes with optional roof decks and attached two-car garages for each unit; and

                     Related site improvements.


Additional public elements of the Shoreline Development Project include a reconstructed Mulford-Marina Branch Library, reconfiguration of the Marina 9-hole executive golf course, and enhanced recreational amenities including an extensive park and plaza areas, a new park at Mulford Point, pedestrian promenade and Bay Trail connections along the shoreline and throughout the development, bike lanes and boat launch area.


The Development Agreement (“DA”) between the City of San Leandro and Cal Coast Companies LLC, Inc. works to support and facilitate the Shoreline Development Project, and provides additional details related to the Developer and City obligations, particularly related to construction and implementation of the Project. The DA details the scope, phasing, and procedures for the Developer’s construction of private project elements, as well as the installation of public improvements.


In the DA, the Developer and City also agree to cooperate and diligently work to process to final action all Subsequent Approvals, which are applications for additional land use approvals, entitlements and permits to implement and operate the Shoreline Development Project and include the proposed Single-Family VTTM. The Developer is to submit, and the City is to review applications for Subsequent Approvals in a timely and responsive fashion. The Subsequent Approvals are intended to implement the final policy decisions of the Project Entitlements and are to be reviewed for substantial conformity with the vested project entitlements, applicable rules, and CEQA compliance. Under the DA, the City maintains its normal scope of discretion with respect to the Subsequent Approvals. While the owner of the Single-Family Element Site filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in June of this year, the Developer has continued to submit applications for the Subsequent Approvals for the Single-Family Element Site, and the City has continued to diligently process those applications in accordance with the requirements of the DA and applicable law.




The Single-Family Element Site (“Site”) comprises the western portion of the 9-hole Marina Golf Course and is bounded by Marina Blvd to the north, Monarch Bay Drive to the west, and Fairway Drive to the south. The eastern side of the Site adjoins single family homes and an eastern portion of the golf course. The proposed VTTM would affect approximately 15.86 acres of land identified as Alameda County Assessor’s Parcel Numbers: APN 79A-590-7 and 79A-590-8.


On September 6, 2022, the City Council approved Parcel Map 11312, which subdivided two City-owned parcels of the 9-hole Marina Golf Course, creating the current parcel configuration that underlies the project site and its surroundings, with the western parcel designated for the Single-Family Element, the eastern parcel designated for the reconstructed 9-hole golf course, City maintenance facilities and reconstructed Mulford-Marina Library, and two smaller parcels for City water treatment facilities.  The proposed VTTM would further subdivide the current parcels, as shown in Exhibit A, to establish 148 lots corresponding to the Single-Family Element entitled by the San Leandro City Council in December 2022 as a part of the Shoreline Development Project. The Single-Family Element is a “for-sale” development of 144 two- to three-story detached single-family homes and 62 two- to three-story townhomes with optional roof decks and attached two-car garages for each unit. Proposed lots include 144 fee simple lots for single family homes, two condominium lots for townhomes, and two common lots used for private streets, open spaces, and stormwater bioretention basins.


The proposed VTTM would establish parcels as follows:


                     Common Lots

o                     Common Lot A: 182,458 square feet

o                     Common Lot B: 9,066 square feet

                     Residential Simple Fee lots: 144 lots ranging from 2,104 to 4,880 square feet

                     Two Condominium Lots:

o                     Lot 145: 44,609 square feet; 26 condominium units

o                     Lot 146: 68,725 square feet; 36 condominium units


Staff reviewed the proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8643 and has determined that it is consistent with the San Leandro 2035 General Plan, the San Leandro Zoning Code, and the San Leandro Subdivision Ordinance.


A Final Map approved by the City Council is required to subdivide the Site and establish the proposed lots. No development is authorized pursuant to the Tentative Map approval, as noted in the Conditions of Approval.  The Developer is also required to complete a number of obligations required by the DA and other agreements between the City and Developer before the City may issue permits for the development of the Single-Family Element.




The proposed VTTM is consistent with the General Plan’s goals, policies and objectives. The VTTM includes parcels with General Plan land use designation of RM - Medium Density Residential. The purpose of this land use designation is to provide for attached housing types, such as townhomes and duplexes, as well as single family detached homes on standard or smaller lots, as well as clustered or planned unit developments. The pertinent General Plan goals, policies, and actions that apply to the Single-Family Element of the Shoreline Development project include:


                     Goal LU-3. Provide housing opportunities and improve economic access to housing for all segments of the community.

                     Policy LU-3.1 Mix of Unit Types.  Encourage a mix of residential development types in the city, including single family homes on a variety of lot sizes, as well as townhomes, row houses, live-work units, planned unit developments, garden apartments and medium to high density multi-family housing.

