File #: 16-342    Version: 1 Name: Harris Design CSA Amendment #1 (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 12/19/2016 Final action: 12/19/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 in the Amount of $21,669.15 to a Consulting Services Agreement with Harris Design for the Siempre Verde Park Rehabilitation Project, Project No. 2015.0270
Attachments: 1. Harris Design CSA Amendment 1
Related files: 16-343


Staff Report for a Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 in the Amount of $21,669.15 to a Consulting Services Agreement with Harris Design for the Siempre Verde Park Rehabilitation Project, Project No. 2015.0270





Staff recommends that the City Council approve Consulting Services Agreement Amendment No. 1 with Harris Design in the amount of $21,669.15, resulting in a total contract amount of $82,004.15, and authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1. The project budget has sufficient allocations to fund the increased costs that have already been expended.




Harris Design prepared the design and construction documents for this project under a separate contract.  The subject contract with Harris Design is for support of construction assistance during the construction phase of the project. The scope of this contract includes site visits to confirm compliance with design intent, as well as review of shop drawings, submittals, and requests for information.


It is customary to engage the design firm in a contract for construction assistance as their thorough knowledge of the project provides for timely response to questions and resolution of issues.  As a result of Harris Design’s assistance with the project construction delays were avoided.




Additional design work was necessary during the construction phase due to new comments received on the site design and also due to unforeseen conditions.  Harris Design assisted the City with design revisions of the following items:


                     Replacement of the flagstone paving at the Tai Chi area with concrete paving

                     Design of a custom concrete mounting for the 1959, 1992 and 2016 dedication plaques

                     Layout of additional boulders added to the site

                     Revised location of various park benches to facilitate the movement of maintenance vehicles

                     Electrical design for reconnection of power to the lights on the Veterans Memorial


Harris Design also assisted the City with miscellaneous other services, such as preparing a colorized site plan for display, additional site visits for review of repeated concrete mock-ups, and coordination with for Bay-Friendly landscaping requirements.  This work has been completed, and staff is requesting authority to execute a contract change order to allow reimbursement of Harris Design for provided services.


Current Agency Policies


                     2013-15 City Council Goal: Maintain and enhance the City’s infrastructure 


Previous Actions


                     On January 4th, 2016, by Resolution 2016-002, the City Council appropriated $381,200.00 in grant funds for the construction of the subject project and returned the same amount of General Funds to the fund balance

                     On September 8th, 2015, by Resolution 2015-161, the City Council awarded a construction contract for the subject project to Robert A. Bothman Construction and authorized the City Manager or his designee to negotiate and approve changes orders to complete the project

                     On July 20, 2015, by Resolution 2015-136, the City Council approved a consulting services agreement with Harris Design to provide support during the construction phase of the subject project

                     On March 2, 2015, by Resolution No. 2015-058, the City Council allocated funds for the design and construction of the Siempre Verde Park Rehabilitation Project and approved a Consulting Services Agreement with Harris Design for the development of construction-ready plans and specifications for the subject project

                     On February 17, 2015, by Resolution No. 2015-026, the City Council authorized the City Manager to Submit an Application for Housing-Related Parks Program Grant Funds for up to $500,000 in Grant Funding to Rehabilitate Siempre Verde Park based on the Construction of the Marea Alta (formerly The Cornerstone) Family Apartments

                     On December 1, 2014, by Resolution No. 2014-132, the City Council authorized the City Manager to Execute a State Standard Agreement with the California Department of Housing and Community Development for a Housing-Related Parks Program Grant in the Amount of $1,376,600

                     On January 6, 2014, by Resolution No. 2014-004, the City Council authorized the City Manager to Submit an Application for Housing-Related Parks Program Grant Funds


Applicable General Plan Policies


Goal 21 - Rehabilitation of Existing Parks: Maintain and improve San Leandro’s existing parks and recreational facilities


Environmental Review


This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per Section 15268 of the CEQA guidelines.  The Notice of Exemption was filed with the Alameda County Recorder on December 16, 2010.


Fiscal Impacts


The total project cost was $3,063,201.89, which includes design, construction, and construction administration.


A summary of the construction assistance contract with Harris Design is below:


                     Original Contract                                          $60,335.00

                     Amendment No. 1                                             $21,669.15

                     Total Contract Amount                                          $82,004.15


Budget Authority


Account No

Appropriation Date & Reso



April 27, 2015, Reso No. 2014-132



January 21, 2016, Reso. No. 2016-002



April 17, 2016, BJE 04-005



March 5, 2015, Reso No. 2015-058



March 5, 2015, Reso No. 2015-058



January 21, 2016, Resolution 2016-002



August 11, 2016, BJE 08-005



Total Allocation




                     Harris Design CSA Amendment 1


PREPARED BY:  Kyle K. Lei, Associate Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department