File #: 18-410    Version: 1 Name: Dog Park DG
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/4/2018 Final action: 9/4/2018
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution of the City Council for the City of San Leandro to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Non-Professional Services Agreement with McNabb Construction, Inc. for Purchase and Installation of Decomposed Granite at the City Dog Park for a Not-to Exceed Amount of $150,000


Staff Report for a Resolution of the City Council for the City of San Leandro to Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Non-Professional Services Agreement with McNabb Construction, Inc. for Purchase and Installation of Decomposed Granite at the City Dog Park for a Not-to Exceed Amount of $150,000





Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a Non-Professional Services Agreement with McNabb Construction, Inc. for purchase and installation of decomposed granite (DG) for improvements at the City Dog Park.


A request for bids (17-18.027) was issued by the City’s Purchasing Agent to furnish and install DG at the Dog Park. Four bids were received, but all in excess of funding identified for this project. In consultation with the Purchasing Agent, revised bids were asked of each of the responding vendors, eliminating some of the original tasks associated with the project. Three vendors submitted revised bids and McNabb Construction was the low bid.




When the City Council approved funding for construction of the City’s first Dog Park in 2010, it was envisioned that due to the limited funding available at that time, subsequent improvements to the park could be made as funding was appropriated. In 2017 the City Council approved $300,000 of general fund monies for improvements to the Dog Park.


When the park was constructed in 2011, there was no funding available to change out the existing earthen base, which consists in part of rock base associated with a portion of an abandoned emergency vehicle access (EVA) road.






With the new funding, improvements to the park include placement of DG on a portion of both sides of the park (small and larger dogs), new dog agility/play equipment, and a public art installation associated with fencing improvements. The public art component has already been reviewed, in conceptual form, by the Arts Commission, and work is underway to move toward final designs. The art will be in the form of a mural installed in the slats of the Dog Park fencing.


The placement of DG represents the most expensive portion of this work, and with Public Works staff able to perform the removal of the existing base rock in preparation for the DG, this helped reduce the contractor’s project cost.


DG provides a more pet-friendly surface in which to play on than the existing base rock.  Due to its durability, it is a common surface treatment in dog parks where lawn is not provided (the Dog Park does not have irrigation). The project includes placement of four inches of DG over approximately 30,000 square feet.


Fiscal Impacts


Funding for Dog Park improvements approved by City Council Resolution 2017-013 for $300,000 appropriated in CIP budget account 210-38-314-5340.  The balance remaining as of June 30, 2018 is $253,191. This contract to furnish and install DG will be funded by the existing budget (no additional appropriations will be requested).


Budget Authority


Funding for the services is included in the adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 in account 210-38-314-5340. 




Attachment(s) to Related Legislative File

                     Non-Professional Services Agreement between The City of San Leandro and McNabb Construction Inc. for purchase and installation of DG at the Dog Park


PREPARED BY:  Debbie Pollart, Public Works Director, Public Works Department