                     Policy LU-3.2 Mix of Price Ranges.  Encourage a mix of price ranges to provide housing choices for San Leandro residents of all incomes and ages. Opportunities to include affordable units and market rate units within the same development projects should be pursued. 

                     Policy LU-3.10 Market-Rate Housing. Encourage the provision of a significant amount of market-rate ownership and rental housing as part of an effort to maintain and diversify the city’s economic base.

                     Goal LU-9. Reinforce the San Leandro Shoreline as a regional destination for dining, lodging, entertainment, and recreation, while creating a new waterfront neighborhood with housing, retail, and office uses.

                     Policy LU-9.1 Waterfront Enhancement. Enhance the San Leandro waterfront as a distinguished recreational shoreline and conservation area, with complementary activities that boost its appeal as a destination for San Leandro residents and visitors. Future development at the Shoreline should be compatible with the area's scenic and recreational qualities.

                     Policy LU-9.4. Land Use Mix. Strive for a mix of land uses in the San Leandro Shoreline area that requires little or no City investment and results in a Shoreline that is financially self-supporting. Development should be phased in a manner that is consistent with this policy and should maximize the extent to which commercial development funds public amenities and services.

                     Action LU-9.4.A. Shoreline Development Plans include the following components in the shoreline development:

(a)  A banquet facility and hotel; 

(b)  Multiple restaurants;

(c)  Housing; 

(d)  An enhanced public library and community building; and

(e)  Recreation areas and public gathering spaces.  

                     Action LU-9.4.B. Sustainability and Sea Level Rise Ensure that future development at the shoreline takes place in an environmentally sensitive manner, taking into consideration the potential effects of rising sea levels.




On October 3, 2024, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and voted (4-1-1) to adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council approve the Vesting Tentative Tract Map.

Meeting details and a recording of the hearing is available here:



The Planning Commission’s discussion focused on the broader Shoreline Development Project, including phasing, financing, and interim maintenance needs in the Shoreline area.




The proposed Single-Family Element Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM 8643) is consistent with the General Plan, Zoning Code, Subdivision Ordinance, and Shoreline Development Planned Development Project. The VTTM will establish the 148 lots of the Single-Family Element entitled by the San Leandro City Council in December 2022 as a part of the Shoreline Development Project. Review and timely processing of the proposed VTTM is also in keeping with the procedures for Subsequent Approvals outlined in the Shoreline Project Development Agreement.




The City Council certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on July 20, 2015, for the San Leandro Shoreline Development Project (SCH # 2013072011). A First Addendum to the EIR for the updated San Leandro Shoreline Development Project was approved by the City Council on February 24, 2020 (SCH # 2013072011). A Second Addendum analyzing Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8633 was approved by the City Council on May 16, 2022. A Third Addendum to evaluate entitlement-level details of the Shoreline Development Project was approved by the City Council on June 21, 2022.


The Addendums concluded that the proposed project would not result in any new significant impacts or substantially increase the severity of any significant impacts identified in the Certified EIR. No new information of substantial importance was identified, and no new mitigation measures would be required to reduce significant impacts.


On November 18, 2024, the City Council adopted a resolution finding, in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), that VTTM 8643 is consistent with the project analyzed in the 2022 Addendum to the San Leandro Shoreline Development EIR, which found that the proposed revisions to the project do not require a subsequent or supplemental EIR or Negative Declaration under CEQA Section 21166 or CEQA Guidelines Sections 15162 and 15164, and no further environmental review is required for the proposed VTTM.




To date, the redevelopment of the Shoreline site has been the subject of over 80 public meetings. A number of work sessions and public hearings were held in 2020 and 2022 associated with the approval of the Disposition and Development Agreement, and subsequent development entitlements for the Shoreline Development Project.


This proposed Single-Family VTTM was publicly noticed for the December 16, 2024, City Council hearing, including a legal advertisement in the East Bay Times Daily Review newspaper, the posting of notices, and mailing notification to property owners within 500 feet of the subject property.




Staff recommends that the City Council hold a public hearing and adopt a Resolution approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8643 to allow the subdivision of approximately 15.86 acres into 148 lots corresponding to the for-sale single-family homes and townhomes entitled by the San Leandro City Council in December 2022 as a part of the Shoreline Development Project based on the attached findings in support of these actions.




A.                     Resolution Approving a Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8643 to Establish148 parcels east of Monarch Bay Drive between Marina Boulevard and Fairway Drive on approximately 15.86 acres of land for the Shoreline Development Project.                     

Exhibit A - Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8643 (Single-Family Element)

B.                     Shoreline Development Project Entitlements Conditions of Approval - Reso. 2022-085


PREPARED BY: Kelly Beggs, Principal Planner and Planning Manager, Good City Company, Consulting Planner