Adopt a Resolution to Approve a Planned Development, Administrative Site Plan Review, and Tentative Tract Map 8703 for the Construction of a Nine-Unit Townhome Development at 13489 East 14th Street PLN22-0006; and
Introduction and First Reading of an Ordinance for a Zoning Map Amendment to Rezone the Subject Site from SA-2 (South Area 2) to SA-2(PD) (South Area 2, with a Planned Development Overlay). Zoning District: SA-2 (South Area 2). APN: 077D-1405-001-01. Zoning District: SA-2. Applicant: Shoonya, LLC. Property Owner: Shoonya, LLC.
• Housing and Homelessness
The applicant and property owner requests approval of a Planned Development, Administrative Site Plan Review, and Tentative Tract Map 8703 to allow the development of a nine-unit townhome development and appurtenant facilities at 13489 East 14th Street. The applicant is also requesting a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone the subject site from SA-2 (South Area 2) to SA-2(PD) (South Area 2, with a Planned Development Overlay) to provide flexibility in the base district zoning regulations.
At its regular meeting of October 3, 2024, the Planning Commission, by a vote of 7-0, recommended that the City Council:
1) Adopt a resolution to approve PLN22-0006 for a Planned Development, Administrative Site Plan Review, and Tentative Tract Map 8703 for the construction of a nine-unit townhome development at 13489 East 14th Street based on the recommended Findings of Fact and subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval; and
2) Introduce an ordinance to rezone the property from SA-2 to SA-2(PD).
The subject property is a 12,588 square foot vacant lot, located at 13489 East 14th Street, on the west corner of 135th Avenue and East 14th Street. It is located in the Corridor Mixed Use (MUC) land use designation of the General Plan and in the geographic area of the East 14th Street South Area Development Strategy (hereinafter “South Area Plan”).
The applicant is proposing to build nine three-story townhomes inside two buildings, providing five one-bedroom units and four three-bedroom units. Each townhome unit would be located on an individual lot. The buildings would be separated by a central driveway with access at 135th Avenue, leading to garages and carports. A common lot would be created for the shared driveway and other shared facilities, such as the trash enclosure, mailboxes, a tenant activity area, and landscaping along 135th Avenue.
Rezoning and Planned Development
The applicant is requesting a Zoning Map Amendment to establish a PD Overlay for the property. The purpose of a PD is to provide flexibility in base district zoning regulations to support high quality urban design. The applicant is requesting flexibility in the application of development regulations related to minimum lot size, minimum lot width, and required setbacks. Modification of these standards is necessary to allow for the creation of a small individual lot for each townhome unit. Approving the flexible application of development regulations is consistent with the South Area Plan, which encourages the development of a range of multi-family housing types, including townhomes.
Administrative Site Plan Review / Conformance with Development Regulations
Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - The proposed development would meet the requirements of the City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (Zoning Code Chapter 6.04) by providing one moderate-income dwelling unit in Unit 1.
Development Regulations - The proposed project meets the development standards for the SA-2 Zoning District and for Multi-Family Residential Developments required by the Zoning Code. The proposal would provide high quality housing within modern architectural style buildings that have entrances oriented toward the streets and would be clad in quality exterior finishes. It would also meet required site landscaping, parking, and lighting requirements.
Three development standards are being met through the application of the State Density Bonus Law, which provides for modification of development standards when deed-restricted affordable housing is provided. The proposal includes deed-restricting Unit 1 as a moderate-income dwelling unit. Per the State Density Bonus Law, the development has requested, and is eligible for, concessions and waivers of the development regulations, specifically to: reduce the minimum height of the ground floor from 10 feet to 8 feet, provide two amenities instead of the required four, and waive the daylight plane regulation.
With the application of the PD Overlay and the State Density Bonus Law, the proposal meets the Zoning Code development regulations for the project, as detailed in Attachment C.
Tentative Tract Map 8703
The proposed Tentative Tract Map would allow for the creation of one fee simple lot for each of the nine townhome units and one common lot, which could include the tenant activity area, mailboxes, refuse enclosure, central driveway and the landscaped yard along 135th Avenue. The common lot would also contain required easements for emergency vehicular access, public utilities, storm drainage and sanitary sewer, as is typical.
The creation of the fee simple lots would be consistent with the requirements of the City’s Subdivision and Zoning Regulations and would facilitate a townhome development consistent with the South Area Plan.
Conformity with the General Plan and South Area Plan
The proposed townhome development would be consistent with various goals and policies in the General Plan and South Area Plan, as listed in Attachment G.
Findings of Fact
To approve the proposed Zoning Map Amendment, Planned Development, Site Plan Review, and Tentative Tract Map, the City Council must make certain findings of fact and/or determinations pursuant to Zoning Code Sections 5.16.116.B, 3.04.132.A, 5.08.124, 5.12.124.B; Municipal Code Section 7-1-330; and Government Code Section 65863. Staff has analyzed the proposal and determined that the required findings can be made, as detailed in Attachment E.
Environmental Review
No additional environmental review is required pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15183, as the project is consistent with the density established by the General Plan, for which an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was previously prepared and certified, and there are no project-specific significant effects which are peculiar to the project or its site. A CEQA Consistency Checklist, including herein as Attachment D, was prepared to document consistency between the proposed project and the City of San Leandro General Plan, and to compare the environmental effects of the proposed project against those identified in the City’s 2023-2031 Housing Element and General Plan Update Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR), in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15183.
Planning Commission Review and Actions
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed project on October 3, 2024. Staff and the applicant’s development team answered questions from the Planning Commission on various topics, including the sidewalk expansion and amenities. Following questions and deliberation, Commissioner Boldt made a motion to recommend approval of the project, seconded by Commissioner Rich. The Planning Commission voted 7-0 to recommend City Council approval of the project.
Summary of Public Outreach Efforts
Notice for Planning Commission and City Council hearings on this item included legal advertisement in the East Bay Times Daily Review newspaper, a 500-foot radius mailer to property owners, and postings on site and at City Hall. At the time of publication of this report no comments were received.
Financial Impacts
This project would generate development fees and taxes.
Attachment A: Resolution Approving PLN22-0006 for a Planned Development, Administrative Site Plan Review and Tentative Tract Map 8703 for the construction of a nine-unit townhome development at 13489 East 14th Street based on the recommended Findings of Fact and subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval.
Exhibit A: Project Plans
Exhibit B: Inclusionary Housing Plan
Attachment B: Draft Ordinance Amending the City of San Leandro Zoning Map
Exhibit A: Zoning Map Amendment
Attachment C: Development Regulations Table
Attachment D: CEQA Consistency Checklist
Attachment E: Findings of Fact
Attachment F: Density Bonus Memo
Attachment G: General Plan and South Area Plan Goals and Policies
PREPARED BY: Lourdes Juarez, Associate Planner, Community Development