File #: 14-575    Version: 1 Name: SR Chamber CSA 2015
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 1/20/2015 Final action: 1/20/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a Consulting Services Agreement with the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce for $50,000 to Support New and Ongoing Economic Development Services
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a Consulting Services Agreement with the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce for $50,000 to Support New and Ongoing Economic Development Services
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution Approving a Consulting Services Agreement with the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce for $50,000 to Support New and Ongoing Economic Development Services.
For several years, the City, either by itself or through the former Redevelopment Agency, executed Consulting Services Agreements with the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce to provide financial support and for the performance of specific tasks that advance San Leandro's economic development goals. The proposed Agreement includes several events and services -- detailed below -- and is intended to cover the remainder of Fiscal Year 2014-15 and the first six months of Fiscal Year 2015-16.
With limited resources for economic development activities, the City of San Leandro is constantly exploring opportunities to leverage resources in the private sector to advance economic development goals and initiatives. With a large membership of San Leandro businesses, the Chamber of Commerce is particularly well-situated to assist with events and activities that require outreach to the business community.
Based on discussions between City staff and the Chamber, the parties have arrived at the following scope of services for the proposed Agreement.
The Agreement will be funded through an existing General Fund appropriation.
Task 1: San Leandro by Design Events
Develop and manage three San Leandro by Design events to tentatively include: the 2014 follow-up event to the 2013 Out-of-the-Box event at Bayfair; a San Leandro Development Opportunities event for the developer, investor, architect and broker communities; a San Leandro Young Professional event to bring together professionals with the growing maker community of professionals with the tentative topic of Young Professionals Transforming the City; and a Housing & Jobs event to focus on the supply-demand dynamics of these two critical economic drivers in San Leandro. The City of San Leandro will be listed and promoted as a prime sponsor of each event.
Task 2: National Manufacturing Day San Leandro 2015
Building on the pilot program from 2014, create what will become the annual "National Manufacturing Day San Leandro," engaging at least ten production companies to celebrate the City's manufacturing heritage as well as its new maker community. The K-12 and community college districts will also be engaged in order to provide students the opportunity to experience a working production environment. The City Economic Development team will be full partners in this celebration.
Task 3: Lit San Leandro Pilot Customer Service Program
Manage, in partnership with the City and Lit San Leandro, a pilot customer service program to ensure that existing and potential fiber service users receive the best return on their investment, develop three existing customer case studies, and evaluate the service to determine what, if any, service changes should be made.
Task 4: Career Pathways Trust / Industrial Founders' Circle - Local Program Development
To develop, in partnership with the two school districts and the City, , opportunities through a San Leandro Career Pathways System for local companies to provide accredited on-the-job experience for high school students; and career "familiarization" opportunities for K-8 students.
Additionally, the Chamber will coordinate at least two events designed to build linkages between traditional and new/modern manufacturing companies to facilitate sharing of expertise and workforce development programs and mentorship opportunities to support the budding maker community.
Task 5: Business Association Development Support
Hold at least three coordinating meetings with the African American Business Council, Asian Business Council, the Hispanic Business Council, and the just-launched Young Professionals Council, to strengthen community outreach and communication as well as collaboration around common issues local small and medium sized businesses face in this economy.
Task 6: San Leandro Branding & Marketing
Utilizing the Chamber's new website, newsletter and social media channels, support the branding and marketing of San Leandro, with the focus on the business community through strategic interaction with appropriate business audiences, Chamber members, the local community and the public at large. This includes promoting San Leandro's assets such as Lit San Leandro, new developments, location, and social, cultural and natural amenities. Work to be carried out in collaboration with the City and the Downtown Community Benefit District, and other entities as opportunities arise.
"San Leandro" Magazine
The City will invest in two full-page promotional advertisements in the publication of the "San Leandro Magazine", to be published twice a year. The Chamber of Commerce will work to develop a partnership with the new ownership of the local / regional marketing publication "Oakland/Alameda Magazine."
Task 7: Super Bowl 2016
Develop programming to help San Leandro businesses leverage activity and excitement surrounding Super Bowl 50 in Santa Clara in February 2016. Consider events at Ricky's or the Englander and explore coordination with the East Bay EDA, which is also planning activities and marketing related to the Super Bowl.
Task 8: Speakers Series
Building upon San Leandro by Design, Chamber Business Associations, or additional events, coordinate four events that feature speakers offering expertise that can benefit San Leandro businesses or help the greater community further develop a vision for the future. The City will be offered the opportunity to identify speakers for at least two events.
Previous Actions
The most recent previous Agreement with the Chamber of Commerce was executed on October 15, 2013 and expired on December 31, 2014.
Legal Analysis
This Agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney and approved as to form.
Fiscal Impacts
This General Fund program will cost $50,000 and will be funded by $10,000 budgeted in FY 2014-15 for Chamber support and a budget transfer of $40,000from Account 010-14-010-8513 Non-Departmental Community Investment to Account 010-41-003-5120 Business Development.
ยท      Agreement
PREPARED BY:  Jeff Kay, Business Development Manager, Community Development Department