File #: 14-381    Version: 1 Name: SL Ball Park Locker/Restroom Refurbishment - AWARD (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 10/20/2014 Final action: 10/20/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Awarding Construction Contract to Southland Construction for the San Leandro Ball Park Locker / Restroom Refurbishment, Project No. 2003.0331
Attachments: 1. Bid Summary.pdf
Related files: 14-382
Staff Report for a Resolution Awarding Construction Contract to Southland Construction for the San Leandro Ball Park Locker / Restroom Refurbishment, Project No. 2003.0331
This contract provides for accessibility upgrades to the existing public restrooms and team locker rooms at the San Leandro Ball Park.
Staff recommends award of a contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Southland Construction, in the amount of $242,634 for the subject project.
On March 2, 2009, the City received a Project Grant amount of $3,740,998 from the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) pursuant to the Measure WW Park Bond. The funds are for the acquisition and development of neighborhood, community, regional parks, and recreation lands and facilities. City staff asked residents for their input on how they would like the money spent, and then chose to proceed with the top ten projects.
The amount of $515,452 in WW funds is allocated to the City to renovate the public restroom and team lockers at the San Leandro Ball Park.  These facilities are over 45 years old and in need of refurbishment.  This project will replace the interior finishes, partitions, lighting, and plumbing fixtures, as well as complete accessibility upgrades to these rooms.
Bids were opened on September 2, 2014.  Seven bids were received of which six were responsive with bid amounts ranging from $242,634 to $551,000.  The Engineer's Estimate for the work is $392,000.  Southland Construction submitted the lowest responsive bid of $242,634.  The listed bid prices include base bid plus bid alternate one.
This project is subject to the San Leandro Local Business Preference and Participation Ordinance. Two of the seven bidders received the local business bid preference. Six of the seven bidders met the good faith effort for local business participation; the second highest bidder was determined to be non-responsive due to a lack of effort in contracting with local businesses.  The low bidder, Southland Construction, is not a San Leandro business but will employ local subcontractors to complete 11% of the contract value.
Applicable General Plan Policies
This project is consistent with General Plan Goal No. 52.07 to provide for the ongoing maintenance of City-owned facilities.
Permits and/or Variances Granted
A City of San Leandro Building Permit was obtained for this work.
Environmental Review
This project is categorically exempt from CEQA per Section 15301(c) - Existing Facilities.  A CEQA Categorical Exemption for this project was filed with Alameda County on March 26, 2010.  
Code Compliance Review
A City of San Leandro Building Permit was obtained for this project under the 2013 San Leandro Building Code based on the 2012 International Building Code.
Summary of Public Outreach Efforts
This project was posted on the City's website and advertised in the Daily Review on August 7, 2014.  Notification of this bid opportunity was also sent to local Builder's Exchanges as well as contractors who registered with the City to be informed of bidding opportunities.  
Fiscal Impacts
Total project cost is anticipated to be $467,000 including design, construction management, inspection, and construction contingencies.  
Budget Authority
This project is fully funded by existing appropriations of WW Grant Funds in CIP account 150-62-110.  
ยท      Bid Summary
PREPARED BY:  Mark Goralka, Associate Engineer, Engineering and Transportation Department