File #: 14-229    Version: 1 Name: Citywide Janitorial NPSA
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/7/2014 Final action: 7/7/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Approving a Non-Professional Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro and Flagship Facility Services, Inc. for Citywide Janitorial Services
Related files: 14-228
Staff Report for Resolution Approving a Non-Professional Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro and Flagship Facility Services, Inc. for Citywide Janitorial Services
Staff recommends that the City Council approve a Non-Professional Services Agreement with Flagship Facility Services, Inc., for an annual amount of $523,272, plus $20,000 to cover extra services, to perform Citywide janitorial services.
On August 12, 2013, the City notified the contracted janitorial firm that it would not renew its agreement due to breach of contract (inability to meet all contractual obligations).  The City solicited month-to-month bids from three different janitorial firms to perform Citywide janitorial services in the interim, until a formal RFP process was initiated. Flagship Facility Services, Inc. was chosen as the interim firm based on its ability to quickly mobilize, take on all aspects of the work and perform (on an interim basis) within the existing budget parameters.
On February 25, 2014, the Public Works Department issued a Request for Proposals (RFP 53282) for Citywide janitorial services. Nine firms submitted proposals deemed responsive to the RFP.  After review by a committee of internal staff, the nine proposals were ranked by points awarded for the following criteria: adherence to requirements of the RFP (10 points); qualifications, technical competency and similar experience (20 points); total cost proposal for monthly service (25 points); completeness of an operations plan (25 points); references from other local agencies (10 points); and the company's financial condition (10 points). Total scores varied from a low of 49.4 to a high of 81 points out of 100. Flagship Facility Services, Inc. a San Jose-based company was the firm with the highest score. The contract will be initiated when approved and will extend through June 30, 2015, with the option for the City to extend it annually for four additional years.
Fiscal Impact
The new agreement will cost the City a total of $543,272 per year. The bid price encompasses 16 locations, including City Hall complex, Public Works Service Center, Water Pollution Control Plant, Marina office and restrooms, all libraries, the Senior Community Center, the Marina Community Center, parks and recreation buildings, and the Boys and Girls Club. The proposed contractual start date is July 1, 2014.
Budget Authority
The agreement is for $543,272 and will be charged to account 687-18-001-5350 (Building Maintenance Fund). The amount includes an additional $20,000 for extra cleaning services that may be performed on an as needed basis. The account was budgeted $512,870 for fiscal year 2014-2015 so staff requests an additional appropriation of $30,402 from fund balance to cover the contract costs. There is a sufficient balance in the fund to cover the additional appropriation for the fiscal year.
Attachment to Resolution
  • Agreement
PREPARED BY:      Jennifer Auletta, Deputy Public Works Director