File #: 14-438    Version: 1 Name: Vessel Turn-In Program (VTIP) grant agreement
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/20/2014 Final action: 10/20/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a $9,400 Vessel Turn-In Program (VTIP) Grant Agreement Between the City of San Leandro and the State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways for Removal of Watercraft Turned in to the San Leandro Marina by the Property Owner
Related files: 14-441
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a $9,400 Vessel Turn-In Program (VTIP) Grant Agreement Between the City of San Leandro and the State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways for Removal of Watercraft Turned in to the San Leandro Marina by the Property Owner
The Vessel Turn-In Program (VTIP) provides an alternative for boat owners to surrender an unwanted recreational vessel to participating local agencies.
VTIP was established by Assembly Bill (AB) 166 (Chapter 416, Statutes 2009) and became effective January 1, 2010. The program provides grants to local agencies to administer a turn-in program in their jurisdiction. Funding for VTIP comes from the Abandoned Watercraft Abatement Fund (AWAF), but is separate from the existing AWAF program and receives separate budget authority. Participation in the current AWAF program is not required to participate in VTIP.
The San Leandro Marina currently has two potential watercraft that are candidates for this grant.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the Vessel Turn-In Program Grant Agreement, between the City and the State of California, Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways.
The City applied for a $15,000 VTIP grant on April 30, 2014.  On July 25, 2014 the State approved a $9,400 grant pending the State budget approval.  On September 11, 2014 the State grant agreement documents were received for review by staff and approval by the City Council.
Currently the City has two possible vessels that meet the VTIP requirements.
Under California Harbors and Navigation Code §525 (C), a 10-percent local matching contribution is required for the Vessel Turn-in Program Grant. The contribution may be rendered in cash, or through in-kind contributions that must be verified and approved, all at the discretion of the Department of Boating and Waterways. The local matching contribution could include, but is not limited to, administrative costs, personnel hours, and removal and/or storage costs.  The City will contribute the 10% local matching contribution in administrative costs and personnel hours to oversee the contracts and prepare the watercraft for towing, removal and disposal.
Staff estimates the costs of removal and disposal is approximately between $2,500 and $6,500 per watercraft.  If the grant is not approved, the City will not take possession of the vessels. There is a potential for abandonment.  If a vessel is abandoned, the City may bear the cost without reimbursement.
Applicable General Plan Policies
·      General Plan, Chapter 3.3H. San Leandro Marina
·      General Plan, Goal 9
Legal Analysis
The City Attorney reviewed the grant agreement and has approved it as to form.
Fiscal Impacts
The Vessel Turn-In Program grant is a sum not to exceed $9,400 submitted to the City of San Leandro via reimbursement.  Ten percent matching contribution is required and the City intends to make the match through administrative costs and personnel hours.
Budget Authority
The expenditure account (597-57-178) will require a $9,400 appropriation from the Shoreline Fund available cash.  The revenue account (597-3607) will receive reimbursements from the State for the Vessel Turn-In Program Grant. Although the Shoreline Fund has a negative fund balance primarily due to debt, there is sufficient cash available to cover expenses until the grant proceeds are received.
Attachment to Resolution
  • Grant Agreement
PREPARED BY:  Delmarie Snodgrass, Marina Manager, Public Works Department