File #: 16-351    Version: 1 Name: TCD Project 2016-17
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/18/2016 Final action: 7/18/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report to Approve a Sole-Source Non-Professional Services Agreement in the Amount of $211,500 with United Storm Water, Inc. to Install Full Trash Capture Devices in Various City Storm Drain Catch Basins
Attachments: 1. San Leandro Long Term Trash Reduction Plan 02-14, 2. Contractor Local Business Solicitation Letter, 3. Contractor Shoulder Closure Traffic Plan, 4. Contractor Right Lane Closure Traffic Plan
Related files: 16-352


Staff Report to Approve a Sole-Source Non-Professional Services Agreement in the Amount of $211,500 with United Storm Water, Inc. to Install Full Trash Capture Devices in Various City Storm Drain Catch Basins





This project will allow the City to achieve 70% trash reduction from the City storm drain system by 2017 as required by Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (MRP) 2.0, adopted by the Regional Water Quality Control Board November 19, 2015.


Staff recommends City Council adopt a Resolution approving a sole-source Non-Professional Services Agreement in the amount of $211,500 to United Storm Water, Inc. to install full trash capture devices (TCDs) in up to 400 storm drain catch basins within the City.


Staff recommends a sole source contract for the installation of these TCDs with United Storm Water, Inc. because this vendor manufactured and installed the Phase I TCDs in the City back in 2010.




In 2010, the City installed full TCDs in 250 catch basins through a grant from the Association of Bay Area Governments. This installation (Phase I) was done to help meet the 40% trash reduction goal by July 1, 2014, as required by the original MRP.


As part of MRP 2.0, cities throughout the Bay Area are required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board to implement a Plan to achieve a target of 100% (i.e. full) trash reduction from municipal storm drain systems by July 1, 2022, with an interim milestone of 70% reduction by July 1, 2017 (Phase II).


Per the City’s Long Term Trash Load Reduction Plan, the installation of full trash capture devices, along with trash capture devices being installed in private systems was deemed the most effective way to comply with these requirements.





The Long Term Trash Reduction Plan submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board in January, 2014 (attached) divided the City into five trash-generating areas designated as Very High, High, Moderate, Low, and TCD-covered. Staff has analyzed rain flow to all catch basins in the High and Very High trash generation areas and has created a list of catch basins in priority order that would provide the highest level of trash reduction based on the amount of acreage to which TCDs in these catch basins would provide coverage. Phase II-A of the project will target this list of catch basins. Phase II-B of the project will target catch basins in the Moderate trash generation areas. The Low trash generation areas (single-family residential) will not require full trash capture.


In response to a request from staff, United Storm Water, Inc. submitted a proposal to install 400 TCD’s for $211,500, which would include both Phase II-A and Phase II-B installations. Phase II-A would include approximately 200 TCDs installed in 2016, which would allow the City to report the method for reaching the 70% trash reduction requirement (required in the next Annual Report). Phase II-B will be installed in 2017 after staff evaluates catch basins in the Moderate trash generation areas, allowing the City to accomplish the 70% reduction.


In order to make a sole source purchase, the City Council must make a sole source justification finding in accordance with California Public Contract Code section 3400(c)(2), which provides that a sole source purchase is justified in order to match other products in use on a particular public improvement.  United Storm Water previously manufactured and installed TCD units for the City. In order for the City to minimize long-term maintenance costs, it is effective to stay with one manufacturer of TCDs. This decreases time required to perform annual maintenance and decreases costs for replacement parts.  


TCDs from United Storm Water have been approved for use by the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District. Many cities in the East Bay have installed United Storm Water devices because of their compliance with regulatory requirements and because of the superior construction and good level of customer service. Due to the variations amongst the construction of each storm drain, fitting a TCD requires that each installation be custom manufactured.


The Contractor will take their truck to each catch basin and manufacture and install the TCDs on location. They will be able to complete eight to ten units per day, five days per week. They are registered with the Department of Industrial Relations and will make payroll information available weekly.


In this proposal, the Contractor included their plan for meeting the Local Business Participation Goal required by Municipal Code 1-6-225-(f)-(2). They plan to meet the following five options:


(iii) Listing all contact information for any San Leandro business or nonprofit organization that will participate in the project, or provide services or supplies to the prime contractor or supplier if a contract is awarded to the prime contractor or supplier; (Contractor has researched San Leandro businesses and created a list of businesses that could provide material for their project.).

(v) Documentation of personal contacts with San Leandro businesses or nonprofit organizations informing them of the opportunity to subcontract or supply to the project; (Contractor is contacting these businesses to develop points of contact; they have written a solicitation letter they will send to the businesses requesting quotes for them for materials for this project [attached]).

(vi) Documentation of good faith negotiations with San Leandro businesses and nonprofit organizations to subcontract or supply to the project; (submitted as they occur).

(vii) Making the project plans, specifications and in the case of construction, design or engineering contract, the City Engineer’s estimates available for review upon the request of interested San Leandro businesses and San Leandro nonprofit organizations; (the solicitation letter will provide information as to where plans and specifications for the project can be obtained).

(viii) Documentation of requests for assistance from San Leandro community organizations, San Leandro contractors or professional groups, local, State or Federal business assistance offices or other organizations that provide assistance in the recruitment and placement of San Leandro businesses and San Leandro nonprofit organizations, if any are available.


Current Agency Policies


                     City Council Goal: Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure.

                     City Council Goal: Support and implement programs, activities and strengthen communication that enhances the quality of life and wellness, celebrates the arts and diversity and promotes civic pride


Applicable General Plan Policies


                     Action EH-4.1.A: Trash Capture Devices. Develop a funding plan for the installation and maintenance of trash capture devices on City storm drains, in order to comply with the unfunded State mandate for 100 percent trash capture in local storm drain systems.


Permits and/or Variances Granted


An Encroachment Permit will be procured from the City’s Engineering Department as necessary.


Environmental Review


                     This project is determined to be exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15302 (Replacement or Reconstruction). The project involves installation of screens in front of downstream connector pipes of existing storm drains.


                     Contractor crews shall provide and set out traffic control safety cones and signs to create a safe work zone. All traffic control shall comply with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways: Part 6, Temporary Traffic Control. Attached are schematics from their Work Area Traffic Control Handbook for both shoulder closure and single lane closure.


Fiscal Impacts


This Trash Capture Device project will not exceed $211,500, and has been approved as a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) and budgeted for in account 210-38-371-5240. Staff notes that this work represents an unfunded mandate from the State.


Budget Authority


This Trash Capture Device project is funded in fiscal year 2015-16 in account 210-38-371-5240.  Total funding available is $317,000 as of June 30, 2016.  Any balance remaining in this CIP account will be carried over into the new fiscal year 2016-17.




Attachment(s) to Staff Report

                     San Leandro Long Term Trash Reduction Plan

                     Contractor Local Business Solicitation Letter

                     Contractor Shoulder Closure Traffic Control Plan

                     Contractor Right Lane Closure Traffic Control Plan


Attachment(s) to Related Legislative File

                     Non-Professional Services Agreement Between the City of San Leandro and United Storm Water, Inc. for Trash Capture Device Installation 2016-17



PREPARED BY:  Judy Walker, Water Resources Management Analyst, Water Pollution Control Division