File #: 16-278    Version: 1 Name: MOU for I-880 ICM (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/5/2016 Final action: 7/5/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for the Interstate 880 Integrated Corridor Management (I-880 ICM) North Alameda Segment Project
Attachments: 1. Project Vicinity Map, 2. MOU, 3. MTC Fact Sheet
Related files: 16-279


Staff Report for a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for the Interstate 880 Integrated Corridor Management (I-880 ICM) North Alameda Segment Project





Staff recommends that the City Council approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Interstate 880 Integrated Corridor Management (I-880 ICM) North Alameda Segment Project.




In March 2011, Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), together with the Interstate 880 (I-880) corridor’s stakeholders, which include Caltrans District 4, the Alameda County Transportation Commission and the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, embarked upon an I-880 Integrated Corridor Management Project that will extend from the Port of Oakland to Silicon Valley. The goal of the I-880 ICM Project is to relieve congestion and improve safety when an incident occurs on the I-880 Freeway.  Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) will be employed to better coordinate and integrate traffic signal networks across jurisdictional boundaries.


The first ITS improvement is known as the I-880 ICM North Alameda Segment Project, a collaborative effort by MTC, Caltrans District 4, City of Oakland, City of San Leandro, and Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit). The ITS improvements will include upgrades to traffic signal coordination using fiber optic communication, as well as traffic detection devices (sensors and cameras) on arterial streets that will allow City staff to remotely view traffic conditions and adjust signal operations in response to a freeway incident.




When an incident occurs on I-880, freeway traffic has a tendency to divert onto local roads to avoid the incident, thus causing congestion on the City’s parallel arterials.  An enhanced arterial incident management system will enable the City and its partner agencies to remotely monitor traffic conditions and to optimize the movement of traffic within the corridor during both incident and non-incident conditions.


The project will install ITS equipment on arterial streets along the I-880 corridor in the cities of Oakland and San Leandro. The project will utilize existing structures and infrastructure where feasible to minimize construction impacts. The new and upgraded ITS elements to be implemented will include:

                     Trailblazer Signs

                     Fixed or Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV)

                     Vehicle Detection Systems

                     Communications Infrastructure (including but not limited to communication and interconnect cables, conductors, equipment, and wireless infrastructure)

                     Traffic Signal Upgrades (including new controllers and cabinets)

                     Traffic Management System Software


This project builds on the Corridor System Management Plan (CSMP) and the Federal ICM Initiative, and is an important step toward providing an integrated ITS system on this segment of the I-880 corridor. Implementation of the project will be closely coordinated with other regional systems, including the I-80 Smart Corridor and AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project.


The purpose of the project MOU is to outline and define the roles, responsibilities, terms and conditions for the ownership, operation and maintenance of equipment and components that will be incorporated and integrated into the Caltrans and City rights-of-way. The MOU will:


                     Articulate key operations and maintenance (O&M);

                     Clarify ownership and management responsibilities; and

                     Signify the ongoing commitment of the project partners.


Some main points from the MOU include:


                     The Project will not actively divert freeway traffic onto local streets at any time, including in the event of an incident on the freeway.

                     Caltrans will be responsible for operations of all I-880 ICM devices during I-880 incident conditions, including selecting and executing the appropriate pre-determined plans.

                     During non-incident conditions, the City will have primary control of operations and monitoring of the I-880 ICM devices and traffic signals within San Leandro’s right-of-way.

                     The City will own the existing and proposed systems located within San Leandro’s right-of-way.

                     Caltrans will own the existing and proposed systems located within State of California right-of-way.

                     MTC will fund the operations and maintenance of Trailblazer signs.


The anticipated project schedule is listed below:


Milestone                                                                                    Completion Date

Final Design Approval                                          June 2016

MOU Execution                                                                                    July 2016


Issue Procurements                                               July 2016

Begin Construction                                                               Late 2016

Project Completion                                                               Late 2017



MTC project staff will disseminate periodic project information and updates to stakeholders.  Fact sheets and a link to the project website are available on the City’s website to provide the public with information about the project.  Public outreach, including presentations at public meetings, will be provided by the project sponsors as needed.  Prior to the project construction phase, direct mailers will be sent to addresses of properties that could be impacted.


Current Agency Policies


                     2015-16 City Council Goal: Maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure 


Committee Review and Actions


                     Staff from MTC provided an overview of the project to the City Council Facilities & Transportation Committee on April 19, 2016.  The Committee recommended approval by the Council of the I-880 Integrated Corridor Management MOU.


Summary of Public Outreach Efforts


                     Information on the I-880 ICM North Alameda Segment Project will be available at the Districts 3, 4 and 6 Town Hall meeting in July 2016.


Fiscal Impacts


All project capital implementation costs will be the responsibility of the MTC.  The total funding for the I-880 ICM North Alameda Segment Project is $14 million with an estimated construction cost of $8.4 million.  The $14 million project is funded by Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) funds.


The City will be responsible for minimal ongoing maintenance costs associated with the closed circuit television cameras, the Vehicle Detection Systems, and the traffic signal equipment to be budgeted in 2017-18.  The Trailblazer Signs within the San Leandro’s right-of-way will be maintained by MTC.



                     Project Vicinity Map


                     MTC Fact Sheet


PREPARED BY:  Reh-Lin Chen, Senior Transportation Engineer, Engineering and Transportation, Department