Adopt a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Consulting Services Agreement with RRM Design Group for Design of Improvements to Memorial Park, Project Number 2020.3040
Staff recommends approval of an agreement with RRM Design Group for a maximum amount of compensation of $275,331 for architectural and engineering services to develop improvement plans for Memorial Park.
Memorial Park, at the corner of Bancroft Avenue and Callan Avenue was originally dedicated in 1938 and expanded to its current size and configuration in the early 1970’s. Except for the play equipment, which was updated almost 20 years ago, the facilities have reached the end of their useful life. The restroom, shade structures, walkways, irrigation, and lighting are good candidates for replacement.
In 2019, the City conducted public outreach and prepared a conceptual plan for renovation of Memorial Park. The conceptual plan includes replacement of the restroom, shade structures, walkways, lighting, irrigation, and play structures; construction of the project is estimated to cost $5,000,000. The new play area is envisioned for an all-ability playground, which is an area that enables people of all levels of physical mobility to participate, interact, and engage with their surroundings and others.
Several applications for grant funding were submitted and in December 2021 the City accepted a grant from the State of California of $2,750,000 for the project. The grant was awarded primarily for the proposed all-ability playground. The funding comes with a very short timeline. To expend the funds within the allotted time, the City must complete the design of the improvements in early 2023 and complete construction in early 2024. The grant covers only about 55% of the project costs.
A consultant is needed to prepare construction documents for this project. San Leandro usually selects design consultants through a request for proposals or request for qualifications process; however, the City’s purchasing policy permits selection of consultants without using this process when warranted. Selecting a consultant for this project directly is the only way the City can meet the grant schedule.
RRM Design Group was selected as the designer for this project. RRM Design is a landscape architecture and civil engineering firm with an office in San Leandro that specializes in park design and has recent local experience with all-ability parks in Hayward and Pleasanton. RRM Design is well qualified to design the improvements and can meet the project schedule.
The attached contract represents our current understanding of the work required. Occasionally, changes to the scope of contracts are necessary to respond to new information and/or to include additional items of work necessary for a complete product. To resolve these issues in a timely fashion and avoid delaying work, staff requests authorization to issue individual contract amendments to the consultant up to 10% or $27,533 each and cumulative contract amendments up to 25%, or $68,833 of the original contract.
This project is not fully funded. Consistent with direction from the City Council Facilities Committee, City staff will be returning to the City Council in Fall 2022 to present various potential funding options that could be utilized to the bridge the approximately $2.25 million shortfall. Based on the Council’s direction at that time, additional funding will be formally requested for appropriation when a construction contract is awarded.
Current Agency Policies
Maintain and enhance San Leandro’s infrastructure.
Previous Actions
On December 6, 2021, by Resolution No. 2021-173 the City Council accepted grant funds for this project.
Committee Review and Actions
The City Council Facilities and Transportation Committee received a presentation on this project on May 4, 2022,and recommended renovating the entire Memorial Park using both the grant funds and local funds.
Applicable General Plan Policies
Policy OSC-1.1 Park Rehabilitation. Encourage the rehabilitation of the City’s parks to provide residents of all ages and physical capabilities with access to as wide a variety of recreational experiences as possible. Park improvements should maintain a balance between active and passive recreation areas and should ensure that the park system benefits a diverse range of user groups.
Environmental Review
A California Environmental Quality Act review will be performed during the design of this project. The project is anticipated to be categorically exempt per California Code of Regulations section 15302, which states that replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities are exempt.
Board/Commission Review and Actions
The Recreation and Parks Commission received an update on the project on November 6, 2019, and a presentation on the project on March 3, 2021.
Summary of Public Outreach Efforts
Five meetings with focus groups were held in July 2019. Due to the limited time for design, no further public input is planned.
Fiscal Impacts
The cost of this design contract is $275,331.
The cost of this multi-fund project is detailed below. The budget authority section has details on the funding types, accounts, and authorizations. CIP accounts are carried forward for five years or until the work is complete, whichever comes first.
Design and Bid $400,000
Construction Contract $3,300,000
Design and Construction Contingencies $825,000
Construction Management and Inspection $475,000
TOTAL $5,000,000
Budget Authority
The project is funded as follows:
Account No. Reso, Appropriation Dates & Source Amount
150-62-142 2021-173, State Grant $2,750,000
Additional appropriations will be requested when the construction contract is awarded.
Attachment(s) to Staff Report
Attachment A Reso Approve CSA RRM Memorial Park
Attachment A Exhibit A CSA RRM Design
Attachment B RPC minutes 2019-11-6
Attachment C RPC minutes 2021-3-3
Attachment D Reso No. 2021-173 Accept Grant Funds
PREPARED BY: Nick Thom, City Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department