Adopt a Resolution to Approve an Amendment to the City’s Master Fee Schedule to Add a Parking Citation Fine for New California Vehicle Code Violations for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
• Public Safety
Amendment to City Master Fee Schedule related to adding a new Parking Citation Fine for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 to meet the Statewide Daylighting Law that makes it illegal to park within 20 feet of a marked or unmarked crosswalk.
Staff recommends the City Council approve a resolution amending the City’s FY 2024-2025 Master Fee Schedule to add a Parking Citation Fine for violations of the new State Daylighting Law.
The Master Fee Schedule is a compilation of City Council approved fees for services provided to residents and businesses in the community. Historically, the City strives to balance maximizing cost recovery, with reasonable fees encouraging growth and stability in the local residential and commercial economy.
Parking restrictions are an essential parking management tool used by cities to maintain access to the curb and other parking resources for a variety of uses. These uses may include emergency access for first responders by designating no parking zones and fire lanes or disabled access parking spaces and loading zones to provide equitable access to limited parking assets for residents, visitors and commercial deliveries. Parking management is also important in areas with high demand for parking, like downtown commercial centers. Time-limited and paid parking restrictions further aim to promote the turnover of parking spaces, which provides a direct benefit to local businesses, and limits the impact on residential areas.
Parking Citation Fines are collected for violations of San Leandro Municipal Code Title 6 Vehicles (Chapters 6-1 Traffic Control, 6-2 Parking Meter and Tow Away Zones, 6-4 Abatement of Abandon Vehicles, and 6-7 Truck Routes) and violations of the California Vehicle Code (Chapter 9. Stopping, Standing, and Parking [22500 - 22526]).
Assembly Bill 413, more commonly known as the “Daylighting Law,” takes effect across California in 2025. It bans drivers from parking within 20 feet of the vehicle approach side of a crosswalk to make intersections safer for pedestrians. The law applies whether the crosswalk is marked or unmarked and regardless of if the curb is painted red. The parking ban is reduced to 15 feet of any crosswalk with a curb extension
The City’s outreach to educate the public about the Daylighting Law includes the following elements:
• Promotion to the local press (Television, Radio, Print and Online)
• Full Page Ad in the San Leandro Times (12/12/24 Edition) Included as Attachment C.
• Promotion on the City of San Leandro's social media pages (Facebook, Instagram)
• Public Service Announcement Video to be promoted using paid advertising through Google/YouTube
Public Works staff will remove the parking meters and associated pavement markings within 20 feet of marked and unmarked crosswalks. LAZ Parking, the City’s parking enforcement contractor for Downtown San Leandro, will began issuing citations at intersections for Curb Marking violations per San Leandro Municipal Code Section 6.1.505 that prohibits parking, stopping, standing at a red curb. The fine for a Curb Marking violation is $68.00. While the Daylighting Law applies to all intersections, it is impractical for the City to paint intersections throughout the entire City red. Public Works and the Police Department will analyze the need for additional red curbs in the future.
To meet the Daylighting Law mandate, staff recommends the City add a new parking citation fine of $63.00 for Daylighting Law violations consistent with California Vehicle Code Section 22500(n), which prohibits the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle within 20 feet of the vehicle approach side of any unmarked or marked crosswalk or 15 feet of any crosswalk with a curb extension anywhere in California.
Page 22 of the FY 2024-2025 Proposed Master Fee Schedule provides details of the current fees and the proposed change is included as Attachment B. Staff proposed the following citation be added to the Police Department list of Parking Citation Fines:
Description Proposed Fee Reference
Parking Citation Fines:
Parking within 20 feet of a marked or unmarked crosswalk $63.00 CVC 22500(n)
Fiscal Impacts
There is no General Fund impact from the proposed addition of the Parking Citation Fine for the Daylighting Law. Revenue from the proposed new fine would be deposited into the Parking Fund (Fund 132). Staff estimates an increase in citation revenue of approximately $10,000 annually.
A. Resolution Amending Title 6, Chapter 4 of the San Leandro Administrative Code to Add a Parking Citation Fine for New California Vehicle Code Violation
B. City of San Leandro FY 2024-2025 Proposed Master Fee Schedule (abbreviated)
C. Daylighting Outreach
D. Presentation - FY 2024-2025 Master Fee Schedule Update for New Parking Citation Fine
Natalie Villaseñor, Senior Management Analyst