File #: 16-175    Version: 1 Name: ADA Transition 14-15 - AWARD SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/16/2016 Final action: 5/16/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Souto Brothers Landscaping & Concrete Construction, Inc. for the ADA Transition Plan 14-15, Project No. 2015.0020
Attachments: 1. bid summary
Related files: 16-176


Staff Report for a Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Souto Brothers Landscaping & Concrete Construction, Inc. for the ADA Transition Plan 14-15, Project No. 2015.0020





This contract provides for the installation of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant concrete walkways, asphalt pavement, landscaping, striping and signage at four City facilities: City Hall, Marina Park, the Marina Community Center and the Main Library.


Staff recommends award of a construction contract to the low bidder, Souto Brothers Landscaping & Concrete Construction, Inc., in the amount of $339,950 for the subject project.




In October 2010, the City adopted an ADA Transition Plan with a commitment of $150,000 per annum over a fifteen year period.  The transition work is focused on City- owned buildings, parks and recreation facilities. Various facilities were grouped together and programmed into a fifteen year schedule. The current project focuses on outdoor aspects such as ADA parking spaces, path of travel, and curb ramps identified in the Plan located at City Hall, Marina Park, the Marina Community Center, and the Main Library.

The project is funded with a portion of the City’s annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) received from the Federal government, and the General Fund. 



A total of three bids were received on April 5, 2016 ranging from $339,950.00 to $464,050.00.  Souto Brothers Landscaping & Concrete Construction, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive bid of $339,950.00.  As the engineer’s pre-bid estimate was $214,525.00, $125,425.00 less than the lowest bid, staff’s observation is that current bidding trends point to volatility in project bidding.


It is very important that City facilities which serve residents and non-residents are made accessible so anyone visiting these facilities can easily participate in any business or activity regardless of their abilities. Bringing the City facilities up to the current ADA standard especially for ingress and egress to and from a facility also sets a good example for the rest of our community to follow.


As is standard in the construction industry, staff has balanced site investigation costs with the risk of finding unforeseen conditions during construction as well as the design costs with the level of detail on the plans.  As a result, unforeseen conditions may be encountered during construction and plan details may need to be adjusted or clarified.  In order to minimize delay on the project and ensure that the scope of work is adjusted as needed to provide the highest quality project for the City, staff requests authorization to negotiate and approve individual change orders up to 10% (or $33,995.00 each) of the original contract amount and cumulative change orders up to 25% (or $84,987.50) of the original contract amount.


The terms of the CDBG grant prohibit the use of the City’s local inclusion policy.


Applicable General Plan Policies


This action is consistent with Transportation Goal No. 14 of the General Plan and Action Item 14.07:  Pedestrian Environment.


Permits and/or Variances Granted


A Building Permit from the City’s Building and Safety Division will be obtained prior to the start of construction.


Environmental Review


This project was deemed categorically exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15301(c) - Existing Facilities.  A Notice of Exemption has been filed with the County Recorder.


Summary of Public Outreach Efforts


This project was advertised on March 18, 2016 in the Daily Review as well as in three other newspapers whose circulation reflects the diversity of San Leandro.  Staff also notified contractors interested in working with the City via email and sent plans to fifteen plan rooms.


Fiscal Impacts


The total cost of the project, including design, construction, contingencies and construction management is estimated to be $449,940.


Budget Authority


This project is funded as follows:



Account No.                     Amount

165-18-005                     $225,000.00

165-43-235                     $  54,001.81

165-43-237                     $116,983.00

210-18-005                     $  95,000.00

Total Appropriation                     $490,984.81


Available funds for this project as of April 21, 2016 are as follows:


Account No.                     Amount

165-18-005                     $196,176.82

165-43-235                     $  17,108.64

165-43-237                     $116,983.00

210-18-005                     $  94,741.44

Total                     $425,009.90


Total Estimated Cost of Project                      $449,940.00

Design, Bid and Award Costs Already Spent                     $  40,000.00

Cost of Contract                     $339,950.00

Remaining for Staff Costs and Contingency during Construction                     $  45,059.90




                     Bid Summary


PREPARED BY:  Nicole Noronha Castelino, Associate Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department