Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Purchase Radio Encryption Keys from Motorola Solutions, Inc. in an Amount not to Exceed $318,169.47 through Sourcewell, a Cooperative Purchasing Agency
• Public Safety
Encrypting public safety radio equipment ensures the City of San Leandro maintains interoperability with public safety agency members of the East Bay Regional Communications System Authority (EBRCSA), while complying with California State Department of Justice (DOJ) regulations, which require law enforcement agencies within the State to protect personally identifiable information from being broadcasted on police radio systems.
Staff recommends that the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to purchase radio encryption keys at a cost of $318,169.47 from Motorola Solutions, Inc. through Sourcewell Contract No. 042021.
On October 12, 2020, the State DOJ required that all police agencies within the State encrypt their communications equipment to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from being broadcast on police radio systems.
Criminal Justice Information (CJI), including radio traffic, controls, and management, are stipulated in the Federal Bureau of Investigations Criminal Justice Information Services Security Policy. Sections,, and 5.13.1 of the policy specifically apply to encryption of systems and communications. Protecting data via encryption provides the ability to broadcast all CJI, both restricted and unrestricted information securely, and all combinations of PII while allowing radio traffic with the information necessary to provide public safety. Additionally, it will prevent citizens listening to police radio channels from being able to have access to PII.
Pursuant to the State DOJ bulletin, the encryption of police radios is a responsibility that falls on each law enforcement agency. The initial deadline for this project was set for June of 2023. To comply with the State DOJ mandate, approval of a purchase order is crucial. This will enable the Police Department to acquire the necessary radio encryption keys.
Sourcewell is a municipal contracting agency that creates cooperative contract purchasing solutions on behalf of over 50,000-member entities including government, education, and non-profit agencies nationwide. Utilizing Sourcewell, staff procured a bid from Motorola Solutions, Inc. for radio encryption keys. Motorola Solutions, Inc. is the exclusive supplier of encryption due to its proprietary engineering.
This recommendation is the most viable option because ensures the City of San Leandro maintains interoperability on the EBRCSA network and comes into compliance with the State DOJ mandate.
Previous Actions
• Resolution No. 2007-109 approved entering into an agreement to join the East Bay Regional Communications System Authority (EBRCSA).
• Resolution No. 2010-124 approving a project operating agreement with EBRCSA and authorizing the execution and implementation of same.
• Resolution No. 2012-072 authorizing an agreement with Red Cloud, Inc. for purchase of radios and equipment to comply with EBRCSA interoperability project.
• Resolution No. 2018-086 authorizing the purchase of Motorola radios and upgrades all public safety radio equipment to the EBRCSA Phase II, TDMA-compatible network.
Financial Impacts
This Council action will not impact fund balance because there are sufficient funds available in the FY2023-2024 adopted budget in account 010-21-018-5311.
A - Resolution Purchase of Motorola Solutions, Inc. Radio Encryption Keys
B - Motorola QUOTE-2402180
PREPARED BY: LaTonya McDaniel, Support Services Manager, Police Department