File #: 13-590    Version: 1 Name: Recodification of San Leandro Administrative Code
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 12/2/2013 Final action: 12/2/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Adopting the Recodified San Leandro Administrative Code
Related files: 13-591
Staff Report for Resolution Adopting the Recodified San Leandro Administrative Code
The San Leandro Administrative Code (SLAC) has been codified in-house by staff.  The codification of the SLAC is being outsourced for greater efficiency and consistency with the City's other Codes, and to better serve the community by providing more powerful research capabilities.  During the recodification process, the external codifier recommended slightly modifying the format to apply a consistent style and improve readability throughout the Code.  The City Attorney recommends that the updated format be accepted by the City Council.  Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the recodified SLAC.
The SLAC is currently codified in-house and posted as a single PDF file on the City website.  Using a professional codifier provides quicker access and enhanced research capabilities.  Quality Code Publishing currently codifies and publishes the San Leandro Municipal Code and San Leandro Zoning Code.  Services include updating the Codes in paper as well as online.  
During the SLAC recodification process, Quality Code editorially modified the numbering of some sections and the handling of appendices and exhibits to apply a consistent style and improve readability throughout the Code.  Attached is a list of the changes and the "before and after" versions of the affected chapters.  The codifier has offered to reprint the entire code free of charge so that the formatting of the online code and the printed code match.  The recodification involves only format changes, and no changes to content.
The following chapters of the San Leandro Administrative Code were editorially modified during the 2013 recodification:
1.      Chapter 4.2 Conflict of Interest - placed text of Appendices A, B, and C as part of §4.2.105
2.      Chapter 5.1 Implementation of CEQA Guidelines - placed images of Appendices A and B as part of §5.1.105
3.      Chapter 6.4 Fees - placed text of fee schedule under a new §6.4.110
4.      Chapter 8.7 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program - removed §8.7.100 subsection numbers (a) and (b) but kept text to these subsections
5.      Chapter 8.9 Disposal Procedure for Surplus Real Property - placed text of Appendices A and B as part of §8.9.140
6.      Chapter 8.10 Development Fee for Street Improvements - removed §8.10.310 and §8.10.320, moved text to §8.10.300, and placed images of Figures 1 and 2 as part of §8.10.300
7.      Chapter 11.3 Reserve Officers Rules and Regulations - changed bullet points to numbered list in §11.3.300, §11.3.305, §11.3.415, §11.3.530, §11.3.535, §11.3.540, and §11.3.545
Legal Analysis
The City Attorney recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution to establish the updated format in the SLAC.
PREPARED BY:  Vivian Chiu, Deputy City Clerk, City Manager's Office