File #: 14-345    Version: 1 Name: PM 10213 - 1400 San Leandro Blvd
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/15/2014 Final action: 9/15/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving Parcel Map 10213 for 1400 San Leandro Boulevard; Assessor's Parcel Number 075-0039-007-05; Owner: San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District; Sub-divider and Applicant: BRIDGE Housing Corporation
Attachments: 1. City Planner's Report PM 10213.pdf, 2. Bridge Housing - Draft CC&R
Related files: 14-346
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving Parcel Map 10213 for 1400 San Leandro Boulevard; Assessor's Parcel Number 075-0039-007-05; Owner: San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District; Sub-divider and Applicant: BRIDGE Housing Corporation
Staff recommends adoption of the resolution approving Parcel Map 10213.
The subject property is located at 1400 San Leandro Boulevard and consists of one parcel that is owned by the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART).  The property is currently used as a parking lot for the San Leandro BART station, which is to the west of the site and across San Leandro Boulevard.  The property is bound to the north by Saint Leander School, to the east by Carpentier Street and the Pacific Plaza residential complex, and to the south by West Juana Avenue and smaller single family residences. The site is currently zoned DA-4(S), Downtown Area, Special Overlay District and will remain as such.
Originally, a 200-unit multi-family residential development project and BART replacement parking at 1400 San Leandro Boulevard was approved for construction by Site Plan Review Approval, PLN2008-00030, to Westlake Development Partners, LLC (Westlake). At nearly the same time, in early 2009, BRIDGE Housing Corporation (BRIDGE) was awarded entitlements to construct a 100-unit affordable rental housing development between Alvarado and Martinez Streets, west of the BART station.  In spring 2012, the economics for a 200-unit multi-family residential development were not sufficient to continue the project. Westlake subsequently transferred its entitlements to BRIDGE, which had the necessary tax-incentive financing to make the project successful. BRIDGE subsequently adjusted its development plans at 1400 San Leandro Boulevard to provide for a total of 200 affordable and senior rental housing units.
The subject parcel is approximately 2.27 acres, and located at 1400 San Leandro Boulevard. Vertical subdivisions/airspace parcels are proposed to delineate BRIDGE housing related components from BART customer and general public parking areas. The use of a vertical subdivision will provide for a simple and straightforward way to manage the relationship of the parking areas and housing units and provide the necessary parcels for financing. The Conditions of Approval for the project include the following for the orderly development of the property:
1.      The subdivider is required to underground the overhead facilities along the Carpentier Street frontage.
2.      An Operating Agreement or equivalent, a Reciprocal Easement Agreement or equivalent and a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, all approved by the City must be recorded upon the lease or transfer of ownership of any of the parcels.  
Parcel Map 10213 creates four separate airspace parcels.  Parcel 1 is a 31,348 square foot parcel for the four-story senior housing portion of the development.  Parcel 2 is a 4,744 square foot parcel for at-grade parking for the senior housing.  Parcel 3 is 12,876 square feet, and would provide three levels of BART parking spaces; at grade and two below grade levels.  Parcel 4 is 50,057 square feet  and would contain four levels of the apartment units above ground level, four ground floor apartment units, management offices, a childcare center, a community room, an outdoor play area, parking on the at-grade level and two levels of resident parking below grade.
Parcels 1, 3, and 4 meet the minimum lot area requirement of 5,000 square feet in the DA-4 District.  Although Parcel 2 is less than the 5,000 square foot minimum size specified in the DA-4 District, Zoning Code Section 2-678, footnote (2) provides that in the DA-1 through DA-6 Districts, the Community Development Director may administratively approve an exception to the minimum lot size to allow for lots less than the minimum size required. This exception approval can only be exercised if adequate shared ingress, egress and access to parking facilities can be provided to accommodate each proposed new lot, and the proposed development is consistent with the Design Guidelines of the Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy. Having reviewed the Parcel map, the Community Development Director  affirms that adequate shared ingress, egress and access to parking facilities is provisioned for each lot and therefore recommends that Parcel 2 be approved as an exception to the DA-4 District requirement.
City Planner's Review:  The City Planner examined the Parcel Map in relation to the existing zoning, proposed size and location of lots, requirements of the General Plan, applicable Specific Plans and like considerations per the attached City Planner's report.
City Engineer's Findings:  The City Engineer examined Parcel Map 10213 and found that it complies with California State Law and local ordinances and is satisfied that Parcel Map 10213 is technically correct.
Current Agency Policies
Title VII, Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code and the Subdivision Map Act set the authority and procedure for processing parcel maps.
Applicable General Plan Policies
Parcel Map 10213 adheres to Policy 13.04, "Transit-Oriented Development" of the City of San Leandro General Plan.
Environmental Review
Parcel Map 10213 is categorically exempt from the environmental review requirements of CEQA under Class 15, Minor Land Subdivisions of Title 5, Chapter 1 of the San Leandro Administrative Code.
Fiscal Impacts
The costs for processing of Parcel Map 10213 will be charged to the applicant.
·      City Planner's Report
·      Draft Operating Agreement / Covenant, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R)
PREPARED BY:  Phillip Toste, Assistant Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department