File #: 16-135    Version: 1 Name: Amend Master Fee Schedule FY 2016-17
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/2/2016 Final action: 5/2/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Approving Adjustments to City Fees and Service Charges for 2016-17
Attachments: 1. PowerPoint
Related files: 16-136


Staff Report for Resolution Approving Adjustments to City Fees and Service Charges for 2016-17





Staff recommends the City Council approve the proposed adjustments to City user fees and service charges in the Master Fee Schedule for 2016-17.  This resolution is being presented to the City Council for approval as part of the 2016-17 budget update approval process. 




The City conducts a review of all user fees and service charges as part of its annual budget preparation process.  City user fees and service charges are based on a variety of criteria including comparable fee levels in surrounding cities; changes in the local Consumer Price Index (CPI); and the cost to provide the associated service.  If approved and adopted by the City Council, the following proposed adjustments to the City’s user fees and service charges would be effective July 1, 2016.


The Master Fee Schedule is a compilation of City Council approved fees for special services requested by some residents and businesses in the community.  Local agencies are allowed to set fees at rates that obtain fair and reasonable recovery of the costs incurred by the General Fund in providing a special service, thereby minimizing or eliminating the use of limited General Fund revenues.  Historically, the City has strived to maximize cost recovery through setting fees at levels appropriate given escalating costs of doing business and market comparisons. 


Full cost recovery is a policy direction by the City Council and the fee schedule that maximizes cost recovery opportunities through appropriate fee revenues is a critical component of the City’s on-going financial stability.  In the 2016-17 General Fund Budget, the proposed estimated department revenues total $6,777,000, or approximately 7% of the General Fund operating revenues.  Modifications to the City’s fee schedule to remain up-to-date with escalating operating costs are generally completed on an annual basis.


Attached to the resolution accompanying this report is the City of San Leandro Fee Schedule that provides detail of current fees and adjustments, as well as the addition of 10 new fees:

                     one each in Community Development Building, Community Development Planning, Engineering and Transportation, and Fire Department,

                     two in Public Works, and

                     four in Recreation and Human Services


These new fees are shown in bold and italics. The proposed charges are in the right hand column and are printed in bold and italics.


The following summarizes departmental changes to the fee schedule for 2016-17:


City Wide

                     Legal services for paralegal time increased


Community Development

                     Building Regulations:

o                     most fees are increased by the 2.6% CPI

o                     minimal description changes

o                     new fee for Non-residential re-roof



o                     fees increased by the 2.6% CPI

o                     minor description changes

o                     Clarification of referral to BZA fee


Engineering & Transportation

                     Park facilities development impact fees increased based on the Engineering News Record (ENR) construction cost index

                     Overhead utility conversion increased by ENR for underground utilities factor

                     Traffic division adjusted by ENR DFSI escalation factor

                     New traffic calming service fee


Finance - no changes


Fire - increased fees by 2.6% CPI and changed Hazardous Materials Response and Other Incident Fees to coincide with Alameda County fees


Library - no changes


Police - no changes


Public Works

                     Four Equipment Rental fees changed 

                     Two new fees associated with Solid Waste and Recycling Receptacles

                     Marina fees - Berth rentals are increased by 2.6% as allowed by the Department of Boating and Waterways loan agreement, Article VI, section 5 (C)

                     Environmental Services - most fees increased by the 2.6% CPI

                     Wastewater Discharge Service fees - increased by 2.6% CPI and reclassified the Grease Disposal and Treatment fee to this category


Recreation and Human Services

                     New Overtime fee for facility rentals

                     New fees for Siempre Verde Park

                     New fees for Overcapacity, Inflatable and Cancellation for Park rentals

                     Modified text for Field Rentals


Fiscal Impacts


Staff estimates that the proposed fees will generate $105,000 in additional General Fund revenue and $215,000 in additional Enterprise Fund revenue.


General Fund Fees:                     Revenues

  Community Development/Building                     $ 100,000

  Engineering & Transportation                       5,000

Total General Fund                     $  105,000


Enterprise Fund Fees:

  Sewer Service Rates                     $ 200,000

  Storm Water Fees                     15,000

Total Enterprise Fund                     $  215,000




Attachment to Resolution

                     2016-17 Proposed Fee Schedule


PREPARED BY:  David Baum, Finance Director, Finance Department