File #: 17-041    Version: 1 Name: Staff report Class changes SLMO, SLCEA, Conf
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 2/6/2017 Final action: 2/6/2017
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution to Amend the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) Salary Schedule to Add Economic Development Manager Classification and Eliminate Business Development Manager Classification; Amend the San Leandro City Employees' Association (SLCEA) Salary Schedule to Add Audio-Visual Services Operator Classification, Crime Analyst Classification and to Eliminate the Crime Analysis Technician Classification; and Amend the Confidential Employees Salary Schedule to Add Payroll Specialist Classification and to Eliminate the Financial Supervisor Classification
Related files: 17-043


Staff Report for a Resolution to Amend the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) Salary Schedule to Add Economic Development Manager Classification and Eliminate Business Development Manager Classification; Amend the San Leandro City Employees’ Association (SLCEA) Salary Schedule to Add Audio-Visual Services Operator Classification, Crime Analyst Classification and to Eliminate the Crime Analysis Technician Classification; and Amend the Confidential Employees Salary Schedule to Add Payroll Specialist Classification and to Eliminate the Financial Supervisor Classification





Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution to amend the salary schedules for the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) to eliminate the Business Development Manager classification and add Economic Development Manager classification; amend the San Leandro City Employees’ Association (SLCEA) Salary Schedule to add Crime Analyst and Audio-Visual Services Operator classifications and eliminate the Crime Analysis Technician classification; and amend the Confidential Employees’ salary schedule to add Payroll Specialist classification and eliminate the Financial Supervisor classification.




San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) Salary Schedule

The Business Development Manager classification was originally developed in 1995 and was last revised in 2008.  Since then, industry terminology has evolved such that the title of this position should now be Economic Development Manager.  Revising the title to reflect more field specific nomenclature is beneficial to the City, because it can recruit a stronger applicant pool and remain current in the economic development industry.  The City has met and conferred with SLMO to agree on these changes.


San Leandro City Employees’ Association (SLCEA) Salary Schedule

In 2013, the City Council Chamber was upgraded to include audio and video equipment, which created the need for an ongoing, part-time position to manage and operate it on a regular basis.  The creation of an Audio-Visual Services Operator position establishes specific job requirements and expectations and will assist in recruiting and retaining qualified individuals to fill that vacancy.  The City has met and conferred with the SLCEA to agree on the establishment, duties, and recommended compensation for this classification.


In 2012, the Crime Analysis Technician classification was created and subsequently filled.  The position was vacated less than four years later, which prompted staff to analyze the classification’s specifications and survey other agencies to determine if the classification was competitive and comparable to neighboring, benchmark agencies.  The survey results determined that the minimum requirements, level of work, and compensation for this classification are higher than what were established in San Leandro’s job specification.  As a result, Human Resources and Police Department staff worked together to revise the specification to address the needs of the department as well as establish a classification that is competitive with neighboring agencies.  The City met and conferred with SLCEA to agree on the revision to this classification.


Confidential Employee Group Salary Schedule

In 2008, the Financial Supervisor position was vacated and the essential functions of this position were largely absorbed by the Deputy or Assistant Finance Director.  Over the last couple of years, payroll processing responsibilities have become significantly more complex due to mandated IRS, State, and CalPERS reporting requirements, and increased regulations for the distribution of Workers’ Compensation and Disability payments.  However, no classification existed to handle the higher, more technical level of work, which was cause for staff to review and analyze current specifications.  This resulted in a staff determination that a Payroll Specialist classification was necessary.  Staff recommends the establishment of a Payroll Specialist classification and the elimination of the Financial Supervisor classification.




Revisions to the Business Development Manager classification will have no fiscal impact to the General Fund because the classification will remain at salary range 7.  The creation of the Audio-Visual Services Operator classification is proposed at salary range 55 and will not have a fiscal impact to the General Fund because the Information Technology Division in the City Manager’s Office currently budgets for this position.  The elevation of the Crime Analyst classification is proposed at salary range 74.  The increase in salary will not have a fiscal impact on the General Fund because the Police Department has sufficient savings to cover the increase.  The Payroll Specialist classification is proposed at salary range 312 and will not have a fiscal impact on the General Fund because the Finance Department has sufficient savings to cover the increase. 


PREPARED BY:  Emily Hung, Human Resources Manager, City Manager’s Office