File #: 12-339    Version: 1 Name: Fiber Loop Connection Project SR - AWARD
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/16/2012 Final action: 7/16/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution of Award of Construction Contract to HP Communications, Inc. for the Fiber Loop Project (Project No. 11-120-28-192)
Attachments: 1. Bid Summary.pdf
Related files: 12-340


Staff Report for a Resolution of Award of Construction Contract to HP Communications, Inc. for the Fiber Loop Project (Project No. 11-120-28-192)





Staff recommends award of a contract to the low bidder, HP Communications, Inc. in the amount of $96,419.00 for the subject project.




The City has been informed that the I-880 HOV project is scheduled to commence in Fall 2012.  The project will add a 3-mile long High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane to I-880 southbound from Hegenberger Road in Oakland to the Marina Boulevard exit in San Leandro.  As part of the project, the I-880 interchanges at Davis Street and Marina Boulevard will be reconstructed to allow for the wider freeway.  Unfortunately, the project will, for the term of construction, disconnect the fiber optic cables at the east end of the overcrossing on Davis Street, thereby eliminating communication to all of our traffic signals and facilities west of I-880.


By adding fiber optic cables on Washington Avenue between Springlake Drive and Fargo Avenue, the communications going through Davis Street to Doolittle Drive will be routed through East 14th Street, Hesperian Boulevard, Halcyon Drive, Washington Avenue, Fargo Avenue, Farnsworth Street, Manor Boulevard, Wicks Boulevard, Merced Street, Williams Street, and back to Doolittle Drive.  The result will be the establishment of a complete redundant fiber optic ring throughout the city.  This will allow Engineering staff to maintain communication with traffic signals and facilities located west of I-880 during the construction of the I-880 HOV project.


The work will include pulling fiber optic cable on Washington Avenue between Halcyon Drive and Fargo Avenue.  The 288-strand fiber will be pulled through existing conduit underneath the I-880 freeway.  New splice connections will be made at the terminations at all signals and facilities along the loop.  All of the transceivers at signals and facilities connected to the fiber optic system will be retrofitted to allow for bi-directional information flow.




The bids were opened on July 3, 2012.  Two (2) bids were received ranging from $96,419.00 to $96,537.00.  HP Communications, Inc. was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.  The engineer's estimate for the work was $114,000.00.  Staff verified that HP Communications, Inc. is in good standing through the Contractors State License Board’s website.


Current Agency Policies


Continued development and expansion of the City's Advanced Traffic Management System.


Previous Actions


                     On June 4, 2012 by Resolution No. 2012-060, the City Council approved Plans and Specifications and Called for Bids for the subject project


Applicable General Plan Policies


                     Policy 13.02-Keeping Pace with Growth: Improve transportation infrastructure at a rate that keeps pace with growth

                     Policy 16.03-Maintenance: Regularly maintain city streets and traffic control devices to ensure that streets operate safely and efficiently


Environmental Review


This project does not require environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because the project qualifies as a categorical exemption under the State CEQA Guidelines section 15301(c). 


Fiscal Impact


The cost of establishing a complete redundant fiber optic ring throughout the City is $120,000.00, which will be funded with $80,000 from DFSI funds in account 120-28-192 and $40,000 from General Funds in account 210-28-192.


Budget Authority


The Finance Department has confirmed that $80,000 is available in the Development Fees for Street Improvements (DFSI) account 120-28-192 (Fiber Loop Project) and $40,000 in the General Fund account 210-28-192 (Fiber Loop Project) for installation of the redundant fiber optic ring.




                     Bid Summary



PREPARED BY:  Dean Hsiao, Traffic Operations Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department