File #: 24-271    Version: 1 Name: Amendment No. 1 to Consultant Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro and ClientFirst Consulting
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/17/2024 Final action: 6/17/2024
Enactment date: Enactment #: Reso 2024-072
Title: Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 1 to Consultant Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro and ClientFirst Consulting Group, LLC for Technology Consulting Services, Increasing the amount by $205,410, for a Total Amount not to Exceed $312,400
Attachments: 1. A - Resolution ClientFirst CSA Amendment, 2. B - ClientFirst Agreement (July 1, 2023), 3. C - ClientFirst CSA Amendment 1


Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 1 to Consultant Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro and ClientFirst Consulting Group, LLC for Technology Consulting Services, Increasing the amount by $205,410, for a Total Amount not to Exceed $312,400 




                     Fiscal Sustainability and Transparency

                     Maintain and Enhance Infrastructure




City Council action amends the agreement between the City of San Leandro and ClientFirst Consulting Group, LLC for Technology Consulting Services. 




Staff recommends that the City Council review and approve Amendment No. 1 to the Consultant Services Agreement between the City of San Leandro and ClientFirst Consulting Group, LLC for Technology Consulting Services through June 30, 2025.




The City's technology infrastructure, including networking switches, firewalls and computers requires regular maintenance and replacement. The City’s Information Technology (IT) Department is responsible for this maintenance. Due to historic low staffing levels, recent vacancies in IT and the extensive maintenance requirements, the IT Department required consulting assistance with the planning and execution of this maintenance and replacement project. 


On July 1, 2023, the City entered into a consulting services agreement with ClientFirst Consulting Group for Interim Project Management, Infrastructure and Helpdesk Management for an amount not to exceed $90,990.  The term of this agreement runs through June 30, 2024. 





The original scope of the consulting services agreement with ClientFirst Consulting Group included:

                     Infrastructure Design and Advisory Services

                     Infrastructure Procurement Services

                     IT Operational Management Assistance


The scope of Amendment No. 1 expands the original scope to include:

                     Project management and execution of infrastructure projects

                     Emergency network outage assistance

                     Telecommunications services inventory and audit


Previous Actions


On November 27, 2023, the City entered into a consulting services agreement with ClientFirst Consultingn Group for Interim Project Management, Infrastructure and Helpdesk Management for an amount not to exceed $90,990.  The term of this agreement runs through June 30, 2024. 


On March 23, 2022, the City entered into a consulting services agreement with ClientFirst Consulting Group for Information Technology Assessment for an amount not to exceed $21,720. This agreement was amended on June 9, 2022, and May 12, 2023 to increase the total amount to $98,935.


Fiscal Impact


The current contract with ClientFirst Consulting Group for $90,990 will increase by $205,410, for a total amount not to exceed $312,400.


Budget Authority


The IT Department Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget includes sufficient funds to cover the consulting services cost.




                     Attachment A:  Resolution, Approving Amendment No. 1 to Agreement

                     Attachment B: Agreement with ClientFirst Consulting Group (July 1, 2023)

                     Attachment C: Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with ClientFirst Consulting Group




Michael Sinor, Chief Technology Officer