File #: 14-504    Version: 1 Name: Staff Report Amending SLCEA SS (WPCP increases)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 12/1/2014 Final action: 12/1/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Amending the San Leandro City Employees' Association (SLCEA) Salary Schedule Based upon Compensation Studies that Were Necessary to Comply with the Negotiated Terms of the SLCEA 2013-2014 Memorandum of Understanding to Increase Salaries for Water Pollution Control Plant Classifications and Authorizing the Appropriation of $200,000 Enterprise Fund Balance to Cover the Increase in Salaries and Benefits for Fiscal Year 2014-15
Related files: 14-505
Staff Report for a Resolution Amending the San Leandro City Employees' Association (SLCEA) Salary Schedule Based upon Compensation Studies that Were Necessary to Comply with the Negotiated Terms of the SLCEA 2013-2014 Memorandum of Understanding to Increase Salaries for Water Pollution Control Plant Classifications and Authorizing the Appropriation of $200,000 Enterprise Fund Balance to Cover the Increase in Salaries and Benefits for Fiscal Year 2014-15
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution to amend the salary schedule of the San Leandro City Employees' Association (SLCEA) to include a 2.5% to 7.5% salary increase for classifications held at the Water Pollution Control Plant.  Staff further requests approval from City Council to appropriate funds from the Enterprise Fund balance to cover the increase in salaries and benefits in 2014-15.
During labor negotiations with the San Leandro City Employees' Association (SLCEA), the City agreed to conduct compensation studies of select classifications. The Memorandum of Understanding between the City of San Leandro and SLCEA for the period January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2015, Section 42.12 states:
"City will conduct compensation studies of Public Safety Dispatch, Water Plant classes commencing 60 days following ratification. When agreement on equity studies is reached, pay will be retroactive to ratification date.  In the interim a 2.5% adjustment will be provided effective October 1, 2013 for the Water Plant classifications of Supervisor, Lead Operator, Operator II, Operator I and Operator in Training.  
Other Water Plant classes to be studied are Plant Electrician II, Maintenance Mechanic I/II, Plant Maintenance Supervisor, Plant Maintenance Worker."
The City of San Leandro retained Bryce Consulting, Inc. to conduct the compensation studies. The studies focused on the external equity of total compensation as compared to similar classifications within neighboring agencies in the comparable labor market. The results of the compensation studies concluded that the compensation data for the Public Safety Dispatcher classification indicated that this classification was already at market and no adjustment was recommended. However, the salaries for the City of San Leandro Water Pollution Control Plant classifications were below market, which has resulted in significant recruitment and retention issues for the department.
Based on the results of the compensation studies, the City has met and conferred, and come to an agreement with SLCEA regarding the increases below.  
Classification      Proposed Increase
Laboratory Supervisor      7.5%
Laboratory Technician II      7.5%
Laboratory Technician I       7.5%
Plant Electrician II      5.0%
Plant Electrician I      5.0%
Maintenance Mechanic II      2.5%
Maintenance Mechanic I      2.5%
Plant Maintenance Supervisor       5.0%
Plant Maintenance Worker       2.5%
Street Supervisor      5.0%
 (To be renamed Collection Systems Maintenance Supervisor)
Street Maintenance Worker III      5.0%
 (To be renamed Collection Systems Maintenance Worker III)
Street Maintenance Worker II      5.0%
 (To be renamed Collection Systems Maintenance Worker II)
Street Maintenance Worker I       5.0%
 (To be renamed Collection Systems Maintenance Worker I)
Plant Operations Supervisor       7.5%
Plant Operator - Lead      7.5%
Plant Operator II      7.5%
Plant Operator I       7.5%
Plant Operator in Training      7.5%
Public Safety Dispatcher       no increase
Salary increases would be retroactive to October 1, 2013, which was when the current SLCEA MOU was ratified.
Staff recommends that the salary increases be approved to ensure compensation equity and market competitiveness for Water Pollution Control Plant classifications. It is critical for the City to pay wages that are consistent with the pay rates in the City's labor market area. These salaries will assist the City to better attract and retain qualified personnel in this specialized field.
Board/Commission Review and Actions
The Personnel Relations Board will review the job descriptions for Collection Systems Maintenance Supervisor and Collection Systems Maintenance Worker I/II/III at its January 15, 2015 meeting.  These job descriptions will be created by detaching the job functions specific to the Water Pollution Control Plant from the general job descriptions of Street Supervisor and Street Maintenance Worker I/II/III. Having separate job descriptions will better distinguish the unique duties and responsibilities of workers at the Water Pollution Control Plant, as well as specific experience and educational requirements.
Fiscal Impacts
These salary increases will have no fiscal impact to the General Fund. The positions recommended for increases will be funded by the Water Pollution Control Plant enterprise fund balance once appropriation is approved by City Council. All costs are recovered through user fees. The impact to the 2014-15 Enterprise Fund is projected to be $200,000. Fund 593 fund balance will be used to cover the salary and benefit increases.
Attachment to Related Resolution
  • Salary Schedule
PREPARED BY:  LaTanya Bellow, Human Resources Manager, City Manager's Office