File #: 12-107    Version: 1 Name: CC/SLUSD Liaison Committee Highlights - 2/2/12
Type: Minutes Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/5/2012 Final action: 3/5/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee Meeting Highlights of February 2, 2012
Attachments: 1. 2 2 2012 City & SLUSD Liaison Committee Agenda, 2. SLUSD Solar Measure M Presentation, 3. 2 2 2012 City & SLUSD Liaison Committee Meeting Sign in Sheets
City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee Meeting Highlights of February 2, 2012
Committee Members:      Council Member Pauline Cutter, Vice Mayor Michael Gregory, Board Member Michael Katz-Lacabe, Board President Morgan Mack-Rose, Board Member Diana Prola
Absent:      Mayor Stephen Cassidy
City Staff Present:      City Manager Chris Zapata, Deputy City Manager Jacqui Diaz, Public Works Director Michael Bakaldin, Recreation and Human Services Director Carolyn Knudtson, Police Sergeant Bob Sanchez, Police Officer Louie Brandt, Police Officer Troy Young, Administrative Specialist Mary Foster
SLUSD Staff Present:      Superintendent Cindy Cathey, Assistant Superintendent Song Chin-Bendib, Maintenance Manager Greg Dyer, Communications Outreach Specialist Robin Michel, Director of Measure B Mike Murphy
Public:      Dale Gregory, Tim Holmes, Kiyoshi Ito
The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m.
Vice Mayor Gregory introduced the City's new City Manager, Chris Zapata.  Mr. Zapata expressed his gratitude to be at the meeting and to meet the District representatives.
1.      Discussion Regarding Photovoltaic Panels
Superintendent Cathey began by announcing that the SLUSD Board approved the Measure M photovoltaic/solar panel design for the San Leandro High School (SLHS) Swim Center and Parking Lot, and the SLUSD Pacific Sports Complex and Burrell Field.  Assistant Superintendent Chin-Bendib gave a PowerPoint presentation (attached) on the subject.  A discussion ensued regarding the project, i.e., potential vandalism of the panels, site placement of the panels and impact on the project.  Vice Mayor Gregory commented that the installation of the panels will expand the possibility for potential green jobs in the East Bay "Green Corridor" and hopefully this project will leverage for more Bond monies for the District in the future.  He also thanked the District staff for the presentation.
2.      Discussion Regarding Text-A-Tip
Sergeant Troy Young gave a short overview of the Text-A-Tip Program, an instant message notification system that the San Leandro Police Department will implement in March 2012.  The program is another option for residents and students specifically to contact the police department anonymously with important information.  A discussion ensued regarding the program.  Committee members suggested many public outreach ideas to specifically notify students of this new technology, i.e., City and District website bulletins, newsletter to parents and press releases.
3.      Update on District Parcel Tax
Superintendent Cathey explained that the District Board approved a consultant to conduct a community survey of approximately 400 random households in the city to see if there is support for a parcel tax.  Board Member Katz-Lacabe gave a brief history of the April 2006 parcel tax measure that failed.  A discussion ensued.
4.      Discussion Regarding Pacific Sports Complex Joint Use Agreement
Deputy City Manager Diaz described that staff from the City and District have met several times since April 2011, in which the conceptual design was discussed, as well as maintenance and operations.  Ms. Diaz continued that other details, particularly the subject of costs, are coming together and should be available in a few weeks.  A discussion ensued regarding the project and how the complex will be a benefit to the City and District, and how the complex will be managed at the most cost effective level.
Committee Recommendation:  The Committee recommends the City Council direct the City Manager to enable City staff to work with District staff to develop estimates for maintenance and operational costs, to be brought back to the Liaison Committee for discussion.
5.      Update on Forum on Children
Vice Mayor Gregory expressed his enthusiasm for the upcoming Forum on Saturday, April 21 at the Main Library.  Ms. Diaz announced the next planning meeting for the Forum on Children will be February 15.  She continued that the conceptual design of the Forum is progressing well, i.e., a keynote speaker with two segments and three break out sessions.  A discussion on possible keynote speakers and intended subject matter, i.e., Education in the Future, Technology and Teens, and Youth Wellness Issues.
6.      Public Comments
Dale Gregory, Co-Director of the Broadmoor Parent Cooperative Preschool, gave an overview of the Parent Education Program and the hope of the program's expansion.  She requested that a parent education component be part of the upcoming Spring Forum on Children, noting the key piece in a child's life is a role model adult.
Two scouts from the Boy Scouts of America who are working on their communications merit badge attended the meeting.
7.      Committee Comments
Council Member Cutter announced that she was content with the direction of the Committee.
Chair Mack-Rose announced that she attended a Community Based School Conference in Oakland that discussed Collective Impact issues on how to more effectively provide better services to students and families.  Ms. Mack-Rose also spoke about the District's Finance Committee, which recently met, and how the District is required to report a two-year budget to the County by March 15, which may include a $4.5 million budget cut next year and the importance of a parcel tax, although that will be only a partial solution.  She suggested this Committee discuss combining maintenance operations in the future.  She also announced the a Pacific High School and San Leandro High School Reunion Football game will take place on March 31.  She also reminded everyone that there will be a San Leandro High School PTA Fundraiser at Drake's Brewery on February 3.
Board Member Prola spoke about a County Office of Education study in Childhood Education which discussed how children handle their emotions and social skills, particularly in times of crisis, i.e., Hurricane Katrina, and the best results were children who were mentored by a viable adult.  Ms. Prola also announced she wrote a letter to AC Transit regarding the replacement of a bus stop due to the fact that a 60 foot double bus was blocking an intersection near a school.  A discussion ensued that contacting the City's Transportation Engineers might be the best route for a solution to the bus stop issue.
Board Member Katz-Lacabe expressed his pleasure that the signal light at the intersection of 136th and Bancroft Avenues were on the next City Council agenda.  Mr. Katz-Lacabe announced he will attend the Lit San Leandro event at OSIsoft on February 7 and hopes that the District can also benefit from the project.  He also expressed for a future committee agenda item that the very rare Transit of the Planet Venus be discussed, in which the planet will pass directly between the earth and the sun in June 2012.
Mr. Gregory announced that he attended the Alameda County Medical Center event at Highland Hospital in which school-based wellness programs were discussed and hopes that San Leandro can become more involved in these programs.  He also announced a Sutter Hospital and Eden Healthcare District Town Hall Meeting on February 8, 6:00 p.m. at the Senior Community Center.
8.      Adjourn
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:33 p.m.